0350 Oversight Panel for 2003

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff has established a special oversight panel to coordinate the agency's activities in assessing the performance problems associated with the corrosion damage to the reactor vessel head at the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant, monitoring corrective actions, and evaluating the readiness of the plant to resume operations.

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Date Description

Category 1 Meeting: Discussion by the licensee of its activities associated with the assessment and actions being taken to address operational performance, safety culture, and safety conscious work environment issues.


Category 1 meeting: Discuss the results of the Restart Assessment Team Inspection. Discuss the results of Management and Human Performance Team Inspection.


Category 1 meeting: Discuss the licensee's improvement plans relating to corrective action program implementation weaknesses identified during the Corrective Action Team Inspection. Focus will be in the area of engineering activities before and after plant restart.


Category 3 Meeting: Present to the local public the status of the NRC's Oversight Panel activities for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station


Category 1 Meeting: Discuss licensee performance and progress on the Return to Service Plan as part of the IMC 0350 Process



Category 3 Meeting: Present to the local public the status of the NRC's Oversight Panel activities for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station



Category 1 Meeting: Discuss licensee performance and progress on the Return to Service Plan as part of the IMC 0350 Process.


Category 1 Meeting: Discuss the modification of the Davis-Besse high pressure injection pumps.


Category 1 Meeting: Discuss the results of the Corrective Action Team Inspection and System Health Inspection


Category 3 Meeting: Present to the local public the status of the NRC's Oversight Panel activities for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station


Category 1 Meeting: Discuss licensee performance and progress on the Return to Service Plan as part of the IMC 0350 Process.


Safety Culture Public Meeting


Category 3 Meeting: Present to the local public the status of the NRC's Oversight Panel activities for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station


Category 1 Meeting: Discuss licensee performance and progress on the Return to Service Plan as part of the IMC 0350 Process.


Category 1 Meeting: Discuss licensee performance and progress on the Return to Service Plan as part of the IMC 0350 Process


Category 3 Meeting: Present to the local public the status of the NRC's Oversight Panel activities fo rthe Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station


Category 3 Meeting: Present to the local public the status of the NRC's Oversight Panel activities for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station


Category 1 Meeting: Discuss licensee performance and progress on the Return to Service Plan as part of the IMC 0350 Process


Category 1 Meeting: Discuss the Plans for Modifying the Davis-Besse High Pressure Injection Pumps


Category 1 Meeting: Discuss licensee performance and progress on the Return to Service Plan as part of the IMC 0350 Process


Category 3 Meeting: Present to the local public the status of the NRC's Oversight Panel activities for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station


Category 1 Meeting: Discuss the licensee's plans to address Engineering Design Issue Resolution


Category 1 Meeting: Discuss licensee performance and progress on the Return to Service Plan as part of the IMC 0350 Process


Category 3 Meeting: Present to the local public the status of the NRC's Oversight Panel activities for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station


Category 1 Meeting: Discuss preliminary findings and observations from an NRC supplemental inspection conducted to review the licensee's evaluation of two "White" radiological performance issues and other aspects of the radiation protection program restart readiness.


Category 1 Meeting: Discuss licensee performance and progress on the Return to Service Plan as part of the IMC 0350 Process


Category 3 Meeting: Present to the local public the status of the NRC's Oversight Panel activities for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

03/31/03 Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station - Inspection Schedule Update

Category 1 Meeting: Discuss licensee performance and progress on the Return to Service Plan as part of the IMC 0350 Process


Category 3 Meeting: Present to the local public the status of the NRC's Oversight Panel activities for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station


Category 1 Meeting: Discuss licensee performance and progress on the Return to Service Plan as part of the IMC 0350 Process


Category 3 Meeting: Present to the local public the status of the NRC's Oversight Panel activities for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station


Category 1 Meeting: Discuss the licensee's plans to address Safety Conscious Work Environment


Category 1 meeting: Discuss licensee performance and progress on the Return to Service Plan as part of the IMC 0350 Process


Category 3 meeting: Present to the local public the status of the NRC's Oversight Panel activities for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

For related information see Reactor Pressure Boundary Integrity Issues for Pressurized Water Reactors.

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, November 29, 2022