Description |
FOIA/PA Number |
Copies of all drafted, submitted or received SF-716 forms produced from January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2017. SF-716 forms are filed annually and may also be identified as Agency Security Classification Costs Estimates |
NRC-2019-000079 |
All records of communications discussing any regulatory investigation, reports, or concerns regarding Solid Biosciences Inc. (MASDAQ:SLDB) and named individual; communications discussing Food and Drug Administration (FDA) concerns that led to Sold Biosciences' hold and partial-hold and the resolution of these holds; and communications discussing any regulatory investigations, reports, or concerns regarding the adverse event of Solid's first clinical trial in spring 2018 and the outcome/resolution of that hold, timeframe is January 1, 2017 to present |
NRC-2019-000078 |
All records not already publicly available for allegations RIV-2012-A-0106 and for Office of Investigations case OI 2008-046F and OI 4-2013-016 |
NRC-2019-000077 |
Copy of the final document associated with each of the following NRC Office of the Inspector General's investigations: C16 014, C13 022, C13 055, C14 007, C15 006, C15 007, and C15 038 |
NRC-2019-000076 |
Access to all active lodging contracts, Strong Bond events, conferences, Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs) and Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantities (IDIQs), as specified |
NRC-2019-000075 |
Source and related records of the asbestos stored at the "voided Entergy Class 3 Landfill site on the grounds of Nuclear One"; all records involving asbestos or asbestos-containing products or those suspected of being so; all documents received or generated relating to dust or air monitoring, safety practices and protocol and training procedures regarding asbestos and/or nuisance dusts in general; all documents relating to asbestos abatement; all documents relating to asbestos waste disposal and transportation; all documents relating to licenses, permits and certifications granted or revoked; all documents received or generated relating to compliance; and all documents received or generated by you relating to health or safety inspections by local, state or federal regulatory agencies regarding asbestos and/or nuisance dusts in general, in regards to EPA ID ARD000632752, AFIN 58-00002, Arkansas Nuclear One,1448 State Route 333, Russellville, AR 72802, from 1970 to the present |
NRC-2019-000074 |
Information regarding studies conducted between the years of 2011 and 2015 on the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the human brain; as part of remote neural interface otherwise known as brain–computer interface (BCI), neural-control interface (NCI), mind-machine interface (MMI), direct neural interface (DNI), or brain–machine interface (BMI). The studies were likely done in conjunction with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). |
NRC-2019-000073 |
Appeal the denial of information of all documents relating to Final Rule 10 C.F.R. 63 and its preparation or promulgation generated or received by NRC or any NRC consultant or contractor, including all interactions or exchanges with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or the Department of Energy (DOE) or any consultants or contractors of either of those agencies, from January 1, 2005 through March 13, 2009 (NRC-2018-000259) |
NRC-2019-000072 |
SR (Staff Requirements) Memorandum for COMSECY 17-0019 and copy of Commission voting record for the above, and COMSECY 17-0019 |
NRC-2019-000071 |
Newest 12 weekly information report "SECY" paper |
NRC-2018-000070 |
Any records regarding named individuals as described; and FOIA/PA-2010-00159 |
NRC-2019-000069 |
Appeal the lack of response to the 2008 Annual Threat Environment Review (NRC-2018-000154) |
NRC-2019-000068 |
Appeal the lack of response to ML092120283 "NRR/DCI (Office of the Nuclear Regulatory Regulation/Division of Component Integrity) fiscal year 2009 checklist for identifying potential risk" (NRC-2018-000006) |
NRC-2019-000067 |
All emails to and/or from General Counsel Office and email suffix, all emails to and/or from NRC and email suffex or, and all communication paper format between Washington State Department of Corrections and NRC, 2018 |
NRC-2019-000066 |
2018-2022 NRC Strategic Plan and letter to the U.S. President of notice of NRC-2018-2022 Strategic Plan |
NRC-2019-000065 |
Inspection and Enforcement (IE) Information Notices 79-09, 79-08, 79-05 and 79-05A |
NRC-2019-000064 |
