Interactions with the Public

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Accident Tolerant Fuel (ATF) Technologies are being developed and licensed more rapidly than are normal fuels. To ensure openness throughout the licensing process, the NRC is providing the public many opportunities to

  • view the interactions between the NRC and vendors, industry groups, and other stakeholders regarding ATF,
  • understand the technical and regulatory progress being made with ATF technologies, and
  • provide input and feedback to NRC ATF-related activities and decisions.

The NRC has held the following public meetings since the April 12, 2018 NRC Commission Meeting on ATF.

Date Public Meeting
04/12/2018 Commission Meeting (transcript)
05/04/2018 DOE Interactions Meeting
06/12/2018 ATF PIRT Process Meeting
09/12/2018 ATF Project Plan Public Meeting
11/16/2018 ACRS Subcommittee meeting: ATF Confirmatory Analysis (transcript)
12/06/2018 Fuel Burnup Extension
12/17/2018 GEH meeting to discuss shipping ATF in Model 2000 package
02/05/2019 GEH meeting to discuss shipping ATF fuel rods in Model 2000 package
02/27/2019 GNF ATF Meeting (Closed with open portions)
02/27/2019 Framatome ATF Meeting (Closed with open portions)
02/28/2019 Westinghouse ATF Meeting (Closed with open portions)
03/11/2019 Public meeting with GEH to discuss technical approach supporting amending Model 2000 transportation package to ship ATF
03/14/2019 2019 RIC Technical Session: Licensing Consideration for Future Nuclear Fuel Cycles
03/14/2019 ATF RIC Session
04/23/2019 Coated Cladding PIRT Meeting
06/05/2019 GNF ATF Meeting (Closed with open portions)
06/06/2019 Public meeting with GEH to discuss amending Model 2000 transportation package to ship ATF
07/09/2019 Framatome ATF Meeting (Closed with open portions)
08/06/2019 Draft Coated Cladding ISG Public Meeting
09/12/2019 Burnup/Enrichment Project Plan Public Meeting
09/17/2019 ACRS Subcommittee meeting: Coated Cladding ISG (transcript)
09/18/2019 2019 REGCON: Advanced Fuels Update on the Front End of the Fuel Cycle
09/18/2019 Westinghouse ATF Meeting (Closed with open portions)
09/25/2019 Fuel Cycle CER Public Meeting – NMSS Activities on ATF and Increased Enrichment
11/06/2019 GNF ATF Meeting (Closed with open portions)
12/04/2019 Public Meeting on Coated Cladding ISG comment resolution
02/25/2020 Commission meeting on ATF (transcript)
03/11/2020 GNF ATF Meeting (Closed with open portions)
06/10/2020 Pre-application meeting with Daher Nuclear Technologies GmbH for a new UF6 transportation package with up to 10 percent enrichment
07/30/2020 Higher Burnup Workshop
08/12/2020 NRC Staff Update provided prior to Framatome ATF and Advanced Fuel Management Meeting
09/09/2020 Severe Accident PIRT Panel Meeting
10/28/2020 Pre-application meeting with Framatome regarding ANP-10340P (Supplement), "Incorporation of Chromia-Doped Fuel Properties in AREVA Approved Methods"
02/02/2021 Partially Open Meeting with Exelon, Southern Nuclear Company, and Global Nuclear Fuel Regarding Higher Burnup and Increased Enrichment for Advanced Boiling Water Reactor Fuels
02/24/2021 Partially Open meeting with Framatome regarding fuel particle transport in higher burnup fuels
03/18/2021 Partially Open meeting with Global Nuclear Fuel on their plan for higher burnup boiling water reactor fuels
03/30/2021 Partially Open meeting with Global Nuclear Fuel on the status of their ATF program
05/25/2021 Partially Open meeting with Framatome on their plans for licensing higher burnup fuel
06/02/2021 Meeting with NEI and EPRI on the EPRI technical report for licensing higher burnup fuel
06/10/2021 Higher Burnup Workshop II

Higher Burnup Workshop II Video
07/22/2021 Public Meeting to Discuss Changes to the Accident Tolerant Fuel Project Plan
01/27/2022 Public Meeting with Southern Nuclear Company to Discuss a Planned License Amendment Request to Install ATF with Increased Enrichment Lead Test Assemblies at Vogtle, Unit 2
03/09/2022 ATF RIC Session: ATF Readiness Video
03/30/2022 NRC Staff Presentations at the March 2022 Joint EPRI/INL ATF and Higher Burnup Workshops
04/18/2022 Open Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute Regulatory Issues Task Force to discuss issues associated with licensing and oversight
05/19/2022 Closed Meeting with Framatome regarding BAW-10227P, Revision 2, “Evaluation of Advanced Cladding and Structural Material (M5) in PWR Fuel”
06/14/2022 Public Meeting with EPRI to discuss use of xLPR code for LOCA Frequency Estimate
06/22/2022 Open Meeting discussing Proposed Rulemaking for Increased Enrichment of Conventional and ATF Designs for Light-Water Reactors
07/14/2022 Closed Pre-submittal Meeting with Global Nuclear Fuels- Americas regarding LANCR Downstream Implementation topical report.
07/28/2022 Partially Open Meeting with Framatome regarding BAW-10227P, Revision 2, “Evaluation of Advanced Cladding and Structural Material (M5) in PWR Fuel”
08/10/2022 Closed Meeting with GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas, Global Nuclear Fuels regarding Technology Updates
08/24/2022 Higher Burnup Workshop III

