Description |
FOIA/PA Number |
Copy of the Agency Reform Plan submitted to the Office of Management and Budget ("OMB") in approximately September 2017 in accordance with OMB Memorandum M-17-22 ("Comprehensive Plan for Reforming the Federal Government and Reducing the Federal Civilian Workforce") |
NRC-2018-000413 |
Copy of documents concerning any investigations into the misuse of government property that have been carried out into staff or staff associated with the agency's secretary by the agency's Office of the Inspector General, since 2015 |
NRC-2018-000412 |
Copy of documents concerning the investigations into misconduct or violations of the code of conduct by agency staff or staff associated with the agency's secretary, carried out by the Office of the Inspector General since the beginning of 2016 |
NRC-2018-000411 |
Certain records relating to a February 15, 2018 letter from NRC Senior Allegation Coordinator to National Society of Professional Engineers, in reference to Concerns Regarding Westinghouse Electric Corporation and Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Generating Station Units 2 and 3 (Allegation
No. NRO-2017-A-0014) and its attachment: Statement of Concerns, Allegation No. NRO-2017-A-0014 (ADAMS Accession No. ML18047A025) |
NRC-2018-000410 |
The organizational charts for the Chief Information Officer (CIO) of NRC, including the names and titles/departments of the people who report to the CIO; contact information on the people listed in the above organizational charts to include: Business Address, Direct Business Telephone Number, and Business Email Address |
NRC-2018-000409 |
Records including intelligence reports/notices and not limited to that pertaining to the malware "Black Energy," or "Havex;" past intelligence reports authored by NRC staff and/or other agencies related to Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) or Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), January 1, 2016 through current |
NRC-2018-000408 |
"Current listing of all NRC classification guides in use, record showing next schedule review of the above guides; and training guides/publications for classifier training for an individual that is delegated classification authority" |
NRC-2018-000407 |
Purpose of NRC Facility Security Program and Special Access Program |
NRC-2018-000406 |
Past times that Information Services Branch (ISB), Division of Security Operations (DSO) and/or the Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response (NSIR) has been sent notice that a person is challenging a classification decision; and past classification challenges, per DH 12.2 page 8 Section (H)(I) |
NRC-2018-000405 |
Organizational chart, job duties, cell number and pay scale of NRC staff as listed; OIG Report 13-A-21; Organizational chart, job duties/purpose of Central Top Secret Control Officer; Organizational chart, staff roster and purpose of NRC Security Infraction Program and Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP); Employee manual for FOIA Officer position |
NRC-2018-000404 |
All emails sent to/from NRC employees in which the internet domains "," "," "," "," or "" are in email addresses in the to, from, cc, bcc, subject or body fields of the message, from June 3, 2016-December 5, 2016; all documents to/from or involving the trump organization or other trump-named entities, between January 1, 2010 and June 1, 2016; copies of documents in relation to the trump transition team as specified; materials relating to or discussing the electoral college members of the electoral college, or "faithless electors," as well as materials relating to the briefing request from electoral college members |
NRC-2018-000403 |
All internal/external communications of FOIA 2018-0055; internal/external mails related to 2017-0189A, 2017-0508, 2017-0192A, 2017-0458, 2017-0193A, 2017-0313; all internal/external communications related to FOIA CON-2017-0004; internal/external emails and processing notes/memos for 2018-00009A and 2018-00014; internal/external communication and processing notes of 2018-0006A, 2016-0738, 2018-0000005, 2017-0485; and internal emails, and processing notes in 2018-000044, 2018-000009, 2018-000053 and 2018-000024 |
NRC-2018-000402 |
NUREG-0350; and index of all NUREG Series draft reports for comment from Office of Administration, Printing and Mail Services Branch |
NRC-2018-000401 |
First 100 pages of COMS-00-0037-SY, dated 10/26/2000; COMSECY-04-0006; COMSECY-04-0034; and COMSECY-10-0006 and the associated Staff Requirements Memorandum (SRM) |
NRC-2018-000400 |
The 20 oldest pending FOIA requests being processed (initial requests only); all correspondences with the requester regarding the 10 oldest open/pending FOIA requests, processing notes contained in the case file for the above 10 oldest requests; FOIA log from end date of last log through current date; FOIA log showing individual's past five oldest request |
