Recent FOIA Requests – April 2021

This page presents a chronological listing of the subject and reference number of each Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act (FOIA/PA) Request submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) during April 2021. For additional detail, see the Index of Closed FOIA/PA Requests by Subject.

Tracking Number Requester's Name Requester's Organization Request Description Received Date
2021-000134 Boyd H. Rose General Dynamics Land Systems (Retired) The current status as of March 28, 2021, of the USNRC Region III licensing actions with respect to General Dynamics Land Systems' (GDLS) decommissioning of GDLS' Anniston Army Depot facilities 03/29/2021
2021-000135 Logan Ping   Copies of specific public records relating to the Cimarron Environmental Response Trust Agreement to which the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is a Beneficiary, as described 03/29/2021
2021-000136 Lloyd R. Briner   Named individual Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) RA-03 Radiation Report, done by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) for operation Dominic 1 03/31/2021
2021-000137 Michael Ravnitzky   Copy of the following SECY papers: SECY-78-102, SECY-78-104, SECY-78-111, SECY-78-115, SECY-78-127, SECY-78-136, SECY-78-151, SECY-78-165, SECY-78-165A, SECY-78-175, SECY-78-176 04/02/2021
2021-000138 Laurie Soles   Any and all documents relative to the investigation, including all findings and recommendations, of a fire incident that occurred June 2020 a BWX Technologies 04/02/2021
2021-000139 Bobby Vaughn, Jr.   Requesting all records of radioactive material; radio isotope shipments to the Goodyear Wingfoot Lake Facility located on Wingfoot Rd. near Mogodore, Ohio; as well as all available records of disposal of the radioactive waste.  These records should include shipment records, memorandums, photographs, documents showing where the radioactive waste was shipped to, records of discharge to water, air, and/or disposal by burying.  The timeframe of the responsive records is from 1950-1975. 04/05/2021
2021-000140 Paul Blanch   A copy or reference to the Current Licensing Basis (10 CFR 54.3) for the San Onofre site as related to site flooding as required by 10 CFR 100(c)(3) 04/07/2021
2021-000141 Daniel Hager Disclosure tv Report on Unidentified Flying Object (UFO)/Unidentified Ariel Phenomenon (UPA), unknown flying objects, UAP/UFO video/audio, and recent reports of UAP/UFO from 2015-2021 04/12/2021
2021-000142 Kate Mishkin   NRC's procedure used to review and approve [Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation] ISFSI operator training programs per 10 CFR 72.190 and records for the NRC's approval of Holtec's/Southern California Edison's ISFSI operator training program between 2016 and August 2018; Any and all requests to Southern California Edison and/or Holtec, the response(s), and the NRC's evaluation(s) in response to "Allegation No. NMSS-2019-A-0004" and an email to the Concerned Individual (CI) dated Feb. 28, 2019; and Any and all communications to/from the NRC between May 7, 2018 and present containing the phrases "SECY-18-0055" or "PROPOSED RULE: REGULATORY IMPROVEMENTS FOR PRODUCTION AND UTILIZATION FACILITIES TRANSITIONING TO DECOMMISSIONING" 04/13/2021
2021-000143 Michael Roberts   All information regarding the work of William Robert Terrill ("Terrill, W.R" in publicly available academic papers).  Any documentation about his involvement in the Star Wars program would be especially of interest. 04/13/2021
2021-000144 Tim Moroz Boyd Watterson Asset Management, LLC The most recent Nuclear Regulatory Commission "Capital Plan" or "Capital Programming Guide" as required by OMB Memorandum M-20-03. I have attached the document for your reference. 04/14/2021
2021-000145 Serita Sanders   Sheryl Sanchez's response to a prior FOIA request, NRC-2021-000015 04/15/2021
2021-000146 Connie Marini  LightBox  The most recent listing of companies that have been issued an NRC license and are included in the MLTS Database (active and retired licenses), for the entire United States 04/19/2021
2021-000147 Tommy Benz Growthlab Copies of the winning contract and pricing proposals from Forensic Drug & Alcohol Testing LLC in regards to NRC contract NRCHQ4016C0012, “URINE SPECIMEN COLLECTION - NATIONWIDE, MEDICAL REVIEW OFFICER SERVICES, AND PROFESSIONAL /TECHNICAL ON-SITE SUPPORT” 04/19/2021
2021-000148 Rose Santos FOIA Group Inc. Relevant to NRC contract 31310020C0027, we seek copies of the following: contract with Performance Work Statement/Statement of Work (PWS/SOW), all modifications, Attachments / Exhibits, Labor rates/categories, Contractor Performance Reports or comparable customer evaluations, and Award fee letters 04/20/2021
2021-000149 Michael Kurosky American Geosciences, Inc. Specifics of environmental investigations or cleanup/remediation conducted on the subject property (Lot 3 and 4, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, Parcel ID 58-16-00-0-147) and the adjoining properties occupied by Westinghouse Waltz Mill West facility (Parcel 58-16-00-0-094) and the adjoining property on the west side of Tomajko Road.  Soil data, groundwater data, monitoring data, confirmation sampling following cleanup(s), and records related to waste disposal area(s) at the subject property and adjoining properties would be ideal.  04/21/2021
2021-000150 Ken Rumelt Vermont Law School Appeal the adequacy of search for records related to environmental impacts at the Florida Power & Light Co.'s Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Station, and the denial of information, in response to NRC-2020-000123 04/21/2021
2021-000151 Oona A. Hathaway Yale Law School Unclassified nonbinding understandings or arrangements in written form with foreign countries or international organizations actually in NRC’s possession, from January 1, 1989 to December 31, 2020, as described 04/30/2021

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, May 11, 2021