2008 - Bellefonte Nuclear Station, Units 3 and 4 Application

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Applicant Documents

The following table provides access to the COL Application and other documents that TVA submitted in 2008 for Bellefonte Nuclear Station, Units 3 & 4.

Date Description

TVA's Revision 1 to Part 3 of the Environmental Report

See Application

NRC Documents

The following table provides access to documents and correspondence that the NRC has issued in 2008 in connection with its review of the COL application that TVA submitted for Bellefonte Nuclear Station, Units 3 & 4.

Date Description
10/29/08 Change in Schedule of Bellefonte Units 3 and 4 Combined License Application Hydrology Review
10/27 - 29/08

Trip Report of October 27-29, 2008, Seismology and Geotechnical site visit in support of the Bellefonte Combined License Application

08/15/08 Scoping Summary Report Related to the Environmental Scoping Process for Bellefonte, Units 3 & 4 Combined License Application
07/17/08 Bellefonte Units 3 and 4 Combined License Application Review Schedule
06/23 - 24/08

Trip Report of June 23 - 27, 2008, Hydrology-related site visit in support of the Bellefonte Combined License application

05/13 - 16/08

Hydrology-Related site visit in support of Bellefonte COL application

04/07/08 Commission Order extending the time period for the opportunity to petition to leave to intervene
03/25/08 Letter to TVA indicating that the Bellefonte 3 and 4 safety review schedule will be reevaluated in July 2008
03/19/08 Inspection report and notice of violation associated with the review of the computer programs used to calculate the design basis flood and to analyze potential dam failures at the Bellefonte site
02/15/08 Bellefonte Units 3 and 4 Combined License Application Review Schedule
02/14/08 Notification of April 3, 2008, Environmental Scoping Meeting and Federal Register Notice
01/28/08 Federal Register Notice Regarding Opportunity to Petition for Leave to Intervene
01/18/08 Notification of Docketing and Federal Register Notice