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), contracts or other agreements related to all intelligence fusion centers, Joint Special Operations Command; Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate,, Rescue Forensics, Crowdstrike Inc., Microsoft, Cutting Edge C.A., Inc., Cicom USA, SecDev group, Tracking Point Inc., Terrorist Screening Center, Allied Associates International, Defense Distributed, U.S. Strategic Perspective Institute, Raytheon Cyber Solutions Inc., Geo Group, for protest monitoring, any social media surveillance software or equipment company, Uber Technologies Inc., National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, National Law Enforcement Telecommunications systems, ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives), Westbridge Technologies Inc., NSO Group, International Criminal Police Organization, International Business Machines (IBM), McAfee, Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), The United States Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Federal Investigative Services Division and all communications in 2018; agreements related to NRC being with a Joint terrorism task force; any financial records produced from the acquisition of FinFisher (also known as FinSpy); and records regarding the acquisition maintenance, upgrade, and subscription cost of any products related to contract between NRC and Raytheon cyber products |
NRC-2019-000063 |
Past intelligence reports on Scientology, Burning Man Festival, extremist religions, and Radical Right Wing Extremist; intelligence reports on Improvised Explosive Devised (IEDs), emails and intelligence reports sent to NRC licensed facilities, and any Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) intelligence bulletins related to 2018, related to July 4, 2018; Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) Intelligence Community outside employment annual report, 2015-present; any FBI intelligence bulletin sent to NRC related to May Day protests; all intelligence records sent from Bureau of prisons, 2018; newest protest monitoring report and intelligence bulletin and/or report; records showing what protest, terrorist, or threat groups NRC has been investigating in 2018; all records of known members of Earth Liberation Front (ELF) in 2017 and 2018, and of Greenpeace; past communication between NRC and FBI Intelligence Oversight Board; any and all Memoranda of Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding agreements with any intelligence center or groups; all communication between NRC and National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System in 2018; records pertaining to the implementation and development of Intelligence Community Directive 119; requests from NRC to FBI in 2018 of intelligence and/or investigative records on any group or person; requests sent to Defense Intelligence Agency in 2018; and records of all intelligence groups, programs at local, state and federal level that NRC subscribes to |
NRC-2019-000062 |
FOIA exemption BSA guidance or protocol; NRC manual for processing FOIA requests; records of No Fear Act investigations, 2014-present, and newest No Fear Act report; Special Operations Division procedures; manual of Investigative Operations and Guidelines (MIOG); NUREGs 1350 Vol 29, 0090 Vol 40, and 0090 Vol. 39; Official NRC codes of attire for headquarters office; NRC reading room list; records of parallel construction; records about conducting confidential information operations or intelligence gathering that are distributed to informants; policies on social media monitoring, NRC Whistleblower, Digital evidence, and NRC use of Global Positioning System Technology; declassification review training, manuals and guides for NRC staff; all policies regarding the agency's use of network investigative techniques, remote access Trojans, or similar technologies, January 1, 2000-current; all notices published in the Federal Register from 2016-current; National Security Information Classification Guide; current employee orientation guide for new staff; documentation describing the email/system(s) used by NRC; and NRC policies which ("permitted" government prosecutor) altered or otherwise changed physical evidence (chain of custody of physical evidence) |
NRC-2019-000061 |
All notes, emails, memos, processing emails internal and external on 2018-000593 and 2018-000360; first 100 released pages in 2013-0262; and all internal and external memos, emails, notes, and letters related to FOIAs: 2018-000581, 2018-000361, 2018-000583, 2018-000358, 2018-000590, 2018-000369, 2018-000589, 2018-000368, 2018-000587, 2018-000350, 2018-000582, 2018-000347, 2018-000596, 2017-000535, and 2018-000535 |
NRC-2019-000060 |
All records of nine named individuals |
NRC-2019-000059 |
Records showing who attended the Federal Bureau of Investigation's National Security Branch "National Security Information Classification Training"; copy of the basic FOIA/PA disclosure training course; records of names of staff and on what dates were sent for training to the Department of Homeland Security, Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, 2015-current; all presentations created, held or maintained by NRC relating to "Going Dark," the phenomenon of law enforcement losing visibility on criminal communications from June 1, 2013-current; all presentations held by NRC concerning the encrypted messaging application signal; copies of all records presented at FOIA litigation seminar; and copies of all online courses that staff have to take related to records and FOIA |
NRC-2019-000058 |
