The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is in the process of rescinding or revising guidance and policies posted on this webpage in accordance with Executive Order 14151 Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing, and Executive Order 14168 Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government. In the interim, any previously issued diversity, equity, inclusion, or gender-related guidance on this webpage should be considered rescinded that is inconsistent with these Executive Orders.

Recent FOIA Requests - July 2022

This page presents a chronological listing of the subject and reference number of each Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act (FOIA/PA) Request submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) during June 2022. For additional detail, see the Index of Closed FOIA/PA Requests by Subject.

Tracking Number Requester's Name Requester's Organization Request Description Received Date
2022-000196 Blake Myers   I am in search of complaints filed to the NRC by named individual, while he was employed by Northeast Utilities, Connecticut Light Power, or the Northeast Nuclear Energy Company and working at the Millstone (2) nuclear power plant. These complaints were likely filed between 1987 and 1995, and there will a substantial amount of them. A newspaper article dated in 1993 attributes 76% of the 630 allegations made in that timeframe. 06/24/2022
2022-000197 Drew Stover IBEW Local 84 I am requesting all documents related to a report on named individual – Investigation Summary, Office of Investigations Case Number 2-2021-008. 06/28/2022
2022-000198 Bijay R Gurung   Any records pertaining to the Trojan Nuclear Plants siren system. 06/28/2022
2022-000199 Ajmel A Quereshi NAACP Legal Defense Fund a) Any and all documents regarding the creation, drafting, development, or promulgation of the Executive Order [EO], including but not limited to the Department of Treasury seminar referenced in the EO; the Training materials from Argonne National Laboratories referenced in the EO; the Materials from Sandia National Laboratories referenced in the EO; the Smithsonian Institution museum graphic referenced in the EO; drafts of the EO; written comments and any other documents related to any interagency review of the EO; any analysis of the economy and efficiency of the EO made pursuant to the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act; and all other correspondence, statements, memoranda, presentations and instructions related to the creation, drafting, development, or promulgation of the EO;  a) (sic) Any and all documents related to any requests made by or to federal agencies seeking examples of diversity, racial sensitivity or other racial inclusivity trainings conducted in the past three years that might be implicated by this order, and the responses received from those agencies. b) Any and all drafts and final memoranda, opinions, or correspondence regarding review of the EO for form and legality by the U.S. Department of Justice, as required by EO 1,030 § 2, 27 Fed. Reg. 5,847 (June 19, 1962); c) Any and all documents, including drafts, regarding the financial impact of the EO; d) Any and all documents, including drafts, regarding the expenditures necessary to implement the EO; e) Any and all documents related to the implementation of the EO, including but not limited to any review process that would be undertaken of existing contracts and the guidelines or standards for this process; any presentations or related materials explaining what is specifically prohibited by the EO; any communications with the Department of Labor and other documents related to the creation of the hotline referenced in the EO, any memoranda or advisories provided to agency personnel related to the launch or implementation of the initiative, and any directives provided to agency leadership describing the plans, processes or procedures for the implementation of the EO; and f) Any and all documents and communications received in response to the EO, including but not limited to communications to the hotline created pursuant to Section 4(b); and communications from other federal agencies, contractors, sub-contractors and grant recipients. 06/29/2022
2022-000200 John E Foland   No description of records sought. 06/29/2022
2022-000201 Nicholas Confessore The New York Times Any e-mail communication between named individual or named individual and employees of the Department. In particular, please search for correspondence with the Loans Program Office; any employee or appointee of the Office of the Secretary and Deputy Secretary; any employee or appointee of the Office of the Undersecretary of Energy; and any employee or appointee of the Office of the General Counsel.  Please search for documents during the period March 1, 2019 through May 21st or the date at which this search is conducted, whichever is later. 06/30/2022
2022-000202 Cardelia Maupin   NRC records related to named or named individuals. 06/30/2022
2022-000203 Billie P Garde Clifford Garde All NRC records of a named individual's communications with the NRC, including any handwritten or typed notes, forms, or other documents prepared by named NRC staff and/or the RIV Senior Allegation Coordinator, regarding the information this individual shared with them; any emails or communications sent by Ms. Donley to anyone else in the NRC, including the resident inspector or any Health Physicists; and any communication that Ms. Donley or anyone else had about these issues or concerns with the licensee of Columbia Generating Station between June 7-July 30, 2021. 07/05/2022
2022-000204 Connie Marini EDR LightBox I would like to obtain the most recent listing of companies that have been issued an NRC license and are included in the MLTS Database (active and retired licenses) , for the entire United States, in Excel or other spreadsheet format. 07/14/2022
2022-000205 Samantha Sederquest Envirosite Corporation I am seeking the updated electronic list and details for sites in possession/use of radioactive materials regulated by NRC. I am seeking all statuses. 07/15/2022
2022-000206 Adam Marshall Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press Request access to and copies of all letters and correspondence sent from your agency to FOIA requesters in fiscal years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021, that contain any of the following phrases (case insensitive):
  • "neither confirm nor deny"
  • "neither confirms nor denies"
  • "confirm or deny"
  • "existence or nonexistence"
  • "existence or non-existence"
  • "vel non"
Please note that the Reporters Committee is not seeking (1) names, (2) addresses, (3) or contact information of any FOIA requester(s) that may appear on these requested records; such information may be redacted.
2022-000207 Kathleen Casey   I am requesting copies of all communications, including lobbying contracts, emails, phone logs, and notes, mentioning the following (listed below) between 2015-present:
  • Eversource Energy
  • Named individual,
  • EVP
  • General Counsel of Eversource
  • Rep. Themis Klarides of Connecticut and/or any member of her staff
2022-000208 Jerry Havens University of Arkansas I am requesting the following information:
Plant: SEFOR (Southwest Experimental Fast Oxide Reactor)
Subject Area: Failure to Scram
2022-000209 James Melton Nawah Energy (UAE) Requesting copy of a named individual’s senior reactor operator license. 07/25/2022
2022-000210 Diane J Curran Harmon, Curran, Spielberg & Eisenberg LLP Unredacted versions of five specifically described documents relating to the Oconee Nuclear Station, which NRC had previously released in redacted form in FOIA/PA-2016-0451. 07/28/2022

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, August 11, 2022