Tracking Number |
Requester's Name |
Requester's Organization |
Request Description |
Received Date |
2022-000116 |
i |
04/04/2022 |
2022-000117 |
Robert Hsu |
Requesting information on whether the named individual is a person of interest under any cases relating to your agency |
04/04/2022 |
2022-000118 |
Shannon M. Luschen |
Swanson, Martin & Bell, LLP |
Complete copies of any and all records, investigatory reports, decisions and orders, and citations regarding any relevant incidents in connection with any environmental or health-related hazards (i.e. asbestos, silica, chemical fumes, or any other toxic or hazardous compounds) in regarding the General Electric Plant, located at 1 Progress Road, Shelbyville, Indiana |
04/04/2022 |
2022-000119 |
Alan McCreary |
West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection |
Following Reports as they pertain to the Parkersburg Disposal Site:
1) AMAX, 1980. Stabilization Plan, AMAZ Inc. Property, Wood County, West Virginia, Denver, Colorado;
2) AMAX, 1984. Stabilization Plan, Construction and Final Survey, AMAX Inc. Property, Wood County, West Virginia, volumes 1 and 2, December 1;
3) DOE, 1994b. Sampling and Analysis Plan/Quality Assurance Project Plan for Confirmation of Waste Containment at the AMAX Radioactive Material Storage Area, Parkersburg, West Virginia, P-GJP0-154, prepared by Rust Geotech for the Grand Junction Projects Office, Grand Junction, Colorado;
4) Frame, P.W., and J.D. Berger, 1985. Radiological Survey of the AMAX, 1980. AMAX Site, Parkersburg, West Virginia, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Radiological Site Assessment Program, Manpower Education, Research, and Training Division, Oak Ridge, Tennessee;
5) NRC, 1987. Environmental Assessment for Releasing the Property for Unrestricted Use, Docket No. 40-8820, Uranium Fuel Licensing Branch, Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety; and
6) Williams, 1980. Hydrogeology of the AMAX Property in Wood County, West Virginia. |
04/04/2022 |
2022-000120 |
Chris Stanley |
Functional Government Initiative |
All records held by the specified agency officials that refer to the implementation or enforcement of Executive Order 14043, “Requiring Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination for Federal Employees” (“the order” hereafter) as described, from September 9, 2021, to the date the agency conducts the search |
04/04/2022 |
2022-000121 |
Chris Stanley |
Functional Government Initiative |
All records held by the specified agency officials relating to the drafting, implementation, or enforcement of contract provisions for vaccination of the employees of contractors and subcontractors developed pursuant to EO 14042 as described, from September 9, 2021, to the date the agency conducts the search |
04/04/2022 |
2022-000122 |
Quinn L. Porter |
Please provide all records of named individual. |
04/05/2022 |
2022-000123 |
Robin Ritzman |
Curtiss-Wright |
When NRC licensees make prompt event notifications as required by 10 CFR 50.72, the Headquarters Operations Officer sometimes asks additional question. Starting in 2022, and it has happened on approximately a dozen times so far this year, the Headquarters Operations Officer has modified the text provided by the licensee and included the words that the following additional information was obtained from the licensee in accordance with "Headquarters Operations Officers Report Guidance." |
04/05/2022 |
2022-000124 |
Rowland G Hume |
Foia request for all responsive records for the keywords "UFO , UAP, UKN UAS, Unknown radiological (or) Hazardous object(s)" or any other acronym used for UFO by the NRC. |
04/05/2022 |
2022-000125 |
Chang Wang |
HCI is conducting a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for 71 Shelton Avenue (Block 0392, Lot 02700) and 89 Shelton Avenue (Block 0392, Lot 00104) properties in New Haven, CT.
