Recent FOIA Requests – November 2018

This page presents a chronological listing of the subject and reference number of each Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act (FOIA/PA) Request submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) during November 2018. For additional detail, see the Index of Closed FOIA/PA Requests by Subject.

Description FOIA/PA Number
All communications to and/or from Sean Sullivan and/or Bruce Hamilton for the duration of their time on the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board with the named congressional staffers NRC-2019-000137
Any and all Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNSFB) agendas and board votes, and any and all correspondence between DNSFB board members and executive branch personnel, and congressional staff regarding the organization and staffing of the DNFSB, January 1, 2017 to August 20, 2018; and the number of available positions and actual employees, January 2016 to August 2018 NRC-2019-000136
All records associated with the Office of Investigation (OI) case 4-2017-038, as described NRC-2019-000135
Additional exhibits (in response to NRC-2018-000537) that are specifically associated with NRC OI Report 3-2016-011, Exhibits 3-28 Interviews, Exhibit 30 Unit Log of 7-1-2016, and Exhibit 37 Interview NRC-2019-000134
All documents and records, pertaining to all activities involving Reactor Controls, Inc. at the number of listed facilities from 1969-1990 NRC-2019-000133
All documents dated, created, or modified on or after January 1, 1995, relating to the development, submission, review, analysis, revision, or approval of reclamation plans for the White Mesa uranium mill near Blanding, Utah, Docket No. 40-8681 NRC-2019-000132
Appealing the zero records located (NRC-2018-000641) NRC-2019-000131
Appealing the zero outcome of the requested records (NRC-2018-000405) NRC-2019-000130
Appealing the full denial of the requested records (NRC-2018-000647) NRC-2019-000129
Appealing the full denial of the requested records (NRC-2018-000462) NRC-2019-000128
Appealing the full denial of the requested records (NRC-2018-000468) NRC-2019-000127
Appealing the zero results located in response to NRC-2018-000642 NRC-2019-000126
Appealing the redactions in response to NRC-2018-000643 NRC-2019-000125
Appealing the zero outcome of the requested records (NRC-2018-000451) NRC-2019-000124
Appealing the full denial of the requested search to be performed (NRC-2018-000453) NRC-2019-000123
Appealing the closing of the request (NRC-2018-000469) NRC-2019-000122
Appealing the zero outcome of the requested search (NRC-2018-000459) NRC-2019-000121
Appealing the full denial of the requested search (NRC-2018-000660) NRC-2019-000120
Appealing the full denial of request being processed (NRC-2018-000656) NRC-2018-000119
Appealing the full denial of requested search (NRC-2018-000652) NRC-2019-000118
Appealing the full denial of having request processed (NRC-2018-000654) NRC-2019-000117
Appealing the denial of my requests from being processed (NRC-2018-000651) NRC-2019-000116
Appealing the zero results being located (NRC-2018-000644) NRC-2018-000115
Appealing the full denial of the requested search to be performed (NRC-2018-000663) NRC-2019-000114
Appealing the full denial of the requested search (NRC-2018-000664) NRC-2019-000113
Appealing the zero located records related to the requested search (NRC-2018-000655) NRC-2019-000112
Appealing the full denial of the search requested (NRC-2018-000666) NRC-2019-000111
Appealing the closing of this request (NRC-2018-000674) NRC-2019-000110
Any communication, documentation, or documentation of communication regarding Senator Sanders, Jane Sanders, any address containing, Peter Shumlin, or the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact Commission. NRC-2019-000100
Appealing the closing of this request (NRC-2018-000402) NRC-2019-000109
Appealing the full denial of requested records (NRC-2018-000399) NRC-2019-000108
Appealing the administrative closing of this request (NRC-2018-000454) NRC-2019-000107
Appealing the full denial of the requested search to be performed (NRC-2018-000658) NRC-2019-000106
Appealing the search performed (NRC-2018-000662) NRC-2019-000105
Appealing the zero results of the requested record (NRC-2018-000667) NRC-2019-000104
Appealing the administrative closing of request (NRC-2018-000456) NRC-2019-000103
Appealing the full withholding of the records under (b)(4), as they are not exempt, per other Federal agencies that same records were requested (NRC-2018-000365) NRC-2019-000102
Appealing the zero records outcome as there is a way to show listing of followers (NRC-2018-000665) NRC-2019-000101
Any communication, documentation, or documentation of communication regarding Senator Sanders, Jane Sanders, any address containing, Peter Shumlin, or the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact Commission. NRC-2019-000100
Media Relations Policy NRC-2019-000099
All invoices paid out to Grayshift LLC NRC-2019-000098
Records showing each contract for private security services; names and titles of each NRC personal contractor, full and part-time; and records showing contracts and other commercial entities that have provided software vulnerability exploits to NRC NRC-2019-000097
Copy of current employee orientation guide for new staff NRC-2019-000096
Official NRC Codes of Attire for HQ office NRC-2019-000095
NRC Reading Room List NRC-2019-000094
NRC Manual for processing FOIA requests NRC-2019-000093
Records on Scientology Human Trafficking Notices from other law enforcement groups NRC-2019-000092
All records related to Black Lives Matter (BLM), 2015 through current; and all records dated July and August 2016 related to BLM Movement NRC-2019-000091
All communications between NRC and National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, in 2018 NRC-2019-000090
OTD's (Office of the Technical Director) presentation, memos, and briefs regarding SS7, 2014 through present NRC-2019-000089
Copy of index/listing of all past intelligence publications NRC-2019-000088
All documents relating to a possible 123 Agreement or 810 Agreement with Saudi Arabia from the past 24 months NRC-2019-000087
All documents relating to Part 810 Authorizations from the past 24 months regarding Saudi Arabia NRC-2019-000086
All documents pertaining to Office of the Inspector General (OIG) investigation Nuclear Security Incident Response (NSIR) staff abuses of overtime and NSIR management complicity in such abuses between 2014 and the present; all findings, reports, transcripts, summaries, and exhibits produced during the investigation; all documents pertaining to disciplinary action taken against NSIR staff and management based on investigative findings; and the complete February Ivy Planning Group Report regarding a review and analysis of NRC's diversity and inclusion performance trends and recommendations to enhance and better manage NRC's diversity and inclusion initiatives NRC-2019-000085
Records regarding the acquisition maintenance, upgrade, and subscription cost of any products related to contract between NRC and Raytheon cyber products; contracts with Westbridge Technologies Inc., Uber Technologies Inc., any social media surveillance software or equipment company, NSO Group, contract for protest monitoring, with National Center for missing and Exploited Children, with the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) - Federal Investigative Services Division, along with all communications in 2018; any financial records produced from the acquisition of FinFisher (also known as FinSpy); agreement with international criminal police organization; all contracts and agreements with International Business Machines (IBM), McAfee, Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE); all agreements between NRC and National law enforcement telecommunications systems, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) NRC-2019-000084
Nuclear Regulatory Commissions'  Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act, agency directives, procedures, and policies NRC-2019-000083
All comments submitted for Docket ID NRC 2015-0225 and 2017-0153, and copy of notice for 2017-0153 in the Federal Register NRC-2019-000082
Electronic copy of the slides, and handouts for all FOIA and Privacy Act training from September 1, 2017 to October 31, 2018 NRC-2019-000081
Copies of all SF-311 Forms submitted to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) for all available years NRC-2019-000080

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