2023 Workshop on Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMTs) for Nuclear Applications
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Location / Date: NRC HQ, Rockville, MD, Date: Oct. 24-26, 2023
Format: This was an in-person event with a virtual option.
ADAMS ML#s for Workshop Presentations: Included in the agenda below. A few presentations are not yet included and will be added when they are available.

- There is potential interest in implementing advanced manufacturing technologies (AMTs) for nuclear applications such as replacement components in operating nuclear power plants and in initial construction of small modular and advanced reactors.
- The efficient and effective introduction of components produced by AMTs in nuclear applications depends on a shared understanding of technical and regulatory challenges, success paths, and future opportunities.
The objectives of the workshop are to update the staff and stakeholders on (1) practical experience and plans for implementing AMT components/technology, (2) AMT process/part qualification and certification approaches, including the incorporation of modeling and simulation, and (3) the latest developments in codes and standards pertaining to AMT adoption.
For additional information, contact: nrcamtnaworkshop.resource@nrc.gov

Workshop Sessions:
Session 1: Implementing AMTs:
Objectives: Provide information on experience using AMT components for nuclear and non-nuclear applications.
The NRC AMT Action Plan addressed five AMTs including laser powder bed fusion, laser direct energy deposition, cold spray, electron beam welding and powder metallurgy + hot isostatic pressing. This session will cover recent and future applications of these AMTs, and advances made in them.
Session 2: Data Collection, Qualification and Certification (Q&C): Materials and component performance
Objectives: Share approaches developed, or under consideration, to qualify AMT materials and components made using AMTs for applications involving component manufacturing and surface treatments
Several qualification approaches are under consideration for AMT materials and components, some of which deviate from the typical ASME Code qualification process. Topics in this session include qualification approaches including modeling and simulation.
Session 3: Codes and Standards Development Activities
Objectives: Provide updates on the latest codes and standards (C&S) related to the use of AMTs.
This session will cover the latest activities related to standards and specifications being developed and used for AMTs.
Eric Focht
Mekonen Bayssie