Document Number |
Description |
Date |
SECY-99-284 |
Classification of Savannah River Residual Tank Waste as Incidental |
05/30/2000 |
SECY-99-279 |
Final Rule Amending the Fitness-for-Duty Rule |
Commissioner Diaz's Comments on SECY-99-279 |
03/27/2000 |
Commissioner McGaffigan's Comments on SECY-99-279 |
02/15/2000 |
Commissioner Merrifield's Comments on SECY-99-279 |
03/30/2000 |
SECY-99-278 |
NRC/Agreement State Jurisdiction for Formerly Licensed Sites |
02/04/2000 |
SECY-99-277 |
Concurrent Jurisdiction of Non-Radiological Hazards of Uranium Mill Tailings |
08/11/2000 |
SECY-99-273 |
Impact of Changes to the Inspection Program for Reactors on Implementing the Allegation Program |
01/27/2000 |
SECY-99-272 |
Agreement State Compatibility for Criticality Requirements Applicable to Low-Level Waste Disposal Facilities |
01/05/2000 |
SECY-99-269 |
Renewal of the Safety Light Corporation Licenses at Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania |
12/22/1999 |
SECY-99-268 |
Final Rule -- AP600 Design Certification |
12/15/1999 |
SECY-99-264 |
Proposed Staff Plan for Risk-Informing Technical Requirements in 10 CFR Part 50 |
02/03/2000 |
SECY-99-259 |
Exemption in 10 CFR Part 40 for Materials less than 0.05 Percent Source Material - Options and Other Issues Concerning the Control of Source Material |
03/09/2000 |
SECY-99-258 |
Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking:10 CFR Parts 71 and 73 - "Advance Notification to Native American Tribes of Transportation of Certain Types of Nuclear Waste" |
11/30/1999 |
SECY-99-256 |
Rulemaking Plan for Risk-Informing Special Treatment Requirements |
01/31/2000 |
SECY-99-251 |
Policy Statement on Staff Meetings Open to the Public: Revision of Section D |
12/21/1999 |
SECY-99-250 |
National Materials Program: Request Approval of the Formation of a Working Group on the Increase in the Number of Agreement States and Impact on NRC'S Materials Program |
11/23/1999 |
SECY-99-248 |
Proposed License to Export Source Material to the Russian Federation under the U.S.-Russia HEU Agreement (XSOU8767) |
10/26/1999 |
SECY-99-246 |
Proposed Guidelines for Applying Risk-Informed Decisionmaking in License Amendment Reviews |
01/05/2000 |
SECY-99-244 |
Location of the NRC'S Technical Training Center and Appropriate Number of Simulators |
02/24/2000 |
SECY-99-241 |
Rulemaking Plan, Physical Security Requirements for Exercising Power Reactor Licensees' Capability to Respond to Safeguards Contingency Events |
11/22/1999 |
SECY-99-240 |
Final Amendments to 10 CFR Parts 21, 50, and 54 and Availability for Public Comment of Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1081 and Draft Standard Review Plan Section 15.0.1 Regarding Use of Alternative Source Terms at Operating Reactors |
12/08/1999 |
SECY-99-237 |
Draft Regulatory Guide on "Criterion for Triggering a Review under 10 CFR 50.80 for Non-Owner Operator Service Companies" |
10/25/1999 |
SECY-99-234 |
Request for Extension of Milestone for Final Rulemaking Package on 10 CFR Part 63 (Disposal of High-Level Waste at Yucca Mountain, Nevada) |
10/19/1999 |
SECY-99-232 |
Publication, for Public Comment, of a Draft Policy Statement on Decommissioning Criteria for West Valley |
10/26/1999 |
SECY-99-229 |
Monitoring of Foreign Ownership of Reactor Licensees -- Response to Staff Requirements Memorandum (February 17, 1999) Regarding SECY-98-246 |
10/28/1999 |
SECY-99-227 |
N+1 Resident Inspector Staffing Policy |
