Date |
Public Meeting |
04/12/2018 |
Commission Meeting (transcript) |
05/04/2018 |
DOE Interactions Meeting |
06/12/2018 |
ATF PIRT Process Meeting |
09/12/2018 |
ATF Project Plan Public Meeting |
11/16/2018 |
ACRS Subcommittee meeting: ATF Confirmatory Analysis (transcript) |
12/06/2018 |
Fuel Burnup Extension |
12/17/2018 |
GEH meeting to discuss shipping ATF in Model 2000 package |
02/05/2019 |
GEH meeting to discuss shipping ATF fuel rods in Model 2000 package |
02/27/2019 |
GNF ATF Meeting (Closed with open portions) |
02/27/2019 |
Framatome ATF Meeting (Closed with open portions) |
02/28/2019 |
Westinghouse ATF Meeting (Closed with open portions) |
03/11/2019 |
Public meeting with GEH to discuss technical approach supporting amending Model 2000 transportation package to ship ATF |
03/14/2019 |
2019 RIC Technical Session: Licensing Consideration for Future Nuclear Fuel Cycles |
03/14/2019 |
ATF RIC Session |
04/23/2019 |
Coated Cladding PIRT Meeting |
06/05/2019 |
GNF ATF Meeting (Closed with open portions) |
06/06/2019 |
Public meeting with GEH to discuss amending Model 2000 transportation package to ship ATF |
07/09/2019 |
Framatome ATF Meeting (Closed with open portions) |
08/06/2019 |
Draft Coated Cladding ISG Public Meeting |
09/12/2019 |
Burnup/Enrichment Project Plan Public Meeting |
09/17/2019 |
ACRS Subcommittee meeting: Coated Cladding ISG (transcript) |
09/18/2019 |
2019 REGCON: Advanced Fuels Update on the Front End of the Fuel Cycle |
09/18/2019 |
Westinghouse ATF Meeting (Closed with open portions) |
09/25/2019 |
Fuel Cycle CER Public Meeting – NMSS Activities on ATF and Increased Enrichment |
11/06/2019 |
GNF ATF Meeting (Closed with open portions) |
12/04/2019 |
Public Meeting on Coated Cladding ISG comment resolution |
02/25/2020 |
Commission meeting on ATF (transcript) |
03/11/2020 |
GNF ATF Meeting (Closed with open portions) |
06/10/2020 |
Pre-application meeting with Daher Nuclear Technologies GmbH for a new UF6 transportation package with up to 10 percent enrichment |
07/30/2020 |
Higher Burnup Workshop |
08/12/2020 |
NRC Staff Update provided prior to Framatome ATF and Advanced Fuel Management Meeting |
09/09/2020 |
Severe Accident PIRT Panel Meeting |
10/28/2020 |
Pre-application meeting with Framatome regarding ANP-10340P (Supplement), "Incorporation of Chromia-Doped Fuel Properties in AREVA Approved Methods" |
02/02/2021 |
Partially Open Meeting with Exelon, Southern Nuclear Company, and Global Nuclear Fuel Regarding Higher Burnup and Increased Enrichment for Advanced Boiling Water Reactor Fuels |
02/24/2021 |
Partially Open meeting with Framatome regarding fuel particle transport in higher burnup fuels |
03/18/2021 |
Partially Open meeting with Global Nuclear Fuel on their plan for higher burnup boiling water reactor fuels |
03/30/2021 |
Partially Open meeting with Global Nuclear Fuel on the status of their ATF program |
05/25/2021 |
Partially Open meeting with Framatome on their plans for licensing higher burnup fuel |
06/02/2021 |
Meeting with NEI and EPRI on the EPRI technical report for licensing higher burnup fuel |
06/10/2021 |
Higher Burnup Workshop II
Higher Burnup Workshop II Video |
07/22/2021 |
Public Meeting to Discuss Changes to the Accident Tolerant Fuel Project Plan |
01/27/2022 |
Public Meeting with Southern Nuclear Company to Discuss a Planned License Amendment Request to Install ATF with Increased Enrichment Lead Test Assemblies at Vogtle, Unit 2 |
03/09/2022 |
ATF RIC Session: ATF Readiness Video |
03/30/2022 |
NRC Staff Presentations at the March 2022 Joint EPRI/INL ATF and Higher Burnup Workshops |
04/18/2022 |
Open Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute Regulatory Issues Task Force to discuss issues associated with licensing and oversight |
05/19/2022 |
Closed Meeting with Framatome regarding BAW-10227P, Revision 2, “Evaluation of Advanced Cladding and Structural Material (M5) in PWR Fuel” |
06/14/2022 |
Public Meeting with EPRI to discuss use of xLPR code for LOCA Frequency Estimate |
06/22/2022 |
Open Meeting discussing Proposed Rulemaking for Increased Enrichment of Conventional and ATF Designs for Light-Water Reactors |
07/14/2022 |
Closed Pre-submittal Meeting with Global Nuclear Fuels- Americas regarding LANCR Downstream Implementation topical report. |
07/28/2022 |
Partially Open Meeting with Framatome regarding BAW-10227P, Revision 2, “Evaluation of Advanced Cladding and Structural Material (M5) in PWR Fuel” |
08/10/2022 |
Closed Meeting with GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas, Global Nuclear Fuels regarding Technology Updates |
08/24/2022 |
Higher Burnup Workshop III
Higher Burnup Workshop III Video |
08/24/2022 |
Public Meeting with the Nuclear Energy Institute regarding Source Terms and Radiological Consequences Analyses |
