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Agency-wide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) |
The NRC uses the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) to manage content created by the staff and by the external stakeholders (NRC licensees, nuclear industry companies and groups, various public interest groups, general public,
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and local, state, and federal government agencies). ADAMS became operational in April 2000 as the NRC record management system replacing two legacy document management systems (Nuclear Documents System and Bibliographic Retrieval System). National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) certified ADAMS as an electronic recordkeeping system. ADAMS plays a vital role in the Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Program. ECM was established to improve the quality, efficiency, and security of the NRC regulatory and administrative business processes by providing appropriate access to information when needed, regardless of location or access device. ADAMS supports records management, document capture, distribution, search, and retrieval by both the NRC staff and the public. ADAMS receives electronic copies of documents from the NRC stakeholders and the public through the Electronic Information Exchange (EIE) system. ADAMS supports the NRC adjudicatory process by populating several electronic repositories with the documents used in the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel (ASLBP) hearings and proceedings. To ensure ADAMS continues to support the NRC mission it was upgraded from the legacy IBM FileNet Content Services platform to the IBM FileNet P8 platform. This E-300 submission provides the justification for the upgrade as a phased implementation of a well integrated portfolio of "best of breed" content management solutions to improve NRC's efficiency and effectiveness.
Budget Formulation System (BFS) (Formerly BFA) |
The Budget Formulation System (BFS) investment provides for the collection of budget formulation resources, agency salary and benefits allocation, OMB Homeland Security and Exhibit 53 reporting requirements. BFS is the main utility in creating,
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approving and submitting of the agency's annual fiscal year budget. The primary beneficiaries of this investment are agency and office level budget directors who are able to run projection and/or 'what-if' analysis on their respective business line, office and/or division against budget resource data. The agency as a whole benefits from a centralized information source thus eliminating the risk of error during budget data inquiries from Congress, OMB and other external entities.BFS interfaces with the agency's Core Ledger Financial System (FAIMIS). Budget and expenditure data is transferred to and from these systems for the purpose of budget forecast and planning and current fiscal year budget vs. actual review. In FY13, BFS will interface with Time and Labor Modernization (TLM) to provide a direct link of labor hours into BFS's Salary and Benefit application.
Business Application System Support (BASS) |
The NRC Business Application System Support (BASS) Investment provides a common platform for the operations and maintenance of several NRC applications, including: Reactor Program System (RPS), a work planning and staff resource application that provides
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the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR), the Office of New Reactors (NRO) and the Regional staff with power reactor inspection and work planning, scheduling, and reporting capabilities; Operator License Tracking System (OLTS), which assigns 55 docket numbers to each applicant and maintains a historical record for each applicant once that docket number is assigned even if no license is ever issued; General License Tracking System (GLTS), an annual registration system for general licensees to increase control and accountability of generally licensed devices and to prevent them from becoming orphan sources; Case Management Systems Web (CMSW) which consists of web-based applications accessible only through the NRC Intranet (i.e. Enforcement Action Tracking System, Allegation Management System, and Office of Investigation Management Information System); Public Meeting Notice System (PMNS) allows the Office of Chief Information Officer (OCIO) Administrative staff to enter new/updated meeting information, query public meeting information, report on public meeting information, and update validation tables and user logon information; and Voyager integrated library system (ILS) used for all daily functions in the NRC Technical Library. The ILS is a COTS software package that is the backbone of the Technical Library's vital operations with the following subsystems: acquisitions and funds management, cataloging, circulation, series control, and an online public access catalog.