01/11/2000 |
SECY-99-223 |
Millstone Independent Review Team March 12, 1999, Report on Allegations of Discrimination in NRC Office of Investigation Cases NDA:1-96-002, 1-96-007, and 1-97-007, and Associated Lessons Learned--Recommendation No. 6 |
10/13/1999 |
SECY-99-220 |
Proposed Rule -- Clarification of Regulations and Guidance to Explicitly Limit Which Types of Applications must Include Antitrust Information; Disposition of Wolf Creek Antitrust License Conditions |
10/01/1999 |
SECY-99-219 |
Proposed Revision to the Enforcement Policy to Address the Process for Assessing the Significance of Violations |
10/07/1999 |
SECY-99-214 |
Options for Proceeding with NRC'S Efforts Regarding the Release of Solid Materials |
09/20/1999 |
SECY-99-207 |
Final Rule: Respiratory Protection and Controls to Restrict Internal Exposures, 10 CFR Part 20 |
09/10/1999 |
SECY-99-203 |
Regulatory Guide for Updated Final Safety Analysis Reports in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.71(e) |
09/08/1999 |
SECY-99-202 |
Final Rule - "Changes to Requirements for Environmental Review for Renewal of Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses (10 CFR Part 51)" |
08/24/1999 |
SECY-99-201 |
Draft Final Rule - 10 CFR Part 35, "Medical Use of Byproduct Material" |
02/16/2000 |
SECY-99-200 |
Federal Register Notice Responding to Public Comments Received on an Emergency Final Rule for Fissile Material Exempt Shipments |
09/17/1999 |
SECY-99-195 |
Notation Vote on an Exemption for Decommissioning Management Program Sites with Decommissioning Plans under Nuclear Regulatory Commission Review and Eligible for Grandfathering, Pursuant to 10 CFR 20.1401(b)(3) |
08/18/1999 |
SECY-99-193 |
Cost Estimates for Completion of Formerly Terminated NRC Licensed Sites Program |
08/25/1999 |
SECY-99-192 |
Proposed Rule: Revision of Part 50, Appendix K, "ECCS Evaluation Models" |
09/17/1999 |
SECY-99-191 |
Modifications to the Safety Goal Policy Statement |
10/28/1999 |
SECY-99-183 |
Proposed Rule: Elimination of the Requirement for Noncombustible Fire Barrier Penetration Seal Materials and Other Minor Changes" (10 CFR Part 50) |
07/29/1999 |
SECY-99-181 |
Proposed Plans and Schedules to Modify Reporting Requirements Other than 10 CFR 50.72 and 50.73 for Power Reactors and Materials Licensees |
08/13/1999 |
SECY-99-179 |
Section 274b Agreement with the State of Ohio |
08/04/1999 |
SECY-99-178 |
Treatment of Voluntary Initiatives in Regulatory Analyses |
08/26/1999 |
SECY-99-176 |
Plans for Pursuing Performance-Based Initiatives |
09/13/1999 |
SECY-99-175 |
Proposed Rule:10 CFR Part 72 - Clarification and Addition of Flexibility |
09/01/1999 |
SECY-99-174 |
Final Rule: Expand Applicability of 10 CFR Part 72 to Holders of, and Applicants For, Certificates of Compliance, and Their Contractors and Subcontractors |
08/25/1999 |
SECY-99-173 |
Denial of Petitions for Rulemaking Submitted by the Nuclear Information and Resource Service |
08/10/1999 |
SECY-99-170 |
Summary of Decommissioning Fund Status Reports |
08/10/1999 |
SECY-99-168 |
Improving Decommissioning Regulations for Nuclear Power Plants |
12/21/1999 |
SECY-99-165 |
Final Standard Review Plan Regarding Foreign Ownership, Control, or Domination of Applicants for Reactor Licenses |
08/31/1999 |
SECY-99-162 |
Policy for Regulatory Actions for Licensees of Nuclear Power Plants That Have Not Completed Year 2000 Readiness Activities |
