Description |
FOIA/PA Number |
Any Materials Licensing Tracking System (MLTS) information on the following site: Photon Field Inspection Inc.; 1705 Boxwood, Saginaw, Michigan (License Number: 21-21010-01) |
NRC-2018-000480 |
All background and supporting documentation including correspondence regarding the NRC Confirmatory Order (3.12.18 attached) for Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. and Entergy Operations, Inc. and |
NRC-2018-000479 |
Any documentation on what materials are, or have been utilized or stored at: Construction Services Associates, 20 East Clementon Road, Block 8.01 Lot 3.02, Gibbsboro, Camden County, New Jersey 08026 |
NRC-2018-000478 |
All speeches made by the NRC Chairman and Commissioners on and after January 1, 2017 |
NRC-2018-000477 |
Records referred from the U.S. Department of State pertaining to named individual's tour of duty at the American Embassy in Managua, Nicaragua, and their involvement in a security case from August 1976 to December 1977 |
NRC-2018-000475 |
All plutonium inventory reports, and all reports and communications dealing with or discussing any and all Material Unaccounted for (MUF) from the now defunct Kerr-McGee Cimarron nuclear facility in Crescent, Oklahoma |
NRC-2018-000474 |
Appeal the denial of information based on FOIA exemption 7(C), in response to NRC-2018-000287 |
NRC-2018-000473 |
"Biological consequences of lake recovery," by Sabourin, T. D., R. S. Hayward, B. Cornaby, and R. L. Faulk. 1986 |
NRC-2018-000472 |
Organizational chart, job duties/purpose and cell number assigned to named NRC staff |
NRC-2018-000471 |
Memo dated February 2, 2017, and email dated January 21, 2017, to NRC from named individual; all memos to/from NRC and named individual; all memos from named individual to NRC, 207-current; and emails to NRC from named individual on January 31, 2017 |
NRC-2018-000470 |
White House memo dated January 20, 2017, Final COS (Chief of Staff) Regulatory Freeze Memo |
NRC-2018-000469 |
Names of NRC approved Authorized Derivative classifier |
NRC-2018-000468 |
ML042650352, ML050280428, ML080440139, and ML080440144 |
NRC-2018-000467 |
Documents related to Holtec License Application for Consolidated Interim Storage (CIS) facility in Lea County, New Mexico (in relation to NRC-2018-000331) |
NRC-2018-000466 |
Copy of the following published FOIAs and the agency response to: 2011-0135, 2013-0278 and 2015-0420; copy of "Outer Space Propulsion By Nuclear Energy," 02-06-1958 |
NRC-2018-000465 |
FOIA log for years 2014 and 2015 |
NRC-2018-000464 |
All documents that refer or relate to any legislative packages, draft legislative packages, or other materials prepared subsequent to February 2, 1999, that address proposed legislation to allow the NRC to recover the generic costs associated with spent fuel storage from the Nuclear Waste Fund |
NRC-2018-000463 |
Organization chart, job duties/purpose and cell number assigned to named NRC staff; and names/titles of all guidance documents authored by named staff |
NRC-2018-000462 |
Index of all yellow announcements |
NRC-2018-000461 |
First 100 pages of contract NRC-HQ-84-17-E-0001, and contract 10-07-433 |
NRC-2018-000460 |
Report titled, "Inquiry into the testimony of the Executive Director For Operations," 1978 |
NRC-2018-000459 |
Brochure "Reporting Safety Concerns to the NRC" |
NRC-2018-000458 |
Form numbers: 494, 913 and 14 |
NRC-2018-000457 |
ML16216A709, ML16216A708, ML16216A707, ML16216A706, ML16216A705, ML092650459, ML15007A248, ML16201A086, ML16201A093, ML14197A670, ML13259A286, ML13231A305 and ML003698864 |
NRC-2018-000456 |
All released records in FOIA cases: 2017-0294, 2017-0308, 2017-0293, 2017-0661, 2017-0513, 2017-0428, and 2017-0489 |
NRC-2018-000455 |
All internal/external emails related to: FOIA-2017-0594 and 2017-0489; and all internal external emails, processing notes and memos related to a list of FOIA cases, appeals and SECY-79-263 |
NRC-2018-000454 |
All memos to/from named White House staff member, 2017-current, and all emails to/from named White House staff member, 2016-current |
NRC-2018-000453 |
SECY 79-262, SRM M061212A, SECY 79-264 and NUREG/BR-0134 |
NRC-2018-000452 |
Same as FOIA 2018-0000057 (A list of cases closed by the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board OIG (Office of the Inspector General)), but date range 1990-December 31, 2012 |
NRC-2018-000451 |
Names of all active staff that are Authorized Derivate Declassifiers |
NRC-2018-000450 |
Past incident reports related to U.F.Os over or near a nuclear site |
NRC-2018-000449 |
All emails to/from in January 2017 only |
NRC-2018-000448 |
Past intelligence reports, notices and bulletins on U.F.Os |
NRC-2018-000447 |
FOIA log from end date of last log through current date |
NRC-2018-000446 |
NSIR 02-0037 and 03-0071 |
NRC-2018-000445 |
Commission voting record of COM-99-00050NJD, relating to release in FOIA 2018-000010 |
