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Columbia Generating Station Approved Power Uprate Application Information

The following table refers to NRC-approved power uprate applications. The table shows the ADAMS accession number for (1) each plant's power uprate application, (2) any supplement to the application, and (3) the license amendment approving the application and allowing the licensee to increase power. These documents illustrate the information that the NRC staff requires in order to complete a power uprate review.

NRC encourages licensees to review the documents listed in the table before preparing a power uprate application. Addressing the information contained in these documents below may improve the quality of the application, thereby reducing the number of RAIs, and expedite the staff's review.

On this page:

Columbia Generating Station
Facility Operating License No. NPF-21 (Docket No. 50-397)

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Application Information

Date Description ADAMS
Accession No.
07/09/1993 Columbia Generating Station, Application for SPU ML17290A516

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Supplement Information

Date Description ADAMS
Accession No.
10/08/1993 Forwards revised "Significant Hazards Consideration Assessment for...Power Uprate w/ELLL" in support of 930709 application for amend to License NPF-21.Corrected pages to GE proprietary TR NEDC-32141P. ML17290A689
10/25/1993 Forwards nonproprietary Table 4-1, "Containment Performance Results," per JW Clifford request. Table reflects deletion of header, "GE Proprietary Info," as included in 930709 request for amend re power uprate. ML17290A733
01/06/1994 Responds to 931026 RAI re power uprate review & forwards proprietary list of glossary terms. ML17290A882
01/06/1994 Suppl to 930709 application for amend to License NPF-21, increasing licensed power level from 3,323 MWt to 3,486 MWt w/extended load line limit & changing SRV setpoint tolerance to include changes to TS paragraph ML17290A893
02/02/1994 Forwards proprietary DRF A00-01932-5 to GE-NE-208-23-1293-1, "Power Uprate Condition Setpoint Calculations for WPPSS WNP-2" & NEDC-32141P,Section 5, "Instrumentation & Control" in response to 931109 RAI. ML17290A951
05/03/1994 Responds to request for info re 930709 submittal to increase WNP-2 licensed power level. ML17290B174
05/13/1994 Forwards response to NRC 931229 RAI re power uprate, w/regard to increase of bottom head pressure & high pressure scram setpoint on structural & functional integrity of control rod drive sys. ML17290B182
09/26/1994 Suppl to 930709 application for amend to License NPF-21 re increase in power operation, changing power/flow maps in TS 3/4.2.6,3/4.2.7,3/4.2.8 & 3/4.4.1 & bases to reflect use of Siemens Power Corp STAIF code for stability analysis. ML17291A421
10/12/1994 Forwards corrections to proposed Bases 3/4.2.6, "Power/Flow Instability," correcting error identified in proposed statement for Bases 3/4.2.6 to reflect that power/flow map, Region C not discussed in context w/Figure 3.2.6-1. ML17291A444

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Amendment Information

Date Description ADAMS
Accession No.
05/02/1995 Columbia Generating Station, License Amendment for Power Rate ML022120154

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, November 13, 2024