Recent FOIA Requests - September 2021

This page presents a chronological listing of the subject and reference number of each Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act (FOIA/PA) Request submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) during September 2021. For additional detail, see the Index of Closed FOIA/PA Requests by Subject.

Tracking Number Requester's Name Requester's Organization Request Description Received Date
2021-000235 Michael Aguirre Aguirre & Severson All records of communications related to the August 3rd event between NRC agents and agents of the “facility operator” regarding the August 3rd event, for the period August 3, 2018, and September 14, 2018 08/30/2021
2021-000236 Kali Palmpay   All records associated with Investigation of 2810 Toler Rd, Rowlett, TX 08/30/2021
2021-000237 Jason Fagone San Francisco Chronicle Copy of all records that involve changes or potential changes to DOE rules or policies about the classification of radioactive waste.  This should encompass records related to DOE's proposal to reclassify some high-level radioactive waste as low-level waste, date range October 1, 2016 and the date this request is fulfilled 09/01/2021
2021-000238 Bobby Vaughn, Jr.   All records available, including photographs, documents, memorandums, e-mails, reports, details etc., pertaining to the fire in the X-326 building at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant on December 9, 1998 for the timeframe December 9, 1998 - May 31, 2000 09/02/2021
2021-000239 Michael Aguirre Aguirre & Severson The program for training for the practice cannisters the San Onofre plant operator submitted to the NRC under 72.192 or related provisions of law, including any pictures and specification of the practice cannisters, and any writings that explains if the NRC discovered the practice cannisters were smaller than the actual cannisters to be used for downloading of the nuclear waste 09/07/2021
2021-000240 Michael Aguirre Aguirre & Severson The contract under which QualX Corp provides FOIA-processing services to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and writings showing the amounts paid under that contract to QualX Corp for the years 2019 and 2020 09/07/2021
2021-000241 Nathan Clark Energy Northwest-Columbia A copy of the following document: Accession Number: 7908220075, “NRC Models for Evaluating Transport of Radionuclides in Groundwater”, May 31, 1977 09/07/2021
2021-000242 Michael Aguirre Aguirre & Severson Any record of communications on or before May 17, 2019, in which an NRC representative said the issues related to the August 3, 2018, event had been resolved to the NRC's satisfaction, including any such communication that the plant operator's failure to report the August 3, 2018, event before September 14, 2018, had been resolved to the NRC's satisfaction; any such communication that the plant operator's use of practice cannisters smaller than the ones actually used for downloading had been resolved to the NRC's satisfaction; and any such communication that the plant operator's failure to report to the NRC that the bottom of cannister's (between January and August 2018) were frequently in contact with the shield ring had been resolved to the NRC's satisfaction 09/13/2021
2021-000243 Carol A. Overland Legalectric – Overland Law Office Documentation regarding the need for seal replacement, specific to the casks at Prairie Island NGP [Nuclear Generating Plant], and secondarily, specific to others; any and all information about seal replacement on the TN-40 and/or TNHT-40 casks at PINGP, as specified;  provide any and all information regarding unloading of TN-40 and/or TNHT-40 casks after any period of use for storage;  information regarding unsuccessful attempts and successful unloading of TN casks, as specified; and any and all documentation of use of casks licensed for Part 50 and 52 at a Part 72 licensed facility 09/14/2021
2021-000244 James Crowder Bressler, Amery, & Ross, P.C. Document titled "Site Decommissioning Plan for Soil Cover and Underlying Soils" prepared by McLaren/Hart, Inc., in relation to the Prometcor, Inc. (formerly Ronson Metals) Site located at 55 Manufacturer's Place in Newark, New Jersey. The document was submitted to NRC in August 1998 and approved by NRC in October 1998. 09/14/2021
2021-000245 Colleen Lane Penn Jersey Environmental Consulting All radiological documents associated with this referenced site:  Shieldalloy Metallurgical Corporation, Blocks/Lots: Newfield Borough: Block 209, Lots 2 & 7; Block 1002, Lots 1, 1.01, 2, 3, 3.01, 4, 5, 15, 15.01, 16, & 18. Vineland City: Block 502, Lots 1 &2, Street Address: 35 S West Blvd Newfield, NJ 08344, Property Owners: Shieldalloy Corporation 09/20/2021
2021-000246 Calvin Hopper Partner Engineering and Science, Inc Please provide me with facility information and nature of waste/materials at 12723 Capricorn Drive, Stafford, TX 77477, License Number: 42-27787-01, Licensee: Pika International, Inc. 09/23/2021
2021-000247 Olivia Underhill Partner Engineering and Science, Inc Please provide me with facility information and nature of waste/materials at 12723 Capricorn Drive, Stafford, TX 77477, License Number: 42-27787-01, Licensee: Pika International, Inc. 09/23/2021
2021-000248 Leonard Wright Wright Environmental Services, Inc SECY-02-0183, SECY-05-0047 09/23/2021
2021-000249 James K. Joosten, Jr. Connect-USA LLC Copy of any outgoing and incoming emails, notes, faxes, communications, directions, recommendations, or other documents related to the signature block on ADAMS Accession Number ML21209A761 and related to the appeal of the same; and documents involving named NRC individuals that are related to request for access to NuScale proprietary, physical, and safeguards information; include information related to request for access to the SF-85 electronic gateway and FD-258 fingerprint cards 09/28/2021
2021-000250 Allan L Blutstein American Rising Statement of work associated with the attached contract with Ivy Planning Group, LLC for "Diversity and Inclusion Support Services" 09/28/2021
2021-000251 Andrea Cannon   A records list of all employees in the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission that are currently enrolled in the federal retirement system, as specified 09/28/2021
2021-000252 Eva Carson Environmental Record Search The most recent list of MLTS (Material Licensing Tracking System) facilities 09/29/2021
2021-000253 Stephen Bolin   The directory listing of all files and directories stored at as well as the directory listing of all sub-directories 09/29/2021
2021-000254 Caroline M. Merlin, Esq. Tully Rinckley PLLC Copies of the 15 listed items referenced as supporting documents to an investigation of disciplinary action taken on named individual 09/30/2021
2021-000255 Michael J. Aguirre, Esq. Aguirre & Severson, LLP Appeal the adequacy of search in response to all records of communications related to the August 3rd event between NRC agents and agents of the "facility operator" regarding the August 3rd event, for the period August 3, 2018, and September 14, 2018, in response to NRC-2021-000235 09/30/2021
2021-000256 Danny M. Wells   Any records or files of named individual's applications for CFAP [Cal Fresh Food Assistance Program] benefits, from 1975 to 2021 09/30/2021

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, March 9, 2022