NRC-2018-000399 |
First 20 pages of ML17137A246, Congressional Budget Justification for FY 2018; List of all documents under ML17297B585; ML16015A020; ML14080A297; ML051220278; ML12272A645, ML12083A054,ML100210148, ML041900056, ML112010376, ML112010327, ML13268A282, ML112010707; First 100 pages of ML14029A124; and List showing all records and there ML ADAMS # in package ML16195A365 |
NRC-2018-000398 |
The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Report from the OIG investigation of Diablo Canyon seismic issues, raised in Differing Professional Opinion DPO-2013-002 and letter to Senator Boxer (Jan 22, 2015) |
NRC-2018-000397 |
Copy of computer file(s) containing all publicly releasable fields of data within the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards(ACRS) WebACTS database |
NRC-2018-000396 |
Copy of the definitive contract signed on or about June 15, 2017 with WEBWORLD TECHNOLOGIES INC. regarding Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) WebACTS database maintenance support (Procurement Award ID #NRCHQ7R16C0001) and any records reflecting the modification or amendment of said order |
NRC-2018-000395 |
"Copy of the primary briefing materials created by xxxx for purposes of the presidential transition process, specifically any presentations created for or delivered to members of the presidential transition team for the new administration during the Nov/Dec 2016 time frame;" list of briefing materials provide to the Commissioner of NRC in 2017; and list of all briefing materials provided to the FOIA officer in August 2016 |
NRC-2018-000394 |
SECY 17-0095; SECY 17-0100 and SECY 19-0099 |
NRC-2018-000392 |
Any purchases of Adobe products, 2010-current date range; Information Technology (IT) department inventory reports for IT equipment detailing computer hardware in possession of NRC or any similar records; and records, electronic or otherwise, of the most recent inventory of software licenses at your agency |
NRC-2018-000391 |
Records showing most recent inventory of firearms; current inventory of all ammunition stockpiles; all purchase orders for ammunition, including receipts 2010-current date; copies of all records/receipts for purchase of weapons gear, January 2010-current; and current inventory of all weapons gear maintained by NRC |
NRC-2018-000390 |
Forms 790, 705, 704, 703, 187, 126 and 124 |
NRC-2018-000389 |
First 100 pages released in FOIA 2017-0114 |
NRC-2018-000388 |
Copies of past initial FOIA requests that NRC has sent to Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Naval Reactors for processing |
NRC-2018-000387 |
How to file a FOIA request with Atomic Energy Commission |
NRC-2018-000386 |
A copy of any documents, memos, and/or lists that contain references to a Chinese hacker proxy tool named (Htran) |
NRC-2018-000385 |
Types and dates of all actions (from original posted date through award or cancellations) issued or managed by NRC contracting offices, during the period October 1, 2005 through January 31, 2016 |
NRC-2018-000384 |
NRC Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) Security Guide and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) |
NRC-2018-000383 |
Past written justifications that a NRC office has determined that a NRC contractor requires classified or unclassified Naval Nuclear Propulsion Information |
NRC-2018-000382 |
Records showing past times that the Chairman or Deputy Executive Director for Reactor and Preparedness Programs (DEDR) waived refresher training per DH 12.2, page 6 Section (v) |
NRC-2018-000381 |
Copies of any and all emergency incident and disturbance reports that list "cyber" as an actual or suspected cause of incident, January 1, 2010-current date |
NRC-2018-000380 |
A security incident involving the loss or possible compromise of classified National Security Council Information (NSCI), computer security related or physical security related, January 1, 2010 through current date |
NRC-2018-000379 |
License, contract and any agreement between NRC and AINS, Inc. for FOIAXpress System |
NRC-2018-000378 |
Copy of the draft threat assessment and final threat assessment for Hanford Site |
NRC-2018-000377 |
"Histories of nuclear weapon accidents, 1950-1980. The so called broken arrow events." |
NRC-2018-000376 |
Press releases dated: 11/21/2017, 11/16, 2017, 09/27/2017, 09/06/2017, 08/08/2017, 07/11/2017, 04/18/2017 and 05/11/2017 |
NRC-2018-000375 |
Published paper "Are You Prepared To Survive An FBI Raid At Your Facility?" |
NRC-2018-000374 |
A complete and unedited electronic copy of all video records provided to FOIA requesters from 01/01/2017 through current |
