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Nuclear Security and Incident Response

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Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response

Director: Craig Erlanger (Acting)
Deputy Director: Tara Inverso (Acting)

Develops overall agency policy and provides management direction for evaluation and assessment of technical issues involving security at nuclear facilities, and is the agency safeguards and security interface with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Intelligence and Law Enforcement Communities, Department of Energy (DOE), and other agencies. Develops emergency preparedness policies, regulations, programs, and guidelines for both currently licensed nuclear reactors and potential new nuclear reactors. Provides technical expertise regarding emergency preparedness issues and interpretations, conducts and directs the NRC program for response to incidents, and is the agency emergency preparedness and incident response interface with the DHS, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and other Federal agencies.

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Program Management, Policy Development and Analysis Staff

Director: Michael Lee
Deputy Director: Vacant

Provides leadership and manages strategic and long-range program planning, budget development, financial management, performance monitoring, internal control reviews, human resource analysis, information management, resource control, and other administrative services such as records management, Freedom of Information Act coordination, facilities coordination, and management of principal correspondence. Provides direction and coordination of general administrative matters, and information management and technology functions and responsibilities delegated to the office. Reviews and recommends general administrative procedures. Provides independent review of office policy papers and issues to ensure completeness, promptness, accuracy, and adherence to agency and office policy.

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Division of Physical and Cyber Security Policy

Director: Shakur Walker
Deputy Director: Anthony Bowers

Develops policies and programs related to regulatory policy and licensing reviews for cyber security, safeguards, and physical security of NRC-licensed facilities and NRC-licensed material. Activities include conducting required reviews of licensee and applicant submitted security-related plans (cyber, physical protection, contingency, and training & qualification plans); and licensing activities (e.g., processing submittals under 10 CFR 50.90 or 10 CFR 70.34, and exemption requests). Coordinates with the Division of Security Operations to ensure that all aspects of policy, oversight, and threat information are integrated into technical support activities to deter and protect against threats of cyber, radiological sabotage and theft or diversion of special nuclear material.

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Access Authorization, Fitness for Duty, and Policy Branch

Chief: Justin Vazquez

Regulates and oversees the Fitness-for-Duty, Access Authorization, and Criminal History programs at NRC-licensed facilities (e.g., operating power reactors, Category I fuel cycle facilities, and non-power reactors). Plans and conducts fitness-for-duty and access authorization related rulemaking and guidance development. Plans, coordinates, and conducts fitness-for-duty and access authorization related licensing reviews for currently licensed power reactors and reviews applications for early site permits, design certifications, and combined operating licenses for new and advanced reactors. Develops and maintains contracts for physical security, access authorization, fitness-for-duty, and the Criminal History programs. Collaborates with the Reactor Physical Protection Branch to assess and resolve newly identified security vulnerabilities, including development of mitigation measure when appropriate. Coordinates staff development and periodic review of security guidance documents. Advises, coordinates, and leads security policy development, licensing, and oversight of challenging security topics. Represents the agency in various forums (e.g., industry, interagency, international) and leads the coordination and development of agency views on a variety of security issues and related domestic licensing and international cooperation efforts.

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 Reactor Physical Protection Branch

Chief: Amanda (Mandy) Marshall

Plans, coordinates, and conducts physical security licensing reviews for currently licensed power reactors and reviews applications for early site permits, design certifications, and combined operating licenses for new and advanced reactors. Conducts technical reviews of licensee physical security plans, contingency plans, and training and qualification plans. Collaborates with the Access Authorization, Fitness for Duty, and Policy Branch to assess and resolve newly identified security vulnerabilities, including development of mitigation measure when appropriate. Coordinates reactor security rulemaking and guidance development activities to ensure that agency-established processes are being followed. Develops standard review plans to establish standards and ensure consistency in the review of licensing and application submittals. Evaluates the merits of endorsing industry-submitted documents serving as templates to standardize power reactor licensee submittals. Works closely with other Federal agencies and international partners, to exchange technical information on various security-related policy and licensing activities involving NRC-regulated facilities.

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Materials Security Branch

Chief: Jose Cuadrado

Plans, coordinates, and manages the overall development and implementation of policies, guidance, and licensing for security at independent spent fuel storage installations, decommissioned power reactors, other licensed radioactive material, waste processing, storage and disposal facilities, and transportation security and physical protection of fissile material at nuclear fuel cycle facilities and risk-significant quantities of material covered in 10 CFR Part 37. Conducts technical and regulatory reviews in support of regulatory programs, rulemakings, and licensing activities for the use, storage, and disposal of nuclear and radioactive materials. Assesses fuel cycle facility security event reports. Coordinates intergovernmental activities with DHS, DOE and the Department of State to exchange security-related information and support security initiatives; participates in domestic coordination activities with Federal, Tribal, State and local stakeholders.  Acts as the NSIR Office Tribal Liaison, coordinating NRC Tribal Policy activities and support. Also participates in international activities including International Atomic Energy Agency coordination, bilateral discussions with foreign nations on items of interest, and import and export notifications on nuclear materials and special nuclear materials transfers. Conducts physical protection and non-proliferation reviews of export license applications and foreign technical assistance requests.

