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Limerick Generating Station, Units 1 and 2 Approved Power Uprate Application Information

The following table refers to NRC-approved power uprate applications. The table shows the ADAMS accession number for (1) each plant's power uprate application, (2) any supplement to the application, and (3) the license amendment approving the application and allowing the licensee to increase power. These documents illustrate the information that the NRC staff requires in order to complete a power uprate review.

NRC encourages licensees to review the documents listed in the table before preparing a power uprate application. Addressing the information contained in these documents below may improve the quality of the application, thereby reducing the number of RAIs, and expedite the staff's review.

On this page:

Limerick Generating Station, Units 1 and 2
Facility Operating License No. NPF-39 and NPF-85 (Docket Nos. 50-352 and 50-353)

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Application Information

Date Description ADAMS
Accession No.
12/09/1993 Limerick Generating Station, Unit 1, Application for SPU ML19311B241

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Supplement Information

Date Description ADAMS
Accession No.
07/05/1994 Responds to request for additional information re power rerate program dated 940604. ML20070D960
09/09/1994 Forwards response to RAI re planned implementation of power rerate program at util & subject to operating license change request 93-94-0 dated 931209. ML20073A413
10/19/1994 Forwards response to request for additional information re power rerate program dated 940921 & submittal of errata sheet for NEDC-32225P. ML20078C199
11/15/1994 Responds to request for additional information power rerate program. ML20078J983
12/02/1994 Forwards response to request for additional information re planned implementation of power rerate program at Units 1 & 2. ML20077D346
01/06/1995 Provides response to request for additional information re planned implementation of power rerate program at Limerick Generating Station Units 1 & 2. ML20077M115
01/23/1995 Transmits response to RAI re planned implementation of Power Rerate program at plant. ML20078E659

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Amendment Information

Date Description ADAMS
Accession No.
01/24/1996 Limerick Generating Station, Unit 1, License Amendment for Power Rate ML011560244
02/16/1995 Limerick Generating Station, Unit 2, License Amendment for Power Rate ML011560773

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, November 13, 2024