NRC-2018-000373 |
Letter to named individual from Commissioner dated October 30, 2017; letter to named individuals from Commissioner, dated November 2, 2017; letter to named individuals from Commissioner, dated October 25, 2017 |
NRC-2018-000372 |
Listing of all technical publications released January 1, 2010 through current date |
NRC-2018-000371 |
Information about the cost of enriched uranium per gram and the general enrichment level that is used in naval reactors |
NRC-2018-000370 |
Resignation letter of former NRC staff |
NRC-2018-000369 |
List of contractors/subcontractors managing all of NRC offices |
NRC-2018-000368 |
All whistleblower complaints submitted to NRC since 2013, including but not limited to the name of the whistleblower, status of investigation/claim, alleged violation, date submitted, date closed, and action taken |
NRC-2018-000367 |
Listing of "Special Government Employees" (SGE) employed by NRC from October 1, 2016 through current date |
NRC-2018-000366 |
Copy of records showing legal expenses charged to your agency by outside counsel and/or law firms in FY 2014, FY 2015, FY 2016 and FY 2017 |
NRC-2018-000365 |
Copy of the Defense Information Weapon Data Glossary & Thesaurus, WIT-900 ed. 30 |
NRC-2018-000364 |
Copies of all complaints submitted about your agency's cafeteria at Headquarters for the calendar years 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 |
NRC-2018-000363 |
All records of the Federal Real Property Profile (FRPP) for the NRC |
NRC-2018-000362 |
Documents prepared in connection with the 30th session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which was held on April 21-23, 2009, in Antalya, Turkey |
NRC-2018-000361 |
Documents related to the NRC employee's ethic waivers in resolving financial conflicts of interest, January 1, 2016 to current date |
NRC-2018-000360 |
Past 12 month correspondence logs that records letters from members of Congress and the NRC |
NRC-2018-000359 |
Records related to the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), between its creation by the United Nations Environmental Program in November 1988 and completion of the first assessment report in 1990 |
NRC-2018-000358 |
All correspondence to or from Nuclear Regulatory Chairman Kristine Svinicki between the dates of June 1, 2017 and the date of search, which mention the phrases "Nuclear Energy Institute"; or "NEI"; or are to or from an email address with the domain name "" |
NRC-2018-000357 |
Newest 100 pages of FOIA Log; copies of all records already released on Earth Liberation Front; and listing of past FOIA's of named individual |
NRC-2018-000356 |
A current list of all Nuclear Regulatory Commission employees (Employee full name, agency name and location, employee work email address, job title, and salary) |
NRC-2018-000355 |
Any documents related to citations issued and/or violations pertaining to nuclear medicine safety for Fitzsimons Army Hospital, 13001 E. 17th Place, Aurora, CO 80045 |
NRC-2018-000354 |
Any documents related to citations issued and/or violations pertaining to nuclear medicine safety for Moncrief Army Health Clinic, 4500 Stuart Street, Fort Jackson, SC 29207 |
NRC-2018-000353 |
All radiation measurements taken in Japan or within 300 nautical miles of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, during timeframe March 11, 2010 to March 11, 2012 |
NRC-2018-000352 |
"Title: (U) Proposal nuclear radiation effects on materials at cryogenic temperatures" |
NRC-2018-000351 |
List of all the purchase card holders within the NRC, including names, department, and email address |
NRC-2018-000350 |
Most recent/current NRC employee manual/handbook and/or orientation program |
NRC-2018-000349 |
All premium travel expenditures by your agency for FY 2016 |
NRC-2018-000348 |
List of offices requiring clearances of top secret and above |
NRC-2018-000347 |
List of public companies involved in classified work past 2010 through current |
NRC-2018-000346 |
Records pertaining to the deployment, activation, implementation, installation, initialization and/or development of any devises, equipment, communication systems, satellite systems, or support systems, use of existing equipment, newly developed or legacy systems for the purpose of tracking, surveilling, listening, targeting or harming any persons, 12/01/2013 through current date |
NRC-2018-000345 |
Any information on Soviet Scientists who went to North Korea after the fall of the Soviet Union, 1988-1996 date range |
NRC-2018-000344 |
"Information on how you would protect nuclear power plants from Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) attack from hackers and other form of EMP attacks" |
NRC-2018-000343 |
Copy of all records in your agency possession related to an organization named "Jamaat al-Fugra," alternative spelling of "Jamaat al-Fugua," from 2000-current date |
