Description |
FOIA/PA Number |
Any writings showing Southern California Edison (SCE) reported to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, SCE's discovery of broken shim pin(s) in an empty cannister before it was loaded at the San Onofre Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) in February 2018 |
NRC-2019-000155 |
Writings prepared in connection with NRC Special Inspection Report 050-00206/2018005; 050-00361/2018005; 050-00362/2018005; and 072-00041/2018-001 |
NRC-2019-000154 |
Radiation exposure records for named individual during his employment at Molycorp, Inc. (Caldwell Avenue, Washington, PA) from 1970 through 1978 |
NRC-2019-000153 |
Certified copies of all site plans and construction records related to Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant located at 6322 N FM 56, Glen Rose, TX 76043, for time period 1966 to 1991 |
NRC-2019-000152 |
Documents (reports, emails, memoranda, etc...) associated with retaliation against named individual by NRC senior managers between March 2017 and December 2018 |
NRC-2019-000151 |
Emails exchanges between named individuals |
NRC-2019-000150 |
All information requests submitted to this agency including but not limited to FOIA requests |
NRC-2019-000149 |
Requesting that NRC immediately publish either a transcript or video of the chat room comments that appeared during the November 8, 2018 Webinar on the NRC's Special Inspection at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station |
NRC-2019-000148 |
Identify the vendor that is responsible for placing subtitles on the NRC's first-ever Webinar which occurred on November 8, 2018, from 2–5 p.m., Central Time;" and copies of all purchase orders, contracts, and email correspondence between the vendor responsible for the subtitles and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff |
NRC-2019-000147 |
An uncaptioned DVD or YouTube video of the November 8, 2018 Webinar on the NRC's Special Inspection at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station |
NRC-2019-000146 |
Request annual, end of fiscal year counts of NRC employees from FY2012 to FY2018 in the specified job classes (please include NRC unit that they are assigned to) |
NRC-2019-000145 |
Any information pertaining to IRMS TG-2 |
NRC-2019-000144 |
Copy of the awarded contract and all subsequent changes, task orders, modifications, options exercised and pricing for contract number: NRCHQ8416T0001; and access to the name of the current Contracting Officer Representative for this contract and the winning proposal |
NRC-2019-000143 |
Expedited request related to number and location of Authorized Users |
NRC-2019-000142 |
"Report On The Accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station," NUREG-1250, 1987 |
NRC-2019-000141 |
Records pertaining to License No.: 37-30075-01, as described |
NRC-2019-000140 |
Copy of radiation exposure records for named individual during this employment at Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC from 1969 through 1996 |
NRC-2019-000139 |
List of all briefing materials provided to the FOIA Officer in August 2016 |
NRC-2019-000138 |