08/05/1999 |
SECY-99-159 |
Response to Staff Requirements Memorandum (SRM) SECY-97-304, February, 1998, "Response to SRM:SECY-97-144, 'Potential Policy Issues Raised by Non-owner Operators' " |
08/12/1999 |
SECY-99-158 |
Final Rule: "Certification Renewal and Amendment Processes," 10 CFR Part 76 |
07/29/1999 |
SECY-99-148 |
Credit for Existing Programs for License Renewal |
08/27/1999 |
SECY-99-147 |
Proposed Rulemaking - Domestic Licensing of Special Nuclear Material |
07/08/1999 |
SECY-99-146 |
Interim Enforcement Policy for Use During the NRC Power Reactor Oversight Process Pilot Plant Study |
07/08/1999 |
SECY-99-135 |
Interim Enforcement Policy Regarding Enforcement Discretion for Nuclear Power Plants During the Year 2000 Transition |
07/08/1999 |
SECY-99-133 |
Final Revision to 10 CFR 50.65 to Require Licensees to Perform Assessments Before Performing Maintenance |
06/18/1999 |
SECY-99-130 |
Final Rule - Revisions to Requirements of 10 CFR Parts 50 and 72 Concerning Changes, Tests, and Experiments |
06/22/1999 |
SECY-99-129 |
Effects of Electric Power Industry Deregulation on Electric Grid Reliability and Reactor Safety |
06/25/1999 |
SECY-99-128 |
Proposed License to Export Natural Uranium to Canada for Test and Evaluation of AVLIS Feed Material (Application No. XSOU8762) |
06/02/1999 |
SECY-99-123 |
Oklahoma Agreement State Negotiations: State Proposal to Limit Scope of Agreement |
06/10/1999 |
SECY-99-119 |
Rulemaking to Modify the Event Reporting Requirements for Power Reactors in 10 CFR 50.72 and 50.73 |
06/15/1999 |
SECY-99-115 |
Final Rule: Amendments to 10 CFR Part 72 - Miscellaneous Changes to Licensing Requirements for the Independent Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste |
05/27/1999 |
SECY-99-109 |
Recovery of Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit 2 |
04/28/1999 |
SECY-99-108 |
Proposed Rule: 10 CFR Parts 30, 31, 32, 170, and 171 - "Requirements for Certain Generally Licensed Industrial Devices Containing Byproduct Material" |
06/15/1999 |
SECY-99-107 |
Potential Modification of the DOE/NRC MOU Due to Changes in the Hanford Tank Waste Remediation System Privatization |
05/20/1999 |
SECY-99-104 |
Modification of the NRC Personnel Security Program |
05/19/1999 |
SECY-99-101 |
Proposed Rule - AP600 Design Certification |
05/04/1999 |
SECY-99-100 |
Framework for Risk-Informed Regulation in the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards |
06/28/1999 |
SECY-99-098 |
Publication of an Issues Paper on Release of Solid Materials (Clearance), in the Federal Register, for Public Comment and for Use at Public Meetings |
06/15/1999 |
SECY-99-096 |
Staff Proposal to Amend Supplement I, "Reactor Operations," of the Enforcement Policy by Adding Examples of Violations Involving the Compromise of an Application, Test, or Examination Required by 10 CFR Part 55 |
05/04/1999 |
SECY-99-087 |
Proposed Strategy to Revise the Enforcement Policy to Address the Process for Assessing Significance and Assigning Severity Levels of Noncompliances (Including Regulatory Significance and Risk) |
06/15/1999 |
SECY-99-086 |
Recommendations Regarding the Senior Management Meeting Process and Ongoing Improvements to Existing Licensee Performance Assessment Processes |
04/16/1999 |
SECY-99-083 |
Fiscal Year 1998 NRC Annual Report |
06/04/1999 |
SECY-99-079 |
Report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences for Fiscal Year 1998 |
04/21/1999 |