NRC-2018-000342 |
Records including intelligence reports/notices pertaining to a series of computer attacks that are known by the name "Moonlight Maze" |
NRC-2018-000341 |
A copy of all written NRC declassification determinations that have been issued since 2015 to remove information from restricted dissemination Restricted Data (RD) or Formerly Restricted Data (FRD) under the Atomic Energy Act |
NRC-2018-000340 |
PRM 50-115; NRC-2017-0132 - Docketing and request for Comment Federal Register |
NRC-2018-000339 |
Copy of requests only for CON-2017-0002, CON-2017-0003, CON-2017-0004 and CON-2017-0005 |
NRC-2018-000338 |
Copy of the 2017 NRC Generic Fundamentals Examinations (GFE) that have not been published |
NRC-2018-000337 |
Any information on the license history, radioactive use type, quantities, where used, etc., on the following property at 1151 W. Elm Avenue, Monroe, MI 48162 (Monroe County): License number: 21-32092-01 First license date: 5/21/1998 License expiration date: 5/31/2008 License holder: IKO Monroe, Inc. Institution code: 32092 Last inspection date: 11/1/1998 |
NRC-2018-000336 |
Appeal the zero findings of the request search in response to NRC-2018-000032 |
NRC-2018-000335 |
Appeal the redacted parts that exemption 7(E) was used, in response to NRC-2018-000182 |
NRC-2018-000334 |
Appeal the search and redactions made in response to NRC-2018-000065 |
NRC-2018-000333 |
Records related to an application to NRC by Holtec International ("Holtec") for a license to build and operate a consolidated interim spent fuel storage facility in Southeast New Mexico |
NRC-2018-000331 |
Most recent records pertaining to any of the following types of unliquidated obligations: Unpaid checks, unreconciled checks, unclaimed checks, undelivered checks, outstanding credit balances, and checks exempt from unclaimed property reporting |
NRC-2018-000329 |
A copy of results of individual's new hire Background Investigation completed by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) |
NRC-2018-000328 |
Constructive denial of NRC-2016-000558 for lack of timely response |
NRC-2018-000327 |
Information found within the Web-Based Licensing (WBL) database for all records in Texas |
NRC-2018-000326 |
"Reactor Operator (RO) inspection report 70-903" |
NRC-2018-000325 |
The letter attachment pertaining to the NRC OIG Office of Audits peer review, report dated 9/17/2015 |
NRC-2018-000324 |
Any and all documents associated with AEC License No. STB-295, AEC License No. C-316, and AEC License No. 31-461-10 |
NRC-2018-000323 |
Newest 100 pages of FOIA log, and a FOIA log of all of named individual's past FOIA requests |
NRC-2018-000322 |
Copy of Senior Reactor Operator License |
NRC-2018-000321 |
Copy of Reactor Operator and Senior Reactor Operator licenses |
NRC-2018-000320 |
Any documents related to citations issued and/or violations pertaining to nuclear medicine safety for Radiology Regional Center, Fort Myers, Florida, for the years 1999 through 2001 |
NRC-2018-000319 |
Digital copies of the "Study of Reprisal and Chilling Effect for Raising Mission-Related Concerns and Differing Views at the NRC"; (ML17352A430), transmittal memo (ML1735A411) and all other documents in ADAMS package ML17352A434 |
NRC-2018-000318 |
Any documents related to citations issued and/or violations pertaining to nuclear medicine safety for Naples Diagnostic Imaging Center, Naples, Florida, for the years 1999 through 2015 |
NRC-2018-000317 |
Any documents related to citations issued and/or violations pertaining to nuclear medicine safety for Southwest Florida Regional Medical Center, Naples, Florida, for the years 1990 through 1995 |
NRC-2018-000316 |
Any documents related to citations issued and/or violations pertaining to nuclear medicine safety for Southwest Florida Regional Imaging Inc., Punta Gorda, Florida, for the years 1989 through 1992 |
NRC-2018-000315 |
Any documents related to citations issued and/or violations pertaining to nuclear medicine safety for Adventist Health System-Sunbelt Medical Center Hospital, Punta Gorda, Florida, for the years 1987 through 1990 |
NRC-2018-000314 |
Records of all communications to and from NRC between June 30, 2016 and today's date regarding the NRC's June 20, 2017 decision to relax the schedule requirements of Order EA-13-109 for the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station; and all records of all communications to and from NRC between June 24, 2016 and today's date regarding the NRC's April 17, 2017 decision to relax the schedule requirements of Order EA-13-109 for the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station |
NRC-2018-000313 |
Copy of Senior Reactor Operators License |
NRC-2018-000312 |