Combined Licenses for Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station, Units 2 and 3
On March 27, 2008, South Carolina Electric & Gas Company (SCE&G) submitted its application for 10 CFR Part 52 combined licenses (COLs) for two AP1000 advanced passive pressurized-water reactors for the Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station, Units 2 and 3 (a.k.a VCSNS). Following earlier abandonment and termination of construction activities, on January 29, 2019 both owners of VCSNS agreed to terminate the COL. On March 6, 2019, the COLs were terminated.
For detail (including the latest submittal of the application, the related review schedule, and the associated staff documentation), see the following topics on this page:
Application Information
The following table provides access to the COL Application that SCE&G submitted for VCSNS.
Some combined license applications were submitted with hyperlinks to various reference documents. Currently, the hyperlinks in those applications are not active. These hyperlinks represent an advanced feature that could be activated when the agency upgrades to web-based ADAMS, at which point these applications and documents such as the Final Safety Analysis Report and associated Technical/Topical Reports would be linked together. In the interim, and for those applications that do not have the hyperlink feature, the reference documents may be viewed under the Reference Documents section of the combined license application page. In addition, DVDs of the various documents are available by contacting the Public Document Room staff.
Part |
Description |
Revision |
0 |
Cover Letter, Affidavits |
Rev. 5
Rev. 4
Rev. 3
Rev. 2
Rev. 1
Rev. 0 |
1 |
Administrative and Financial Information |
Rev. 5
Rev. 4
Rev. 3
Rev. 2
Rev. 1
Rev. 0 |
2 |
Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) |
Rev. 5
Rev. 4
Rev. 3
Rev. 2
Rev. 1
Rev. 0 |
3 |
Environmental Report |
Rev. 2
Rev. 1
Rev. 0 |
4 |
Technical Specifications |
Rev. 4
Rev. 3
Rev. 2
Rev. 1
Rev. 0 |
5 |
Emergency Plan |
Rev. 4
Rev. 3
Rev. 2
Rev. 1
Rev. 0 |
6 |
Limited Work Authorization (LWA) [Not used. Reserved for applicants requesting Limited Work Authorization.] |
7 |
Departures and Exemption Requests |
Rev. 4
Rev. 3
Rev. 2
Rev. 1
Rev. 0 |
8 |
Safeguards/Security Plans [This Part contains safeguards information which is withheld from public availability] |
9 |
[This Part contains other information which is withheld from public availability] |
10 |
License Conditions and Inspection, Tests, Analyses and Acceptance Criteria (ITAAC) |
Rev. 5
Rev. 4
Rev. 3
Rev. 2
Rev. 1
Rev. 0 |
11 |
COLA Enclosure 1 - Subsurface Investigative Reports |
Rev. 0 |
12 |
COLA Enclosure 2 - Seismic Technical Advisory Review Letter |
Rev. 0 |
13 |
COLA Enclosure 3 - Quality Assurance Program Description |
Rev. 2
Rev. 1
Rev. 0 |
14 |
Mitigative Strategies Description and Plans [This Part contains other information which is withheld from public availability] |
15 |
Cyber Security Plan [This Part contains other information which is withheld from public availability] |
16 |
Special Nuclear Material (SNM) Material Control and Accounting Program Description |
Rev. 0 |
17 |
New Fuel Shipping Plan |
Rev. 0 |
18 |
Supplemental Information in Support of 10 CFR Part 70 Special Nuclear Material License Application |
Rev. 0 |
Incorporated by Referenced Documents:

Review Schedule
Key Milestones |
Completion Date
Actual - A
Target - T |
Application Tendered |
03/27/08 - A |
Acceptance Review |
Acceptance Review Start
06/02/08 - A* |
Docketing Decision Letter Issued/Acceptance Review Complete
07/31/08 - A |
Review Schedule Established/Schedule Letter Issued to Applicant
09/26/08 - A |
Safety Review |
Phase A - Requests for Additional Information (RAIs) and Supplemental RAIs
(Formerly Phase 1 and 2)
09/10/09 - A |
Phase B - Advanced Final safety evaluation report (SER) without Open Items
(Formerly Phase 4)
12/10/10 - A |
Phase C - ACRS Review of Advanced Final SER
(Formerly Phase 5)
03/26/11 - A |
Phase D - Final SER
(Formerly Phase 6)
08/17/11 - A |
Environmental Review |
Phase 1 - Scoping
07/15/09 - A |
Phase 2 - Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)
04/16/10 - A |
Phase 3 - Response to Public Comments on DEIS completed
08/10 - A |
Phase 4 - Final Environmental Impact Statement
04/11 - A |
Hearing |
Mandatory Hearing Complete
03/30/12 - A |
License |
Commission decision on issuance of COL application
03/30/12 - A |
* Acceptance review start date is consistent with the guidance provided in RIS 2008-01.

Final Safety Evaluation Report
The Final Safety Evaluation Report for Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station, Units 2 & 3 Combined license application was issued on August 17, 2011.

Final Environmental Impact Statement
This section lists the final Environmental Impact Statement that the NRC has issued in review of the COL application that SCE&G submitted for Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station, Units 2 and 3.

Combined Licenses (COLs)
This section lists the COLs for the Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station, Units 2 and 3 were issued on March 30, 2012.

Construction Abandonment & COL Termination
On August 17, 2017, SCE&G announced abandonment and termination of construction. On January 29, 2019 both owners of VCSNS agreed to terminate the COL. On March 6, 2019, the COLs for Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station, Units 2 and 3, were terminated.

Current Contacts for the Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station, Units 2 and 3 |
Safety Project Manager |
Jordan Glisan |
Environmental Project Manager |
Patricia Vokoun |
Contact a Public Affairs Officer |