Higher Burnup Workshop III Video
08/24/2022 Public Meeting with the Nuclear Energy Institute regarding Source Terms and Radiological Consequences Analyses
08/30/2022 Partially Open Pre-submittal meeting with EPRI regarding use of the Alternate Licensing Strategy (ALS) to address LOCA-induced fuel fragmentation, relocation, and dispersal (FFRD)
09/08/2022 Closed Pre-submittal Meeting with Westinghouse regarding WCAP-18733-P/NP, “Higher Enrichment for Westinghouse and Combustion Engineering Fuel Designs”
09/15/2022 Closed Meeting with Westinghouse regarding Fuel Performance and Future Plans
09/22/2022 Closed Meeting with Framatome regarding Fuel Performance and Future Plans
12/08/2022 Commission Meeting: Overview of Advanced Reactor Fuel Activities Transcript

Commission Meeting: Overview of Advanced Reactor Fuel Activities Meeting SRM
01/19/2023 Public Meeting with EPRI to discuss use of xLPR code for LOCA frequency estimates
01/24/2023 Commission Meeting: Overview of Accident Tolerant Fuel Activities Transcript

Commission Meeting: Overview of Accident Tolerant Fuel Activities Meeting SRM
02/21/2023 Partially Open meeting with Framatome regarding ANP-10350P, Revision 0, “Framatome Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors: Evaluation and Validation of APOLLO2-A/ARTEMIS-B”
03/14/2023 ATF 2023 RIC Session: New Fuels Licensing Readiness Video Playlist
03/29/2023 Partially Open Pre-submittal meeting with Framatome for an increased burnup topical report, addressing FFRD.
04/20/2023 Commission Meeting: Strategic Programmatic Overview of the Fuel Facilities and the Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation  
05/03/2023 Closed Pre-Submittal Meeting for the Westinghouse Electric Company TR WCAP-18773-P/NP, "Higher Enrichment for Westinghouse and Combustion Engineering Fuel Designs"
05/09/2023 Closed Meeting with Framatome for a Planned white paper on FFRD
05/10/2023 Public Meeting to Discuss the Accident Tolerant Fuel “Roadmap to Readiness”
06/26/2023 Closed Pre-submittal Meeting with Framatome for a Planned white paper on FFRD
07/12/2023 ACRS Meeting: Vogtle LAR on Loading LTAs with Increased Enrichment
07/13/2023 ACRS Meeting: LANCR02 Lattice Physics Model Description Topical Report
08/08/2023 Closed Technology Update Meeting with GEH/GNF 
08/31/2023 Higher Burnup Workshop
Higher Burnup Workshop IV Video
09/06/2023 ACRS Meeting: Revision of Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.183, “Alternative Radiological Source Terms for Evaluating Design Basis Accidents at Nuclear Power Reactors”
10/18/2023 ACRS Subcommittee Meeting: Increased Enrichment Rulemaking Regulatory Basis
10/23/2023 Pre-submittal Meeting with Studsvik Scandpower Inc for a future revision/supplement of the SSP-14-P01/028-TR-P-A for ATF
10/25/2023 Open Meeting to discussing the Increased Enrichment of Conventional and ATF designs for LWRs Regulatory Basis
11/02/2023 ACRS Meeting: Increased Enrichment Rulemaking Regulatory Basis
11/02/2023 Commission Meeting: Strategic Programmatic Overview of the Operating Reactors and New Reactors Business Lines Transcript 
11/08/2023 Partially Open Pre-submittal Meeting with EPRI for use of ALS to address FFRD
11/15/2023 Closed Pre-Submittal Meeting for the Westinghouse Electric Company TR WCAP-18850, "Adaptation of FULL SPECTRUM™ LOCA (FSLOCA™) Evaluation Methodology to Perform Cladding Rupture Calculations for High Burnup Fuel"
11/28/2023 Open Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute Regulatory Issues Task Force to Discuss Issues with Licensing and Oversight
12/04/2023 FFRD PIRT Panel Meeting
01/09/2024 Open Workshop to Discuss Update to RG 1.183, Rev 1, “Alternative Radiological Source Terms for Evaluating Design Basis Accidents at Nuclear Power Reactors”
01/19/2024 FFRD PIRT Panel Follow-Up Meeting
02/13/2024 Open Workshop (2 of 3) to Discuss Update to RG 1.183, Rev 1, “Alternative Radiological Source Terms for Evaluating Design Basis Accidents at Nuclear Power Reactors”
02/26/2024 FFRD PIRT Panel Rankings Meeting
03/08/2024 Open Workshop to Discuss Update to RG 1.183, Rev 1, "Alternative Radiological Source Terms for Evaluating Design Basis Accidents at Nuclear Power Reactors"
03/13/2024 ATF/PUR 2024 RIC Session: W9 Use of Accident Tolerant Fuel to Safely Increase Reactor Output
03/21/2024 FFRD PIRT Report Finalization Meeting
04/02/2024 ACRS Subcomittee Meeting: WCAP-18446-P, "Incremental High Burnup Extension"
05/01/2024 Update to RG 1.183, Rev 1, “Alternate Radiological Source Terms for Evaluating Design Basis Accidents at Nuclear Power Reactors” Public Meeting
05/29/2024 Spent Nuclear Fuel of Various ATF Concepts PNNL Report Public Meeting
06/06/2024 Partially Closed Post Submittal Meeting for EPRI ALS Topical Reports

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, June 13, 2024