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Cyber Security Branch

Chief: Mario Fernandez

Plans, coordinates, and manages agency-wide activities related to cyber security at NRC-licensed facilities. Responsible for rulemaking, licensing, addressing policy issues, and providing guidance and oversight related to cyber security requirements for power reactors. Conducts technical reviews of licensee cyber security plans and adherence to regulations and develops review plans to establish standards and ensure consistency in the review of licensing applications. Works closely with other federal agencies, including other independent regulatory agencies, and nongovernmental entities to investigate cyber incidents, share best practices, reduce burdens, and address potential issues in this rapidly evolving field.

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Division of Security Operations

Director: Tara Inverso
Deputy Director: Brian Yip

Directs implementation of programs for security and safeguards at nuclear facilities and material. Monitors and assesses the threat environment, including liaison with intelligence and law enforcement agencies. Implements the performance-evaluation program for licensed facilities and activities to evaluate the effectiveness of security force response. Develops and oversees the NRC’s oversight program to evaluate the implementation of NRC requirements and activities related to safeguards and security for NRC-licensed facilities and activities. Ensures the protection of classified and sensitive unclassified information (Safeguards Information (SGI) and Protected Critical Infrastructure Information (PCll)) at NRC facilities, NRC contractors, licensees, and certificate holders. Oversees the implementation of programs related to personnel security including access authorization and fitness for duty at licensed facilities and to protect licensed material. Oversees the implementation of the enforcement and allegations programs for safeguards and security.

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Security Oversight and Support Branch

Chief: Desiree Davis

Develops and oversees the NRC's physical security baseline inspection program to evaluate the implementation of NRC requirements and activities at licensed power reactor and Category I fuel cycle facilities. Plans, coordinates, and manages the oversight activities for security at independent spent fuel storage installations; decommissioned power reactors; other licensed radioactive material, waste processing, storage, and disposal facilities; transportation security; and physical protection of fissile material at nuclear fuel-cycle facilities. Serves as the primary Division liaison for oversight activities with the Regions, and the NRC Offices of Enforcement, Nuclear Reactor Regulation and Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards. Develops and oversees the Security Inspector Qualification and Training program. Coordinates training of new security staff within the Office. Manages contractor support for the Division's physical security oversight function. Conducts and coordinates the Office-wide allegation and enforcement programs. Compiles and maintains security inspection information and insights for use in knowledge management and security operational experience programs. Prepares the Annual Report to Congress on force-on-force and security baseline inspection results. Develops and maintains the security risk analysis function. Establishes standards, procedures, and guidance for target set inspections.

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Security Performance Evaluation Branch

Chief: Jefferson Clark

Develops and oversees the NRC program for performance-based evaluations of licensee security programs to assess the effectiveness of such programs, including force-on-force exercises and tabletop drills. Acquires and manages resources to maximize, to the extent practicable, the effective simulation of security threats in force-on-force exercises. Incorporates lessons-learned from these into ongoing programs to identify needed improvements to ensure licensee security programs are effective.

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Intelligence Liaison and Threat Assessment Branch

Chief: Alex Brown (Acting)

Assesses the threat environment affecting regulated activities, performs rapid assessment of the credibility of threats and security events, coordinates with the intelligence and law enforcement communities, assesses illicit trafficking events, and reviews the adequacy of NRC's design-basis threats based on domestic and foreign events and intelligence information. Maintains the NRC's design-basis threats and threat attributes and adversary characteristics. Provides daily intelligence support to the Commission. Administers the NRC's counterintelligence program. Coordinates with NRC's Federal Security Coordinators regarding communicating threat information.

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Information Security Branch

Chief: Mark MacDonald

Plans, coordinates, and manages the NRC information security program to protect classified and sensitive unclassified information (SGI and PCll) at NRC facilities, NRC contractors, licensees, and certificate holders, including inspections and oversight of licensee information security programs. Administers the following NRC programs: secure telecommunications, declassification, technical security, foreign disclosure of information, foreign ownership, control or influence, and authorized classifiers and SGI designators. Acts as the NRC Central Office of Record for communications security (COMSEC) material and operates the NRC's secure communications center. Develops, operates, and maintains the NRC's Secure Communications System including maintaining the certification of NRC's Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities (SCIFs).