08/30/2022 |
Partially Open Pre-submittal meeting with EPRI regarding use of the Alternate Licensing Strategy (ALS) to address LOCA-induced fuel fragmentation, relocation, and dispersal (FFRD) |
09/08/2022 |
Closed Pre-submittal Meeting with Westinghouse regarding WCAP-18733-P/NP, “Higher Enrichment for Westinghouse and Combustion Engineering Fuel Designs” |
09/15/2022 |
Closed Meeting with Westinghouse regarding Fuel Performance and Future Plans |
09/22/2022 |
Closed Meeting with Framatome regarding Fuel Performance and Future Plans |
12/08/2022 |
Commission Meeting: Overview of Advanced Reactor Fuel Activities Transcript
Commission Meeting: Overview of Advanced Reactor Fuel Activities Meeting SRM |
01/19/2023 |
Public Meeting with EPRI to discuss use of xLPR code for LOCA frequency estimates |
01/24/2023 |
Commission Meeting: Overview of Accident Tolerant Fuel Activities Transcript
Commission Meeting: Overview of Accident Tolerant Fuel Activities Meeting SRM |
02/21/2023 |
Partially Open meeting with Framatome regarding ANP-10350P, Revision 0, “Framatome Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors: Evaluation and Validation of APOLLO2-A/ARTEMIS-B” |
03/14/2023 |
ATF 2023 RIC Session: New Fuels Licensing Readiness Video Playlist |
03/29/2023 |
Partially Open Pre-submittal meeting with Framatome for an increased burnup topical report, addressing FFRD. |
04/20/2023 |
Commission Meeting: Strategic Programmatic Overview of the Fuel Facilities and the Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation |
05/03/2023 |
Closed Pre-Submittal Meeting for the Westinghouse Electric Company TR WCAP-18773-P/NP, "Higher Enrichment for Westinghouse and Combustion Engineering Fuel Designs" |
05/09/2023 |
Closed Meeting with Framatome for a Planned white paper on FFRD |
05/10/2023 |
Public Meeting to Discuss the Accident Tolerant Fuel “Roadmap to Readiness” |
06/26/2023 |
Closed Pre-submittal Meeting with Framatome for a Planned white paper on FFRD |
07/12/2023 |
ACRS Meeting: Vogtle LAR on Loading LTAs with Increased Enrichment |
07/13/2023 |
ACRS Meeting: LANCR02 Lattice Physics Model Description Topical Report |
08/08/2023 |
Closed Technology Update Meeting with GEH/GNF |
08/31/2023 |
Higher Burnup Workshop
Higher Burnup Workshop IV Video |
09/06/2023 |
ACRS Meeting: Revision of Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.183, “Alternative Radiological Source Terms for Evaluating Design Basis Accidents at Nuclear Power Reactors” |
10/18/2023 |
ACRS Subcommittee Meeting: Increased Enrichment Rulemaking Regulatory Basis |
10/23/2023 |
Pre-submittal Meeting with Studsvik Scandpower Inc for a future revision/supplement of the SSP-14-P01/028-TR-P-A for ATF |
10/25/2023 |
Open Meeting to discussing the Increased Enrichment of Conventional and ATF designs for LWRs Regulatory Basis |
11/02/2023 |
ACRS Meeting: Increased Enrichment Rulemaking Regulatory Basis |
11/02/2023 |
Commission Meeting: Strategic Programmatic Overview of the Operating Reactors and New Reactors Business Lines Transcript |
11/08/2023 |
Partially Open Pre-submittal Meeting with EPRI for use of ALS to address FFRD |
11/15/2023 |
Closed Pre-Submittal Meeting for the Westinghouse Electric Company TR WCAP-18850, "Adaptation of FULL SPECTRUM™ LOCA (FSLOCA™) Evaluation Methodology to Perform Cladding Rupture Calculations for High Burnup Fuel" |
11/28/2023 |
Open Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute Regulatory Issues Task Force to Discuss Issues with Licensing and Oversight |
12/04/2023 |
FFRD PIRT Panel Meeting |
01/09/2024 |
Open Workshop to Discuss Update to RG 1.183, Rev 1, “Alternative Radiological Source Terms for Evaluating Design Basis Accidents at Nuclear Power Reactors” |
01/19/2024 |
FFRD PIRT Panel Follow-Up Meeting |
02/13/2024 |
Open Workshop (2 of 3) to Discuss Update to RG 1.183, Rev 1, “Alternative Radiological Source Terms for Evaluating Design Basis Accidents at Nuclear Power Reactors” |
02/26/2024 |
FFRD PIRT Panel Rankings Meeting |
03/08/2024 |
Open Workshop to Discuss Update to RG 1.183, Rev 1, "Alternative Radiological Source Terms for Evaluating Design Basis Accidents at Nuclear Power Reactors" |
03/13/2024 |
ATF/PUR 2024 RIC Session: W9 Use of Accident Tolerant Fuel to Safely Increase Reactor Output |
03/21/2024 |
FFRD PIRT Report Finalization Meeting |
04/02/2024 |
ACRS Subcomittee Meeting: WCAP-18446-P, "Incremental High Burnup Extension" |
05/01/2024 |
Update to RG 1.183, Rev 1, “Alternate Radiological Source Terms for Evaluating Design Basis Accidents at Nuclear Power Reactors” Public Meeting |
05/29/2024 |
Spent Nuclear Fuel of Various ATF Concepts PNNL Report Public Meeting |
06/06/2024 |
Partially Closed Post Submittal Meeting for EPRI ALS Topical Reports |