Document Number |
Description |
Date |
SECY-03-0227 |
Review Standard RS-002, "Processing Applications for Early Site Permits" |
03/15/2004 |
SECY-03-0223 |
Rulemaking Plan: Assured Isolation Facilities |
01/29/2004 |
SECY-03-0200 |
Renewal of Full-Power Operating Licenses for McGuire Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2, and Catawba Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2 |
12/03/2003 |
SECY-03-0195 |
Final Rule, 10 CFR Part 50, "Financial Information Requirements for Applications to Renew or Extend the Term of an Operating License for a Power Reactor" |
12/18/2003 |
SECY-03-0189 |
Report to Congress on the Health, Safety, and Environmental Conditions at the Gaseous Diffusion Plants |
11/19/2003 |
SECY-03-0186 |
Options and Recommendations for NRC Deferring Active Regulation of Ground-water Protection at In Situ Leach Uranium Extraction Facilities |
11/19/2003 |
SECY-03-0180 |
Proposed Rule to Amend 10 CFR Part 2, Subpart J, in Regard to the Licensing Support Network |
11/05/2003 |
SECY-03-0172 |
Reimbursement of the Travel Expenses of Individuals Requested to Attend a Predecisional Enforcement Conference |
10/15/2003 |
SECY-03-0160 |
Denial of Petition for Rulemaking (PRM-50-74) - Amend Appendix K to 10 CFR Part 50 to Provide a Voluntary Alternative Which Would Replace the 1971 American Nuclear Society Decay Heat Standard with the 1994 American Nuclear Society Standard |
10/29/2003 |
SECY-03-0151 |
Denial of Petition for Rulemaking Submitted by Ohio Citizens for Responsible Energy, Inc. (Docket No. PRM-9-2) |
09/16/2003 |
SECY-03-0149 |
Proposed Amendment to the Charter of the Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes |
09/19/2003 |
SECY-03-0145 |
Proposed Rule: Medical Use of Byproduct Material - Recognition of Specialty Boards |
10/09/2003 |
SECY-03-0141 |
Final Rule to Revise 10 CFR Part 71 to Be Compatible with IAEA Transportation Safety Standards [TS-R-1] and Make Other NRC-Initiated Changes |
11/19/2003 |
SECY-03-0140 |
Proposed Arrangement for the Exchange of Technical Information and Cooperation in Nuclear Safety Matters with the State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine |
08/27/2003 |
SECY-03-0139 |
Proposed License to Export Byproduct and Source Material to Iraq for Use in Oil Well Logging (Application No. XB001300) |
08/20/2003 |
SECY-03-0130 |
Final Rule on Electronic Maintenance and Submission of Information |
08/28/2003 |
SECY-03-0127 |
Final Rulemaking—Risk-Informed 10 CFR 50.44, "Combustible Gas Control in Containment" |
08/28/2003 |
SECY-03-0119 |
Proposed License Amendment to Export Nuclear Grade Graphite to Various Countries for Non-Nuclear End Use (XMAT0400/02) |
07/28/2003 |
SECY-03-0118 |
Final Rule: Geological and Seismological Characteristics for the Siting and Design of Dry Cask Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations and Monitored Retrievable Storage Installations - 10 CFR Part 72 |
08/15/2003 |
SECY-03-0115 |
Alternative Dispute Resolution Review Team (ART) Pilot Program Recommendations for Using Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Techniques in the Handling of Discrimination and Other External Wrongdoing Issues |
09/08/2003 |
SECY-03-0114 |
Commissioner McGaffigan's Vote - Final Rule, 10 CFR Part 140, "Financial Protection Requirements and Indemnity Agreements" |
07/10/2003 |
SECY-03-0100 |
Rulemaking Plan on Post-Fire Operator Manual Actions |
09/12/2003 |
SECY-03-0096 |
Section 274b Agreement with the State of Wisconsin |
06/30/2003 |
SECY-03-0092 |
Proposed Rule - Enhanced Security Requirements for Portable Gauges Containing Byproduct Material |
07/14/2003 |
SECY-03-0090 |
Final Rule: 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, and 70: Financial Assurance for Materials Licensees |
08/28/2003 |
SECY-03-0088 |
Denial of Petition for Rulemaking (PRM-34-5) Amersham Corporation, now Known as AEA Technology QSA, Inc. |
06/30/2003 |
SECY-03-0085 |
Denial of Petitions for Rulemaking on Revising 10 CFR 50.46 and Appendix K to 10 CFR Part 50 to Require Licensees to Address the Impact on Coolant Flow of Release and Resuspension of Crud Buildup on Fuel Cladding During Loss-of-Coolant Accident Scenarios and During Normal Operations (PRM 50-73 and PRM 50-73a) |
06/23/2003 |
SECY-03-0069 |
Results of the License Termination Rule Analysis |
11/17/2003 |
SECY-03-0068 |
Interagency Jurisdictional Working Group Evaluating the Regulation of Low-Level Source Material or Materials Containing Less than 0.05 Percent by Weight Concentration Uranium and/or Thorium |
10/09/2003 |
SECY-03-0067 |
Proposed Amendments to 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix E Relating to (1) NRC Approval of Changes to Emergency Action Levels (EAL) Paragraph IV.B. and (2) Exercise Requirements for Co-Located Licensees, Paragraph IV.F.2. |
06/18/2003 |
SECY-03-0047 |
Policy Issues Related to Licensing Non-Light-Water Reactor Designs |
06/26/2003 |
SECY-03-0036 |
Report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences for Fiscal Year 2002 |
03/27/2003 |
SECY-03-0033 |
Revised Amergen's Request to Consolidate the Three Mile Island Unit 1 Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) into the Combined EOF for Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station (PBAPS) and Limerick Generating Station (LGS) |
03/18/2003 |
SECY-03-0028 |
Proposed Licenses to Export Nuclear Grade Graphite to Canada and Other Countries for Non-Nuclear End Use (XMAT0403 and XMAT0404, Respectively) |
03/04/2003 |
SECY-03-0022 |
Proposed Export of Depleted Uranium to Japan (XSOU8790) |
02/19/2003 |
SECY-03-0009 |
Denial of Petition for Rulemaking (PRM-63-1) - The State of Nevada |
02/19/2003 |