Recent FOIA Requests – May 2021

This page presents a chronological listing of the subject and reference number of each Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act (FOIA/PA) Request submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) during May 2021. For additional detail, see the Index of Closed FOIA/PA Requests by Subject.

Tracking Number Requester's Name Requester's Organization Request Description Received Date
2021-000152 Paul Blanch   A copy of the "Controlled Document 90216" referenced in ML20343A228, "Defueled Safety Analysis Report (DSAR) 04/30/2021
2021-000153 Julissa Martinez   Documentations pertaining to regulations on nuclear bombs tested in testing sites, as the radiation may affect the location around it such as human habitat. 05/03/2021
2021-000154 Lauren Hogrewe Sierra Club All communications between named individual and other staff at [Department of Energy] DOE or any outside individual, during his current employment with DOE and during his prior employment period from approximately May 2017 through February 2018, and between named individual and officials and staff from DOE during any period, beginning January 2017, in which individual was not officially employed at DOE; and all calendars of individual, and sign-in sheets or other records memorializing attendance at any meetings, during his prior employment with DOE, and from the date of his current official employment to and including the date of fulfillment of this request 05/04/2021
2021-000155     i  
2021-000156 Mark H. Graff   A copy of named individual's proof of course completion, transcripts, and Certifications for any acquisition-related courses or COR [Contracting Officer's Representatives] Certification obtained while employed at NRC, date range is July 1, 2013 to September 1, 2015 05/05/2021
2021-000157 Anjelica N. Harden-Ivanoski Dugan, McKissick & Longmore All transcripts and/or audio recordings of interviews that are part of NRC OI case 1-2020-012 05/05/2021
2021-000158 Susan Montesi   Questions submitted regarding Privacy Act and FOIA requests being made public 05/06/2021
2021-000159 Kate Mishkin   The Chairman’s and Commissioners' calendars and briefing packages prepared by staff in the NRC Executive Director of Operations' office between Jan. 1, 2018 and present; any and all complaints to the NRC's Office of the Inspector General (OIG) regarding the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station between 2013 and present; and any and all internal deliberations within NRC regarding Southern California Edison’s application for dry cask storage, including but not limited to any and all dissenting professional opinions (DPOs) 05/07/2021
2021-000160 Eli Hayes   A report bibliography listing title, page length, and classification, delivered in spreadsheet format if possible, of the reports constituting the "China Nuclear Series" that were written by Bo Kong and David M. Lampton for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and National Nuclear Security Administration between 2010 and 2012 05/10/2021
2021-000161 Timothy J. Walsh Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP A copy of the entire investigation file for NRC OI investigation 2-2019-014, including but not limited to a copy of the NRC OI Report for Investigation No. 2-2019-014, including all of its Exhibits, and all documents and correspondence related to Investigation No. 2-2019-014 that are not identified as an Exhibit to the Report for Investigation No. 2-2019-014, including but not limited to internal NRC records and communications, and correspondence with the Department of Labor or any other person or organization 05/13/2021
2021-000162 Kate Mishkin   Any and all written communication between NRC commissioners & their staff and the specified members of the House Committee on Energy & Commerce and Senate Committee on Environment and Public works staff between 01/01/2018 and present, containing the words "San Onofre;" any and all probabilistic risk assessments completed either by Southern California Edison (SCE) or by the NRC for San Onofe and internal deliberation; and any application submitted by SCE to NRC or approval of a proposed ISFSI at San Onofre, any license amendment request made by SCE to create a [Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation] ISFSI, and any safety analysis and/or environmental review performed by Edison and/or the NRC, any public notice issued to request hearing or comment on safety or environment issues and any final approval of NRC for ISFSI 05/14/2021
2021-000163 Nicolas Rucks International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) A copy of a report:   Neutron Scattering from C12, Fe54, Fe56, Cu65, Ni58 and Ni60, (starting on page 2), Authors: W.L. Rodgers, E.F. Shrader, J.T. Lindow, Chicago Operations Office, A.E.C., Contract rept. COO-1573-33, Year 1967 05/17/2021
2021-000164 William Kenik   Results for case number C19-019 05/17/2021
2021-000165 Steve Ham Secure Lead Solutions LLC An employee name list for all USNRC employees in Excel Spreadsheet format 05/17/2021
2021-000166 Ron Hartke Liberty Technologies LLC The first page (i.e., Face Page) of the current contract award, and first 15 pages of the Performance Work Statement or Statement of Work for the existing contract # GS06F0960Z / 31310020F011; and for the existing contract, who is currently assigned as: TM/POC (govt technical manager or govt owner of the requirement), COR (Contracting Organization Representative), CO/KO (contract officer), and CS (contract specialist)   05/19/2021
2021-000167 Serita Sanders   Copy of an email agreement from Ms. Pearlman, dated February 28, 2019, regarding the deviation from the CBA [Collective Bargaining Agreement]; specifically, in regard to the NRR/NRO [Office of the Nuclear Reactor Regulation/Office of New Reactors] merger into NRR 05/19/2021
2021-000168 Julian Tarver   All email, messages, notes, data entries, letters on FOIA case 2018-000452, from the date of the opening of the case until current date 05/21/2021
2021-000169 Austin R. Evers American Oversight All calendars or calendar entries for named Department of the Treasury's senior leaders between January 20, 2017 to the date a search is conducted, and any calendars maintained for the Secretary's and Deputy Secretary's Conference Rooms 05/24/2021
2021-000170 Tovah Strong   Access to and copies of all letters denying license applications for the last ten years, including but not limited to the licenses and license renewals for reactors, fuel facilities, waste management and disposal 05/24/2021
2021-000171 Isaac Reichow University of Michigan Documents that outline specific requirements regarding the construction or engineering of nuclear facilities/equipment 05/27/2021

i 2021-000155 was permanently deleted as a duplicate entry of 2021-000154.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, January 11, 2022