Recent FOIA Requests - October 2021

This page presents a chronological listing of the subject and reference number of each Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act (FOIA/PA) Request submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) during September 2021. For additional detail, see the Index of Closed FOIA/PA Requests by Subject.

Tracking Number Requester's Name Requester's Organization Request Description Received Date
2022-000001 Jeffrey Karvanek   Any and all documented evidence of the existence of alien space crafts that are exhibiting high speed maneuvers 10/04/2021
2022-000002     (Test Case for Developers---DELETED) 10/04/2021
2022-000003     (Test Case for Developers---DELETED) 10/04/2021
2022-000004 Kimberly Smolij PennJersey Environmental Consulting Records including but not limited to licensing, permits or inspection records you may have associated with the property located at 500 Highway 70 in Manchester, Ocean County, New Jersey block 75.01 lot 1 (The address is listed in EPA's [Environmental Protection Agency] databases as "RT 70 MM 41" and "Route 70 Mile Marker 41") under the name Heritage Minerals, Inc 10/06/2021
2022-000005 Michael Aguirre Aguirre & Severson LLP Appeal the NRC's determination to send the responsive records to the business submitter of the information for review of proprietary interest, in response to NRC-2021-000240 10/08/2021
2022-000006 Michael Ayele Association For The Advancement of Civil Liberties Records pertaining to the circumstances surrounding the 2019 murder of Alexandria Kostial (aka) Ally Kostial, and the disconcerting inconsistencies of the recently passed Texas abortion legislation, as specified in the 35 listed items 10/12/2021
2022-000007 Daniel Boguslaw   All OGE Form 202,"Notice of Conflict of Interest Referral Form" sent to the Office of Government Ethics between 1/20/2021 and 10/7/2021 10/18/2021
2022-000008 Charles Langley Public Watchdogs Hyperlinks to all "Decommissioning Financial Status Reports" (DFS Reports) filed with Nuclear Regulatory Commission relating to the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) from the year 2011 forward 10/18/2021
2022-000009 Connie Marini LightBox The most recent listing of companies that have been issued an NRC license and are included in the MLTS [Material Licensing Tracking System] Database (active and retired licenses), for the entire United States, to include a record layout 10/18/2021
2022-000010 Connie Marini LightBox A list of decommissioning nuclear facilities, which means safely removing a facility or site from service and reducing residual radioactivity to a level that permits either of the following actions. 10/18/2021
2022-000011 2022-000011 Fielding Graduate University A list including name, rank, and email address of any Emergency Medical Technician, Paramedic, Military Corpsman, Military Medics, or other first responders 10/18/2021
2022-000012 Anna Jones Entergy Services, LLC The Report of Investigation and all notes and transcripts of interviews with the Senior Reactor Operator who was the subject of the investigation, for NRC Office of Investigations Case No. 4-2020-019 (EA-21-030); and the Report of Investigation and all notes and transcripts of interviews with the over-instruction operator who was the subject of the investigation, for NRC Office of Investigations Case No. 4-2020-009 (EA-21-050) 10/22/2021
2022-000013 Kurtis Benedict The University of Akron Documents related to the Prompt Alert Siren System (PASS) for the Perry Nuclear Power Plant, for current and previous siren warning systems, as described 10/26/2021

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, November 2, 2021