Recent FOIA Requests - February 2022

This page presents a chronological listing of the subject and reference number of each Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act (FOIA/PA) Request submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) during January 2022. For additional detail, see the Index of Closed FOIA/PA Requests by Subject.

Tracking Number Requester's Name Requester's Organization Request Description Received Date
2022-000074 William Cruz, Jr. Terry Bryant PLLC Certified copies of all fire inspections at South Texas Power, Unit 2, in 2020 and 2021 01/31/2022
2022-000075 Thomas Secker   Records located in prior requests (NRC-2022-000064, NRC-2022-000065, NRC-2022-000068 and NRC-2022-000069) regarding documents on anomalous sightings at Three Mile Island 02/02/2022
2022-000076 Gary W. Hayner, Jr., PMP Jensen Hughes A copy of Regulatory Guide 5.81 Revision 1 02/04/2022
2022-000077 Michael T. Mulchrone Superheat FGH Background Investigation Document 02/07/2022
2022-000078 Adrienne Stead   Copy of the original proposal for the following award: R—Diversity and Inclusion Support Services, Contract Award Date: Sep 27, 2021, Contract Award Number: GS-00F-404GA, Task/Delivery Order Number: 31310021F0157…Contractor Awarded Name: Ivy Planning Group, LLC, Contractor Awarded Address: MD 20817 USA, Base and All Options Value (Total Contract Value): $125000 02/10/2022
2022-000079 Taylor Amarel   Last 200 pages of emails sent to, from, or copied to 02/11/2022
2022-000080 Martel Kelly Advent Services LLC The first page (i.e., Face Page) of the current contract award, and first 15 pages of the Performance Work Statement or Statement of Work for the existing contract # NRCHQ8417C0004; who is currently assigned as: PM/TM/POC (govt program manager, technical manager or govt owner of the requirement), COR (Contracting Organization Representative), CO/KO (contract officer), and CS (contract specialist, if applicable) 02/15/2022
2022-000081 Ian Holt Banks Environmental Data Please provide the information found within the WBL [Web-Based Licensing] database for all records in Texas, in excel format 02/15/2022
2022-000082 Michael Ravnitzky   A copy of OIG-06-A-23, OIG-07-A-04, OIG-08-A-10, OIG-10-A-11, and OIG-20-A-02 02/16/2022
2022-000083 Park Overall   I am requesting the Escape Plan for the public in Erwin, TN at Nuclear Fuel Services 02/16/2022
2022-000084 Alexsis Bowen Triterra US Any records available for the attached Material Licensing Tracking Systems. 02/17/2022
2022-000085 Aura Melgar   Background clearance information showing why clearance was declined for named individual 02/22/2022
2022-000086 Billie Garde Clifford & Garde, LLP All documents to or from or between, the RGN II Allegations Office, NRC Headquarters Allegations Office and TVA relating to allegation numbers: RII-2019-A-022, RII-2019-0047, RII-2019-A-050, RII-2019-A-049 02/22/2022
2022-000087 Billie Garde Clifford & Garde, LLP Any and all communications or documentation between TVA and any NRC RGN II Office (including the allegations office and office of investigations) and NRC Headquarters Allegations Office and Office of Investigation, that included any discussion of TVA's January 23, 2019 presentation to the Nuclear Oversight Committee (NOC) of TVA's Board of Directors, regarding the Employee Concerns Program. This includes any written materials created for that meeting by named individuals, that were provided to the NRC. 02/22/2022
2022-000088 Billie Gard Clifford & Garde, LLP The complete investigative report and all exhibits/attachments to report nos. 2-2019-014 and 2-2020-050 02/22/2022
2022-000089 Marc Cecotti The Drive (France) All records, including emails, emails with other agencies, Incident Reports, and pictures pertaining to a UAS [Unmanned Aircraft Systems] incident that occurred on December 4, 2021 in the vicinity of Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Ohio 02/25/2022
2022-000090 Audrey Klett   The official record copy (with ML# accession number and concurrence grid) of a document issued by the Office of Chief Human Capital Officer to various NRC staff titled, "NRC COVID-19 screening testing program" dated February 2022 02/25/2022


Page Last Reviewed/Updated Monday, February 28, 2022