NRC-2018-000444 |
A copy of a report titled "The Oconee TIA Peer Review Team Report," dated August 20, 2015 |
NRC-2018-000443 |
Any and all documents, including but not limited to deeds and chain of title, showing the transfer of ownership of the land on which Sandia National Laboratories has been operating in Livermore, California, January 1, 1935 to December 31, 2010 |
NRC-2018-000442 |
Updated electronic list and details for sites in possession/use of radioactive materials regulated by NRC |
NRC-2018-000441 |
Copy of records of the intranet (employees only internal website for your agency) home page, along with a copy of each page connected to the homepage via one click, i.e. one level down |
NRC-2018-000439 |
Under NRC Contract No. NRC-03-79-118, a list of all Franklin Research Center, and Idaho National Laboratory deliverables, and monthly or other periodic project status reports, prepared by Franklin Research Center, and Idaho National Laboratory, and submitted to the NRC |
NRC-2018-000438 |
Records sufficient to show all electronic communications, including attachments, sent or received by employees of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission between Oct. 1, 2017 and Dec. 31, 2017 with the following keywords: "Better Government Association" "BGA" "Better Gov" or "BetterGov"; "Madison Hopkins" "Brett Chase" "Power Struggle" "power-struggle" "Associated Press" or "AP"; |
NRC-2018-000437 |
Any and all documents as described regarding or related to Columbia Primary Care, LLC d/b/a Norwest Heart & Health Institute and/or Heart & Health Institute, and State of Florida Radioactive Materials License Number 4265-1, and/or Control number: INS-15-0112-025-NRR, 2013 to present |
NRC-2018-000436 |
Records pertaining to the meeting on March 5, 2018, including Ms. Kristine L. Svinicki and representatives of Nye County, Nevada, which was the subject of NRC's March 6, 2018 "Memorandum to the Parties," time period from January 1, 2018 to March 9, 2018 |
NRC-2018-000435 |
Copies of all emails (including attachments) exchanged between the named Nuclear Regulatory Commission employees with any email address using the "" email domain |
NRC-2018-000434 |
List of the Material Licensing Tracking System that possess or use radioactive materials (active and inactive sites, licensee location) |
NRC-2018-000432 |
Copy of personal security file |
NRC-2018-000431 |
FOIA requests received in Fiscal Year 2017 |
NRC-2018-000430 |
Copy of records contained in named individual's Personnel Security File (PSF) |
NRC-2018-000429 |
What are the effects of thermal pollution on aquatic life from cooling a Nuclear Power Plant |
NRC-2018-000428 |
The effects of thermal pollution in the water |
NRC-2018-000427 |
How many people have to ok or order a nuclear strike? |
NRC-2018-000426 |
Copy of new license for C&C Irradiators, docket number 030-39072, and all supporting documentation procedures |
NRC-2018-000425 |
All records in the case file for OIG Case #C16-003 and its associated allegation |
NRC-2018-000424 |
Any and all records related to piping installed or existing at Millstone Nuclear Plant, Waterford, CT, and Connecticut Yankee, Haddon Neck, CT, from 1960 to 2000; and any and all records pertaining to asbestos-containing products, materials and/or equipment at same facilities, from 1960 to 2000 |
NRC-2018-000423 |
Copies of Attachments 1 and 5-21 to Holtec Letter 5025012, "Notice of Intent to License the Eddy Lea Energy Alliance (ELEA) Interim Storage Facility and Request to Establish a New Part 72 Docket" |
NRC-2018-000422 |
Copy of Reactor Operator License |
NRC-2018-000421 |
All records related to NRCHQ4017P0005, and records of communications between NRC and anyone acting on behalf of named individuals and/or entities, from January 20, 2017 to present |
NRC-2018-000420 |
Documents containing information on the production of currently commissioned In Situ Leach (ISL) uranium mines within the United States for the time span of 2014 to 2017 (or up to 2016 if documents for last year are not available) |
NRC-2018-000419 |
Appeal the denial of expedited processing request of the copy of the Agency Reform Plan submitted to the Office of Management and Budget ("OMB") in approximately September 2017 in accordance with OMB Memorandum M-17-22 ("Comprehensive Plan for Reforming the Federal Government and Reducing the Federal Civilian Workforce") (NRC-2018-000413) |
NRC-2018-000418 |
Copies of previously issued FOIA: 2011-0164, 2012-0181 and 2013-0244 |
NRC-2018-000417 |
FOIA log for 2000 to 2011 |
NRC-2018-000416 |
Copy of the following published FOIAs and the agency's response: 2012-0273 "Shallow Land Disposal Area," 2017-0374 "ECO Terrorist Bulletins," 2013-0088 "Docs re: Fukushima" |
NRC-2018-000415 |
All information pertaining to named individual's case |
NRC-2018-000414 |