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Nine Mile Point, Unit 3 Application

Application Withdrawn

By letter dated November 26, 2013, UniStar Nuclear Energy, LLC (UniStar) submitted a request to the NRC to withdraw the Nine Mile Point 3 Nuclear Power Plant (NMP3NPP) Combined License (COL) application from the docket. On March 31, 2014, the staff issued a letter notifying UniStar that their request to have the NMP3NPP COL application withdrawn from the docket has been granted in accordance with regulations set forth in 10 CFR 2.107. In addition, a Federal Register notice was published on April 4, 2014, announcing this decision and the basis for granting UniStar's request.

A copy of the NRC letter notifying UniStar that their request to withdraw the application was accepted as well as the associated Federal Register Notice can be found on this webpage under links for Application Documents and NRC Documents (2014). A copy of the November 26th letter from UniStar can also be found on this page under links titled Application Documents and Applicant Documents (2013).

Nine Mile Point
Who:   Nine Mile Point Nuclear Project, LLC and UniStar Nuclear Operating Services, LLC (UniStar)
What:   Application for a combined license (COL) for an AREVA U.S. Evolutionary Power Reactor (U.S. EPR) designated as Nine Mile Point, Unit 3
When:   September 30, 2008 (date of application submittal)
Where:   UniStar Nuclear Energy's Nine Mile Point site in Oswego, New York

For additional detail, see the following related pages:

Contacts for the Nine Mile Point COL Application
Safety Project Manager Ricky Vivanco
Environmental Project Manager Bruce Olson
Contact a Public Affairs Officer

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, March 15, 2024