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Division of Preparedness and Response

Director: Kathryn Brock
Deputy Director: Michael Waters
Deputy Director: Vacant

Develops emergency preparedness policies, regulations, programs, and guidelines for both NRC-licensed nuclear reactors and potential new nuclear reactors. Provides technical expertise regarding emergency preparedness issues and interpretations, and conducts technical and regulatory reviews of emergency preparedness applications and amendments. Coordinates, as appropriate with the Offices of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards and Nuclear Reactor Regulation, and other NRC organizations on emergency preparedness matters. Coordinates, as appropriate with DHS, the Food and Drug Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, and other federal and state government agencies on emergency preparedness matters. Develops and directs implementation of the policies and programs for the agency's response to incidents involving licensed facilities and materials. Exercises oversight of the regional response programs. Manages the NRC Operations Center. Coordinates incident response programs with Federal, State, and local governments and licensees.

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Coordination Branch

Chief: Eva Brown

Develops NRC policy, plans, program requirements, and procedures for the NRC response to incidents. Ensures that the NRC response is consistent with the NRC role and licensee responsibilities and is coordinated with Federal and State response activities. Maintains, and integrates NRC response plans, procedures, and training of personnel and organizations. Conducts exercises to achieve and test readiness objectives. Serves as the agency focal point for incident response interface with FEMA and other Federal agencies. Provides response planning and procedural guidance to regional offices and assesses regional office response capabilities. Develops, maintains, and integrates NRC plans, procedures, and training for response to domestic and international radiological events and to any incidents that threaten the continuity of government (COG) or continuity of NRC operations (COOP).

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Operations Branch

Chief: Gwynne Eatmon

Manages the NRC Operations Center. Provides operational support for Headquarters response activities. Provides Agency "first-responders" to licensee events by ensuring continuous shift staffing of the Operations Center. Provides adequate staff, procedures, and equipment readiness for the receipt of reports of reactor events, materials events, and other information at the Operations Center. Provides prompt feedback to NRC Headquarters and the regions regarding reported events that require immediate regulatory attention. Notifies other Federal agencies of significant events. Initiates, monitors and maintains communications with licensees during events, drills and exercises to ensure effective communication.

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Reactor Licensing Branch

Chief: Jessie Quichocho

Performs technical reviews and development of safety evaluation reports for emergency preparedness related licensing actions for NRC-licensed operating and decommissioning power reactors, and research and test reactors. Performs technical reviews and development of safety evaluation reports for early site permits, design certifications, and combined operating licenses for new and advanced reactors. Performs technical reviews and development of safety evaluation reports for fuel processing facilities, and spent fuel storage facilities and transportation. Supports the development, review and revision of regulations, guidance and generic communications related to emergency preparedness licensing activities. Works closely with FEMA on its evaluation of offsite plans and preparedness in support of: initial licensing; proposed changes to a licensee's emergency preparedness program; determination of continued reasonable assurance following a significant natural phenomenon (tornado, hurricane, flooding, etc.), and resolution of allegations or 2.206 petitions to the Commission involving offsite plans and preparedness. Supports emergency preparedness licensing related Commission meetings, Atomic Safety and Licensing Board hearings, Advisory Committee on Reactor Safety meetings, public meetings with industry and other stakeholders, and response to requests for support from the Offices of Public Affairs and Congressional Affairs.

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Policy and Oversight Branch

Chief: Caty Nolan

Develops, maintains and oversees the NRC's Emergency Preparedness Cornerstone of the Reactor Oversight Program (ROP) for operating nuclear power plants, new reactors transitioning to power operation, and reactors transitioning to decommissioning and provides technical direction for enforcement and significance determination. Performs assessments of the EP ROP cornerstone effectiveness and evaluates operating experience, event reports and inspection results to inform EP regulatory and outreach activities. Develops, maintains, and implements the EP Inspector Qualification Training program. Serves as the primary Division liaison for EP oversight and regulatory activities with the Regions, the Offices of Enforcement, Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, and Research, and FEMA. Develops, manages, and revises EP regulatory and policy activities regarding rulemaking, regulatory guides, guidance documents, and generic communications in coordination with FEMA and other interested stakeholders (as applicable) for operating reactors, reactors transitioning to decommissioning, and existing and new reactor technologies. Compiles and maintains emergency preparedness information and insights for use in knowledge management and coordinates and conducts EP stakeholder outreach activities. Supports requests for assistance for EP oversight and regulatory inquiries from the Offices of Public Affairs, Congressional Affairs and International Programs.

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, November 05, 2024