Recent FOIA Requests - September 2022

This page presents a chronological listing of the subject and reference number of each Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act (FOIA/PA) Request submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) during September 2022. For additional detail, see the Index of Closed FOIA/PA Requests by Subject.

Tracking Number Requester's Name Requester's Organization Request Description Received Date
2022-000223     Request deleted – Requester accidentally sent a duplicate request of 2022-000222  
2022-000224 Michael Petrelis   This is a Freedom of Information Act request for a copy of the Inspector General Report #C13-055, entitled Interference by NRC Officials into an Investigation Conducted by the Office of Investigation, along with a copy of the full investigation file including any and all exhibits. 08/29/2022
2022-000225 Samuel Arwood Berthold Technologies USA, LLC A list (excel or pdf) of the specifically licensed fixed nuclear gauge users in West Virginia 09/01/2022
2022-000226 Rukmini Callimachi The New York Times Consultation received from The George H. W. Bush Presidential Library - Historical records pertaining to the Romanian Revolution of 1989, President George HW Bush's meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev at the Malta Summit in 1989, and Nicolas Ceausescu, the leader of Communist Romania, who was overthrown in 1989. 09/01/2022
2022-000227 Bobby Vaughn Investigative Journalist I request all photographs; photographic media; videos; tapes; reels; and all photo and video media pertaining to the fire in the X-326 building on December 9th, 1998 at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant. 
This information media (photos and videos/tapes/reels) should be of the fire from an outside-of-the-plant view, which would clearly show the plume of smoke; as well as information media (photos and videos/tapes/reels) from the interior of the plant, which would show fire damage.
2022-000228 Devon Nagengast AEI Consultants AEI Consultants is currently conducting the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for the
property located at: 809 West Erie Street, Albion, Calhoun County, MI 49224. The current
ASTM Practice E1527 Standard Practice of Environmental Site Assessments requires a
records search be conducted with local regulatory departments for information regarding
the subject property. It appears the subject property is listed on the Materials Licensing
Tracking System list and I am seeking access to records under the Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA). Specifically records of use of radioactive materials on site.
Additional information:
Site Name : Trillium Hospital
Institution Code: 13987
Dock Number: 3002170
License Number: 21-13987-01
2022-000229 Benjamin Smith Vinsys Information Technology With respect to the Contract Operations Center Information Management System (OCIMS) Operations and Maintenance (O&M), Solicitation 31310021R0019, can you please share technical and cost proposal of the awarded bidder, as well as the bid tabulations, in electronic format?  09/07/2022
2022-000230 Charles Langley Public Watchdogs Copies of all calendar attachments, and all notes, in the calendar entries from January 1, 2022, through and including March 31, 2022, for NRC Chairman Hanson (the same time period requested in FOIA NRC-2022-000142.) 09/08/2022
2022-000231 Roger Harrison EPA The following items I am requesting are mentioned in a 10/2014 report with
CERCLAS ID: IDN001001341 and filename BoiseRadApt_polrep_6.pdf on your
website. I would like a copy of the inventory sheet(s) mentioned in section 2.1.1. of the
report, listing the 129 inventoried items from the apartment for disposal, and the 7
items from the storage units for disposal. The list(s) includes a description of the item
or material, the date it was removed, and a unique identification number for the item or
material. I would like a copy of the DOE RAP team isotopic analysis listed in the log
for 10/25/2014 under "Department of Energy (DOE) Radiation Assistance Program
(RAP) Team Support".
2022-000232 Starr Webb Avalere Health We are interested in identifying the number of physicians, technologists, and pharmacists that are Authorized Users of RLT across the U.S. It is our understanding that regulation and licensing for healthcare professionals is led by the NRC.  Our request from the NRC is to assist us by providing the most recent numbers for:
--the total number of Authorized Users in the US
--the number of Authorized Users by specialty area (i.e., nuclear medicine physicians,
radiation oncology physicians, nuclear radiologist, and pharmacists)
2022-000233 Erasmo Passaro   I would like any and all documents pertaining to the investigation conducted in the late 1980s following [a named individual]'s requests for NRC investigation into the Nuclear Power Plant at Crystal River. Any documents pertaining to this investigation, including those submitted by Florida Power and Light, are included in the scope of this request. Furthermore, I would like access to any and all documentation regarding potential concern over the safety of Babcock and Wilcox Nuclear Reactors.  09/07/2022
2022-000234 Barry Quigley   I request a copy of the enclosure to ML100480097, "GOTHIC Calculations for a Typical BWR/4 with a Mark I Containment to Study the Use of Containment Accident Pressure". I also request a copy of the GOTHIC input files and associated development notes. 09/19/2022
2022-000235 Dr. Nick Turse Type Media Center Pursuant to the federal Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. A§ 552, I request a copy of NRC Investigation Report 3-2020-010.I specifically request that you include so‐called "non‐responsive" material per the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
in American Immigration Lawyers Association v. EOIR, 830 F.3d 667 (D.C.Cir. 2016) which found that FOIA “does not provide for . . . redacting
non‐exempt information within responsive records.” As declared by the court, “once an agency identifies a record it deems responsive to a FOIA request, the statute compels disclosure of the responsive record—i.e.,
as a unit—except insofar as the agency may redact information falling within a statutory exemption.”
2022-000236 Sachi Mulkey UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism Under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. subsection 552, I am requesting access to archived documentation of all letters sent by mail from Nishiwaki Yasushi to the United States Atomic Energy Commission between March 15th, 1954 and March 20th, 1954. 09/20/2022
2022-000237 Holly E Loiseau Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence Review of NICS Standard Operating Procedures 09/29/2022