Copy of the primary briefing materials created by the Commissioners for purposes of the presidential transition process, specifically any presentations created for or delivered to members of the presidential transition team for the new administration during the Nov/Dec 2016 time frame; list of briefing materials provide to the Commissioner of NRC in 2017; and list of all briefing materials provided to the FOIA officer in August 2016 |
NRC-2019-000057 |
NRC Customer Satisfaction Survey Results; all comments submitted for Dockets ID NRC 2015-0225 and 2017-0153; the Office of the Technical Director's (OTD) presentations, memos, and briefs regarding SS7, 2017-present; records on Scientology human trafficking notices from other law enforcement groups; all records on white supremacist prison gang 211 crew; all records dated July and August 2016 related to Black Lives Matter Movement; all records related to Black Lives Matter, 2015-current; all communications between NRC and National Center for Mission and Exploited Children in 2018; PNS 79-26, 79-27, 79-28, 79-24, and 79-25 |
NRC-2019-000056 |
All records on Muslims of America |
NRC-2019-000055 |
Most current inventory of ammunition |
NRC-2019-000054 |
Record showing names, purpose, title of, and etc. on each record or database maintained by NRC |
NRC-2019-000053 |
Incident reports of all theft of nuclear items in 2017 |
NRC-2019-000052 |
Headquarters telephone extension listing |
NRC-2019-000051 |
ML16309A332 |
NRC-2019-000050 |
A list of healthcare providers utilizing radioisotopes for use in prostate brachytherapy in the states over which NRC have jurisdiction |
NRC-2019-000049 |
Appeal the search performed of a copy of the draft threat assessment and final threat assessment for Hanford Site (NRC-2018-000377) |
NRC-2019-000048 |
Appeal the lack of response to the request of copies of any and all emergency incident and disturbance reports that list "cyber" as an actual or suspected cause of incident, January 1, 2010-current date (NRC-2018-000380) |
NRC-2019-000047 |
Appeal the lack of response to the request of a security incident involving the loss or possible compromise of classified (NSCI), computer security related or physical security related, January 1, 2010 through current date (NRC-2018-000379) |
NRC-2019-000046 |
Appeal the lack of response to the request of the NUREG-1500 (NRC-2018-000188) |
NRC-2019-000045 |
Appeal the search performed of Information about the cost of enriched uranium per gram and the general enrichment level that is used in naval reactors (NRC-2018-000370) |
NRC-2019-000044 |
Appeal the search performed of Copies of all complaints submitted about your agency's cafeteria at Headquarters for the calendar years 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 (NRC-2018-000363) |
NRC-2019-000043 |
Appeal the search performed of the Published paper "Are You Prepared To Survive An FBI Raid At Your Facility?" (NRC-2018-000374) |
NRC-2019-000042 |
Appeal the search performed of histories of nuclear weapon accidents, 1950-1980. The so called broken arrow events." (NRC-2018-000376) |
NRC-2019-000041 |
Appeal the full denial of the 2009-2010 Information Digest, NRC-2018-000177 |
NRC-2019-000040 |
Appeal lack of response to the request of all whistleblower complaints submitted to NRC since 2013, including but not limited to the name of the whistleblower, status of investigation/claim, alleged violation, date submitted, date closed, and action taken (NRC-2018-000367) |
NRC-2019-000039 |
Appeal lack of response to the request of COM-99-0002-JSM (11/24/1999) (NRC-2018-000193) |
NRC-2019-000038 |
Appeal the lack of response to the request of a copy of requests only for CON-2017-0002, CON-2017-0003, CON-2017-0004 and CON-2017-0005 (NRC-2018-000338) |
NRC-2019-000037 |
All emails containing the phrases "Brett Kavanaugh" and/or "Kavanaugh" resulting from an electronic automated search of the email accounts associated with the named NRC staff at the Department of Transportation from July 1, 2018 to Oct. 12, 2018 |
NRC-2019-000036 |
Memoranda of Understanding between the American Board of Nuclear Medicine, the American Board of Radiology for Therapeutic Radiology, and the American Board of Radiology for Diagnostic Radiology with the NRC, in which the respective boards verify that their approved residency training programs are in compliance with the training and experience requirements of 10 CFR Part 35 for radiopharmaceutical therapy; and letters from the NRC accepting the respective boards' assurances |
NRC-2019-000035 |
All records, and transcripts of reports made via telephone or in writing under CFR Title 10, §72.75 by Southern California Edison, Holtec, or their subcontractors involving the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC); all photographs, video recordings or other recordings and records submitted to the NRC from Southern California Edison, Holtec, or their subcontractors involving the SONGS ISFSI (Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation); and copies of any and all internal NRC reports, call records, notes, or memos involving "Predecision Information" or "Unsecured Load Events" involving the SONGS ISFSI, since January 30, 2018 |