Please pull ALL files associated with these properties, NOT only files related to environmental matters. |
04/07/2022 |
2022-000126 |
Oona A. Hathaway |
Yale Law School |
All unclassified guidance, policies, directives, rules, or regulations that govern the Office’s own internal process for making binding/nonbinding determinations, aid agencies in determining whether agreements are binding, and aid Department components and other agencies in drafting nonbinding agreements; any and all unclassified records associated with nonbinding documents, including lists, records, or descriptions of those documents; and any and all unclassified nonbinding understandings or arrangements with foreign countries or international organizations actually in the Office’s possession (from the period of January 1, 1989 to December 31, 2019), as specified. |
04/08/2022 |
2022-000127 |
Dustin Slaughter |
Any and all records pertaining to sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs), unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), unidentified objects, and unidentified aircraft at or in the vicinity of the following nuclear power plants: Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station, Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Limerick Generating Station, and Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station. This request seeks, but is not limited to, the 62 pages referenced in a February 2, 2022 email from the NRC regarding FOIA requests NRC-2022-000064, -000065, -000068, and -000069 (screen capture attached), as specified (from June 1, 1967, up to and including the date this request is officially processed). |
04/08/2022 |
2022-000128 |
Juan A. Bravo |
Balance |
04/11/22 |
2022-000129 |
Terence A. Check |
Requester is seeking records that pertain to any FOIA request submitted by a foreign government, a foreign company, or any representative of a foreign government (regardless of citizenship) within the last ten (10) years. |
04/11/22 |
2022-000130 |
Matthew Hiser |
Case files associated with OIG Case #C-21-013 |
04/12/22 |
2022-000131 |
Helen Oliver |
Quadient |
Copy of postage equipment lease or purchase agreement for the mailing equipment used at NRC, believes it may be Pitney Bowes equipment. |
04/14/22 |
2022-000132 |
Kyle Malove |
Requester is seeking access to AEC-tr-6893. Title: Thermal Distillation of Sea Water Fundamentals of the Theory of Marine Evaporators. Article; Author: V.F Kovalenko; Month; Year: 1966; Vol.; Issue; Pages: (entire text); This is for educational purposes at an R1 research university. |
04/14/22 |
2022-000133 |
Kyle Malove |
Requester is seeking access to AEC-tr-6760. Title: Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research; Article; Author: Culham, England; Month; September 6-10; Year: 1965; Vol.; Issue; Pages: (entire text); This is for educational purposes at an R1 research university. |
04/14/22 |
2022-000134 |
Kyle Malove |
Requester is seeking access to this text. Title: Reactor Handbook: Physics; Article; Author: Contributor: Argonne National Laboratory; Month; Year: 1955; Vol.; Issue: Atomic Energy Commission document; 3645; Pages: (entire text). This is for educational purposes at an R1 research university. |
04/14/22 |
2022-000135 |
Kyle Malove |
Requester is seeking access to this text; Title: Water Desalination Plants for Seagoing Vessels; Article; Author: V.F. Kovalenko, G. Ya Lukin, B.M Rogalev; Month: Year: 1964; Vol.: AEC-tr-6909 (possibly?); Issue; Pages: (entire text); Notes: "Translated from a publication of Izdatel'stvo 'Transport', Moscow, 1964." Oak Ridge, Tenn.: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Technical Information; Springfield, Va.: Available from the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information. This is for educational purposes at an R1 research university. |
04/14/22 |
2022-000136 |
Kyle Malove |
Requester seeking access to this text; Title: Proceedings of a Symposium on Pulsed High Intensity Fission Neutron SourcesArticle: Author: Month: February; Year: 1965; Vol.: Issue: CONF-650217 Pages: (entire text)
Notes: Held at USAEC, Washington DC. This is for my own educational purpose, at an R1 research university. |
04/14/22 |
2022-000137 |
Kyle Malove |
Requester is seeking access to this text; Title: Neutron Noise, Waves, and Pulse Propagation; Article; Author:
Month: May; Year: 1967; Vol.; Issue: CONF-660206
Pages: (entire text); Notes: USAEC Oak Ridge Tennessee Division of Technical Information Extension.
This is for educational purposes, at an R1 research university. |
04/14/22 |
2022-000138 |
Kyle Malove |
Requester is seeking access to; Title: Reactor physics constants. Article: Reactor Physics Constants Center (U.S.); Month; Year: 1963; Vol.; Issue: ANL-5800
Pages: (entire text); Washington, D.C.: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Technical Information: For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Govt. Print. Off. This is for educational purposes at an R1 research university. |
04/14/22 |
2022-000139 |
Kyle Malove |
Requester is seeking access to Proceedings: Conference on Nuclear Marine Propulsion; Title: Proceedings: Conference on Nuclear Marine Propulsion, August 10-13, 1964, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg Virginia.