Core Financial System - Replacement |
The Core Financial System Replacement investment is the deployment of the Financial Accounting and Integrated Management Information System (FAIMIS). NRC uses a Federal Shared Service Provider (SSP), the National Business Center (NBC) at the Department
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of the Interior (DOI), as the host/provider of the NRC's core financial accounting system, FAIMIS. In addition, NBC stores the historical data from the Federal Financial System (FFS); NRC used FFS prior to FY 2011, we are required to maintain this data in accordance to National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) standards. FAIMIS replaced five systems: FFS, License Fee Billing System, Allowance/Allotment and Financial Plan system, Capitalized Property System and Cost Accounting System. FAIMIS went live on 10/01/2010. In July of 2012 NRC will Re-host FAIMIS to a new SSP, CGI. FAIMIS interfaces with RPS, BFS and T&L for reference data and payroll. The increase in project cost can be attributed to the following:-FY 2011, an increase in Operations and Maintenance (O&M) cost estimated for both software and hardware since receiving the initial cost estimate from NBC is due to additional requirements captured during the Requirements Definition and maintaining NRC on the current version of the software (7 minor releases and 1 major upgrade per 4 year period).-FY 2012, the Acquisition Module implementation was postponed from a date in FY 2012 to FY 2014, but requirements analysis continued.-FY 2012, DOI/NBC, our SSP notified NRC of their plan to no longer support Momentum in FY 2013. This resulted in a search for a new SSP; this contract was awarded in December 2011. NRC will move FAIMIS and the FFS historical data to the new SSP, CGI, in July 2012.-FY 2013, Acquisitions selected PRISM and is currently developing a plan; cost, schedule and scope of the implementation.-FY 2013, increase occurs due to the postponement of implementing an Acquisition System in FY 2012, requirements analysis continues for a strategic plan which will incorporate all acquisition data enterprise wide, including commercial contracts and Interagency Agreements (i.e. DOE lab agreements) into one integrated system. NRC is working with U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to determine if FAA can support NRC and the Acquisition product PRISM.-FY2013 +, depending on the Implementation of an Acquisitions System and SSP selected, future O&M costs will change.
Enterprise Project Management (EPM) |
The Office of New Reactors (NRO) has been tasked by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to process the first applications for construction and operation of a new nuclear power plant received by the NRC in over 30 years. This was a
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mission-critical situation involving significant increases in workload and staffing, along with far-ranging changes in day-to-day operations, business processes, and interactions with industry and the public. To address mission critical needs NRO rapidly deployed the Enterprise Project Management Solution (EPM). The EPM solution provides NRO with a central planning, coordination of resources, budget, contracting, performance monitoring, reporting, and forecasting. The EPM solution helps NRO improve its operational efficiencies in budget, contracting, and staffing planning areas and, therefore, better fulfill NRO's mission to serve the public interest by enabling the safe, secure, and environmentally responsible use of nuclear power in meeting the nation's future energy needs. This investment supports the following investments: Core Financial System - Replacement (CFS) and Time and Labor Modernization (TLM).This investment is dependent on the investment Reactor Program System (BASS/RPS).
Incident Response System (IRS) |
The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) mission is to regulate the Nation's civilian use of byproduct, source, and special nuclear materials to ensure adequate protection of public health and safety, to promote the common defense and
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and security, and to protect the environment. NRC's Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response (NSIR) is responsible for the effective operation of the NRC's emergency preparedness and incident response programs. In order to carry out these critical responsibilities, NSIR Headquarters Operations Center (HOC) and Operations Officers, within the HOC, continuously (24x7) receive and document telephone notifications issued by nuclear power plant operators, fuel cycle facility operators, and others. In order to meet its mission, Operational readiness for the HOC is supported by the four major support systems: (1) Operations Center Information Management System (OCIMS), a system that includes a range of services for data, display and voice; (2) Emergency Response Data System (ERDS), an analytical system used by NRC licensees to transmit reactor data points to the HOC for independent safety analysis; (3) Emergency Telecommunications System (ETS), the system of telephone circuits and equipment that NRC relies on during an emergency to communicate with all commercial nuclear power plants (NPPs) and major fuel cycle facilities; and (4) Secure Video Teleconferencing System (SVTC) provides a secret level video conferencing capability to perform classified face to face coordination with other government agencies. There are no dependencies between this investment and other investments. Also note that this investment is unique in the service provided. All the systems associated with the IRS investment are only activated if there is an event.
