Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Unit Nos. 2 and 3 Approved Power Uprate Application Information
The following table refers to NRC-approved power uprate applications. The table shows the ADAMS accession number for (1) each plant's power uprate application, (2) any supplement to the application, and (3) the license amendment approving the application and allowing the licensee to increase power. These documents illustrate the information that the NRC staff requires in order to complete a power uprate review.
NRC encourages licensees to review the documents listed in the table before preparing a power uprate application. Addressing the information contained in these documents below may improve the quality of the application, thereby reducing the number of RAIs, and expedite the staff's review.
On this page:
Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Unit Nos. 2 and 3
Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-44 and NPF-56 (Docket Nos. 50-277 and 50.278)
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Application Information
Date |
Description |
Accession No. |
06/23/1993 |
Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Unit Nos. 2 and 3, Application for SPU |
ML19303F669 |

Supplement Information
Date |
Description |
Accession No. |
04/05/1994 |
Responds to RAI re planned implementation of power rerate program at PBAPS Units 2 & 3. |
ML20065G907 |
05/02/1994 |
Responds to request for additional information re planned implementation of power rerate program at PBAPS Units 2 & 3. |
ML20065R166 |
06/06/1994 |
Responds to additional information discussed in telephone conversation re planned implementation of Power Rerate Program at Station. |
ML20069H345 |
06/08/1994 |
Forwards errata sheets to GE Reports NEDC-32162P,Rev 1 & NEDC-32183P,for TS Change Requests 93-01 & 93-12,supporting implementation of ARTS/MELLLA & power rerate at PBAPS Units 2 & 3, respectively |
ML20069K119 |
07/06/1994 |
Responds to request for additional information re planned implementation of power rerate program at station. |
ML20070E364 |
07/06/1994 |
Withdraws errata sheet to General Electric analyses for TS request 93-01 & TS change request 93-12 |
ML20070D947 |
07/07/1994 |
Forwards response to 940608 RAI re util planned implementation of power rerate program at PBAPS Units 1 & 2, in ref to TS Change Request dated 930623. |
ML20071H661 |
07/20/1994 |
Forwards response to RAI discussed in 940707 telcon re util planned implementation of power rerate program at PBAPS, Units 2 & 3.Power rerate program subj of TS Change Request 93-12,forwarded by util 930623 letter |
ML20070J605 |
07/28/1994 |
Forwards response to RAI discussed in 940725 telcon re util planned implementation of power rerate program at PBAPS, Units 2 & 3,per TS Change Request 93-12 forwarded by 930623 letter |
ML20071P473 |
07/28/1994 |
Requests rev to TS Change Request 93-12 dated 930623,revising page 29 to incorporate 12 psi value for relief valve setting of 1155 psig in order to show consistency between PBAPS, Units 2 & 3 TS & GE analyses per 940711 discussion w/NRC. |
ML20071P532 |
09/16/1994 |
Responds to 940929 request for additional information re planned implementation of power rerate program at Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 & 3. |
ML20149G039 |
09/30/1994 |
Responds to 940929 request for additional information re planned implementation of power rerate program at Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 & 3. |
ML20073J262 |
10/14/1994 |
Confirms commitments made by licensee in recent conference calls w/NRC. |
ML20078B337 |
06/22/1995 |
Confirms commitments for PBAPS Unit 3 concerning power rate. |
ML20086A143 |

Amendment Information
Date |
Description |
Accession No. |
10/18/1994 |
Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Unit No. 2, License Amendment for Power Rate |
ML011490143 |
07/18/1995 |
Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Unit No. 3, License Amendment for Power Rate |
ML021580312 |