SECY-99-077 |
To Request Commission Approval to Grant Exemptions from Portions of 10 CFR Part 20 |
04/21/1999 |
SECY-99-074 |
Staff Review of U.S. Department of Energy Viability Assessment for a High-Level Radioactive Waste Repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada |
05/10/1999 |
SECY-99-071 |
Assessing the Effectiveness of the Allegation Program from Review of Survey Forms Sent to Allegers |
04/14/1999 |
SECY-99-070 |
Implementation Plan for the Public Communications Initiative (DSI-14) |
07/08/1999 |
SECY-99-063 |
The Use by Industry of Voluntary Initiatives in the Regulatory Process |
05/27/1999 |
SECY-99-061 |
Amendment to SECY-98-294: Changes to Paragraph (h) of 10 CFR Part 50.55a, "Codes and Standards" |
03/26/1999 |
SECY-99-059 |
Agreement State Compatibility for Criticality Requirements Applicable to Low-Level Waste Disposal Facilities |
03/31/1999 |
SECY-99-057 |
Supplement to SECY-98-251, "Decommissioning Criteria For West Valley" |
06/03/1999 |
SECY-99-050 |
Proposed License to Export Deuterium Oxide to Switzerland (XMAT0396) |
03/09/1999 |
SECY-99-049 |
Compatibility of Agreement State Programs That Prohibit the Disposal of Mixed Waste |
04/06/1999 |
SECY-99-046 |
Radiological Criteria for License Termination of Uranium Recovery Facilities |
03/17/1999 |
SECY-99-043 |
Organizational Conflict of Interest Regarding Department of Energy Laboratories |
04/12/1999 |
SECY-99-042 |
Denial of a Petition for Rulemaking: Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) (PRM-30-61) |
03/19/1999 |
SECY-99-036 |
Proposed Rulemaking Activity Plan |
08/13/1999 |
SECY-99-024 |
Recommendations of the Safeguards Performance Assessment Task Force |
06/29/1999 |
SECY-99-022 |
Rulemaking to Modify Reporting Requirements for Power Reactors |
03/19/1999 |
SECY-99-016 |
Proposed Commercial Use of NRC-Developed Codes by Non-U.S. Organizations |
03/05/1999 |
SECY-99-013 |
Recommendations on Ways to Improve the Efficiency of NRC Regulation at in Situ Leach Uranium Recovery Facilities |
07/26/2000 |
SECY-99-012 |
Use of Uranium Mill Tailings Impoundments for the Disposal of Waste Other than 11e.(2) Byproduct Material and Reviews of Applications to Process Material Other than Natural Uranium Ores |
07/26/2000 |
SECY-99-011 |
Draft Rulemaking Plan: Domestic Licensing of Uranium and Thorium Recovery Facilities - Proposed New 10 CFR Part 41 |
07/13/2000 |
SECY-99-010 |
Closure of Order Requiring Independent, Third-Party Oversight of Northeast Nuclear Energy Company's Implementation of Resolution of the Millstone Station Employees' Safety Concerns |
03/09/1999 |
SECY-99-009 |
Proposed License to Export a Process Control System for the Arroyito Heavy Water Production Plant in Argentina (XCOM1107) |
02/17/1999 |
SECY-99-008 |
Rulemaking Plan, "Physical Security/Safeguards for Permanently Shutdown Power Reactors," for Amendments to 10 CFR Part 73 |
06/29/1999 |
SECY-99-007A |
Recommendations for Reactor Oversight Process Improvements (Follow-up to SECY-99-007) |
06/18/1999 |
SECY-99-007 |
Recommendations for Reactor Oversight Process Improvements |
06/18/1999 |
SECY-99-006 |
Re-Examination of the NRC Hearing Process |
07/22/1999 |
SECY-99-002 |
Agreement State Compatibility Designation for NRC Employee Protection Regulations |
03/12/1999 |
SECY-99-001 |
Proposed Guidance for Updated Final Safety Analysis Reports in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.71(e) |
02/16/1999 |