NRC-2019-000034 |
All documents related to Investigation No. 3-2017-011 of Frontier Technology Corporation |
NRC-2019-000033 |
Copies of letters of support issued by Members of Congress to the NRC in support of grant applications for University of Michigan, for FY2016-FY2018 |
NRC-2019-000031 |
All the data NRC submitted to the Army Corps of Engineers' National Inventory of Dams for high hazard and significant hazard dams, as specified |
NRC-2019-000030 |
Any and all data compiled by NRC related to protests at Donald Trump events, 2016-current |
NRC-2019-000029 |
Log of all FOIA appeals for FY2018 |
NRC-2019-000028 |
Records showing each NRC staff that has any sort of clearance for Top Secret, or lower level for records |
NRC-2019-000027 |
All notices to/from NRC and international criminal police organizations, in 2018 only |
NRC-2019-000026 |
Count of Sensitive Compartmented information facilities operated by NRC, and the total square feet or estimate of |
NRC-2019-000025 |
Records on, about, mentioning or concerning the records and communications relating to the Central California Darknet Strike Force |
NRC-2019-000024 |
Count of Active Denial Systems (ADS) owned, leased, or operated by NRC |
NRC-2019-000023 |
All requests sent via U.S. mail or email to NRC Office of Administration Publication Branch, in 2016, 2017, and 2018, for a NRC publication |
NRC-2019-000022 |
NRC material witness warrant lists |
NRC-2019-000021 |
Records showing NRC using FinFisher and/or FinSpy software programs |
NRC-2019-000020 |
Requesting data on the number, type, and by vendor or reported security breaches of NRC systems |
NRC-2019-000019 |
All reports of lost firearm or ammo in 2010 through current |
NRC-2019-000018 |
Names and position titles of all NRC classification authorities |
NRC-2019-000017 |
Any and all records from NRC's Office of the General Counsel (OGC) relating to requests for approvals or denials of departures from the Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide (DIOG) |
NRC-2019-000016 |
Reports of incidents or injury or death submitted by NRC to the Department of Justice - Civil Rights Division, 2000-current date |
NRC-2019-000015 |
All communications "Emails" between NRC and Terrorist Screening Center in 2018 |
NRC-2019-000014 |
All budget records related to "Going Dark," from January 1, 2010 through current |
NRC-2019-000013 |
Listing of all NRC Federal firearms licenses |
NRC-2019-000012 |
Dates of past meeting of the Shooting Incident Review Group (SIRG), 2010 through present; all communication, emails, paper format, memos, from/to named individual, 2016 through present date; and all communication between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Technical Liaison Unit (TLU) and NRC in 2017/2018 |
NRC-2019-000011 |
All records on Norte del Valle and Sinaloa cartels |
NRC-2019-000010 |
Legal opinions on Patriot Act - constitutionality of surveillance activity; all correspondence between NRC and Southern Poverty Law Center in 2017 and 2018; copies of all lawsuits served on NRC from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU); newest NRC litigation report; records showing past NRC requests sent to the Department of Justice (DOJ) Deputy Assistant General, for a legal opinion 2010-current; and copy of any past lawsuit served on NRC by Muck Rock |
NRC-2019-000009 |
Past requests for comment in 2016-thrugh current date, from the Huffington Post, and the NRC-OPA; and listing of all cell phone numbers, assigned to Office of Public Affairs staff |
NRC-2019-000008 |
All records on Anarchist extremism and/or anarchist extremists, and Anarchism |
NRC-2019-000007 |
Listing of all lost, stolen NRC owned items for 2016-current date, and media relations policy |
NRC-2019-000006 |
Any information regarding a Material Licensing Tracking System listing at 7915 Maryland Avenue, Hammond, Indiana; facility name: IRISNDT, Inc. and Docket No 3038777 |
NRC-2019-000005 |
All records of all position evaluation statements that were evaluated and approved for a higher grade by a Human Resource (HR) specialist but then someone in HR or the Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer (OCHCO) was told not upgrade the position so the position remained at the previous lower level, from the time period of January 1, 2013 to present |
NRC-2019-000004 |
All records related to the close-out appraisal and feedback provided to named individuals, and in regards to named individual's FY2017 close-out and final performance appraisals; records in regards to performance feedback throughout the year and any significant decline related to named individual's performance; documents and records pertinent to the named individual's performance and conduct; and memory joggers by named individual's related to named individual's performance |
NRC-2019-000003 |
Documents and other information concerning the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) inquiry or investigation of named individual for alleged misconduct |
NRC-2019-000002 |