Infrastructure Services and Support (ISS) |
The Infrastructure Services and Support (ISS) Program supports the NRC mission by integrating, deploying and sustaining critical Information Technology (IT) infrastructure and systems. ISS provides access to information that the NRC staff needs to
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perform the agency's mission at NRC Headquarters, Regional Offices, Technical Training Center, and Resident Inspector sites. The IT Infrastructure provides the main infrastructure, resources, and services for the day-to-day processing of information for approximately 4100 staff members by providing network connectivity, desktops/laptops, file and print services, remote access, and information security functions; enterprise E-mail services including over 1,000 secure BlackBerry devices and Webmail; telephone, cable, and telecommunications services; Authentication and Credentialing Services; Enterprise Electronic Information Exchange Services; Enterprise Business Applications Support System Services; Enterprise NRC System Information Control Database; and Enterprise Access Control, Computer Enhanced Security System/Photo Identification Computer System Services and Safeguards Information Local Area Network and Electronic Safe(SLES). The ISS Program supports electronic information exchange to meet legislative mandates and customer requirements (e.g. GPEA, IPv6, HSPD-12, FISMA, the e-Authentication Initiative, FDCC/USGCB, FDCCI, TIC, Clinger-Cohen Act, Government Performance and Results Act, etc).
Integrated Source Management Portfolio |
The events of September 11, 2001, heightened
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the nation's concern regarding the use of radioactive materials for a malevolent act. Radioactive materials used in varied industrial and medical settings, could potentially be stolen and used to produce a dirty bomb, utilizing conventional explosives in combination with radioactive sources. This investment directly supports the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) mission area ensuring adequate safety and security for radioactive materials. This investment will provide an integrated set of automated tools to store and maintain information on licensees, to provide an inventory of nationally distributed radioactive sources, and to manage source transactions (e.g., transfers and disposal). This solution is required under the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The Integrated Source Management Portfolio (ISMP) consists of three distinct and complementary information systems: The License Verification System (LVS); the Web Based Licensing (WBL) System; and the National Source Tracking System (NSTS). These systems will support credential tracking (license and certificate), inspection tracking, item tracking (devices and sources), and license verification. Functionally, these systems will: 1.) enable ready access to data on materials licenses; 2.) support pre-shipment verification of source transfers; and 3.) will provide full life cycle tracking of sealed sources containing radioactive materials of interest. Sources of interest meet criteria for the isotopes and activity levels specified under the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) code of conduct. NOTE: This investment is a new investment that replaces the NSTS (UPI 429-00-01-04-01-1010-00) and WBL (UPI 429-00-01-04-01-1000-00) investments that were previously reported as separate OMB Exhibit 300s.
Time & Labor Modernization |
This investment provides for the collection of time and attendance and labor data for approximately 4050 employees and consultants. The purpose of this investment is to perform a modernization of the legacy HRMS Time & Labor (T&L) system.
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An alternatives analysis of T&L and subsequent business process improvement studies confirmed the critical need for a T&L investment that supports human capital initiatives and that equally supports the financial and business objectives of the agency. The T&L system satisfies statutory requirements for billing NRC licensees and managing costs associated with collecting fees prescribed by the OBRA-90 and Nuclear Waste Act. The information provides executives with a tool to manage human resources. The data are used for formulating and executing budgets, operations planning, workload planning, managing costs, payroll processing, and performance monitoring. The data are used in analysis and reporting on resource expenditures, and are core to the decision making processes in the agency. The T&L system interfaces with agency enterprise-wide systems, including the Reactor Program System and the Strategic Workforce Planning System. T&L provides NRC with a means to meet the effective internal control objectives of the Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act. NRC's major financial systems, including T&L Modernization, are used to support NRC's 2 major programs of Nuclear Material and Waste Safety and Nuclear Reactor Safety. In FY11 and FY12, a three-phased approach for redeployment is underway. The first phase focuses on a technical evaluation of the application and recommended changes as well as the construction of a rebuilt infrastructure. Phase two focuses on comprehensive testing of the functionality and performance. Phase three focuses on conducting user acceptance testing and training. Deployment is dependent on each of these phases being completed successfully.