Article; Author: Conference on Nuclear Marine Propulsion (1964: Virginia Polytechnic Institute); Month: August 10-13; Year: 1964; Vol.; Issue; Pages: (entire text); This is for educational purposes at an R1 research university. |
04/14/22 |
2022-000140 |
Kyle Malove |
Requester is seeking access to Nuclear Power Reactor Siting: proceedings of the National Topical Meeting, America Nuclear Society, Los Angeles Section, February 16-18, 1965. Title: Nuclear power reactor siting: proceedings of the National Topical Meeting, America Nuclear Society, Los Angeles Section, February 16-18, 1965; Article; Author: National Topical Meeting on Nuclear Power Reactor Siting (1965: Los Angeles, Calif.)
Month; Year: 1965; Vol.; Issue; Pages: (entire text)
Publisher: Oak Ridge, Tenn.: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Technical Information: U.S. G.P.O.; This is for educational purposes at an R1 research university. |
04/14/22 |
2022-000141 |
Kyle Malove |
Requester is seeking access to Conference on Neutron Cross Section Technology: proceedings. Title: Conference on Neutron Cross Section Technology (1966: Washington, D.C.); Article; Author: Hemmig, P. B.; Month; Year: 1966; Vol; Issue: CONF-660303, Physics TID-4500; Pages: (entire text); Publisher: Oak Ridge, Tenn.: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Technical Information Extension; Springfield, Va.: Available from the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, National Bureau of Standards, U.S. Dept. of Commerce; This is for an educational purpose at an R1 research university. |
04/14/22 |
2022-000142 |
Paul Blanch |
Please provide a copy of each Commissioner and Chairman's schedule/calendar for the time frame of January 1, 2022, through March 31, 2022. Please assure all "drop-in" meetings are included. |
04/15/22 |
2022-000143 |
Matt Novak |
Requesting all Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Office of the Inspector General hotline complaint summaries of any origin type (email, phone, mail, fax, etc) from January 1, 2017, to present that include the phrase “Havana Syndrome.” |
04/18/22 |
2022-000144 |
Connie Marini |
EDR Lightbox |
The requester is seeking the following, for the entire United States, in Excel or other spreadsheet format: A list of decommissioning nuclear facilities, which means safely removing a facility or site from service and reducing residual radioactivity to a level that permits either of the following actions. Information being requested is; Timeline, Docket Number Plant Name, PM, Shutdown, Certification of Perm. S/D, Certification of Perm. Defueling, PSDAR or DP, LTP, Terminated or ISFSI only, Plants in each phase as of Jan 01,2020, Plants that have completed; Plant Info; Docket Number Plant Name, Utility, Location, Region; Overall Status; Docket Number, Plant Name, Operating, Decom Process, Decon SAFSTOR, Hybrid, Terminated, ISFSI only. Requester needs to know if the cost will exceed $250.00. |
04/18/22 |
2022-000145 |
Connie Marini |
EDR Lightbox |
Requester is seeking the most recent listing of companies that have been issued an NRC license and are included in the MLTS Database (active and retired licenses) , for the entire United States, in Excel or other spreadsheet format. Requested information is:
Docket number, License Number, Institution Code, Date org license, License Issue Date, License Expiration Date, Licensee Name, Licensee line 2, Licensee Contact Street1, Licensee Contact Street2, Licensee Contact Street3, Licensee Contact City, License Contact State, License Contact Zip, Abbreviation, Licensee Contact full name, Licensee Contact Suffix, Licensee Contact Phone, Auth States, Approved For Storage Flag, Approved For Redistrib Flag, Approved For Incineration, Approved For Burial Flag, Date Of Last Inspection, Rso First Name, RSO Last Name, Date of Next Inspection, Status, Agency Code. Please include a record layout. |
04/18/22 |
2022-000146 |
Niem Tash |
Envirosite Corporation |
Requester is seeking the updated electronic list and details for sites in possession/use of radioactive materials regulated by NRC. Seeking all statuses. Previously requester received these fields: License Number, Date OrgLic, License Date, Expiration Date, Licensee, Licensee Line 2, License Contact Street 1, License Contact Street 2, License Contact Street 3, License Contact, City, State, License Contact Zip, Contact Full Name, Contact Phone, Status, Agency Code.
Please provide this in electronic format?Requester is seeking the updated electronic list and details for sites in possession/use of radioactive materials regulated by NRC. Seeking all statuses. Previously requester received these fields: License Number, Date OrgLic, License Date, Expiration Date, Licensee, Licensee Line 2, License Contact Street 1, License Contact Street 2, License Contact Street 3, License Contact, City, State, License Contact Zip, Contact Full Name, Contact Phone, Status, Agency Code.
Please provide this in electronic format? |
04/19/22 |
2022-000147 |
Abigail Gentry |
Intertek-PSI |
Would you please send me available pertaining to regulatory compliance or non-compliance, and documentation of any spill, release, or incident involving hazardous materials (or similar) for the following:
Docket: 3000412
License No.: 34-04566-02 |
04/19/22 |
2022-000148 |
Abigail Gentry |
Intertek-PSI |
Would you please send me available pertaining to regulatory compliance or non-compliance, and documentation of any spill, release, or incident involving hazardous materials (or similar) for the following:
Docket: 3009580
License No.: 34-04566-03 |
04/19/22 |
2022-000149 |
Abigail Gentry |
Intertek-PSI |
Would you please send me available pertaining to regulatory compliance or non-compliance, and documentation of any spill, release, or incident involving hazardous materials (or similar) for the following:
Address: 309 E STATE ST, COLUMBUS OH 43215
Docket: 3002731
License No.: 34-04566-01 |
04/19/22 |
2022-000150 |
Mary Thomas |
Valley News Dispatch |
Request full access to the personal subject files of named individual |
04/21/22 |
2022-000151 |
Dustin Slaughter |
Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following records: Any and all records exchanged between the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Natural Resources Canada pertaining to unidentified flying objects (UFOs), unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), unidentified objects, unidentified aircraft, and drones of unknown origin. This request includes any and all emails, email attachments, memorandums, photographs, camera footage, official reports, bulletins, minutes, maps, audio recordings, and any and all other responsive records and segregable materials. Please interpret the scope of this request as broadly and in the most liberal way possible. Please conduct searches of all electronic and paper/manual indices, filing systems, and locations for any and all records relating or referring to the subject of my request. Please also include all processing notes associated with this request; if processing notes are not included in the NRC's final response, this requester will either appeal or file an additional FOIA seeking them. The time frame for this request should include any and all responsive records from December 27, 2021 up to and including the date this request is officially processed. |
04/22/22 |
2022-000152 |
Carlos Sisco |
Requester is seeking copy of NRC Yellow Announcement YA-21-0083. YA-21-0083 is cited on the NRC's webpage under Required Reporting for Clearance Holders The following Yellow Announcements associated with Reporting for Clearance Holders are in the public ADAMS: 1. YA-18-0025, “Changes to Management Directive 12.3, Foreign Travel Reporting” (ML18025B102) 2. YA-18-0056, “Updates to NRC Personnel Security Reporting Requirements” (ML18158A447) 3. YA-18-0062, “Revised: Updates to NRC Personnel Security Reporting Requirements” (ML18186A658) I believe YA-21-0083 could be an update to YA-18-0062. I note that there are 67 Yellow Announcements in the public ADAMS. I would appreciate your prompt response within ten working days of the receipt of this request, as provided by the Code and the NRC's policies. I agree to pay such fees as required under 10 C.F.R. 9.33, et seq. without further authorization; however, please call if the fees, and copying costs exceed $25.00. I prefer that the document be produced in electronic form. |
04/25/22 |
2022-000153 |
(Tzar) Marcus Aristal |
The Hierarchy |
Request for social or birth certificate for named individual |
04/28/22 |