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Public Presentations for Counterfeit, Fraudulent, and Suspect Items (CFSI)

The NRC considers public involvement in, and information about, our activities to be a cornerstone of strong, fair regulation of the nuclear industry. We recognize the public's interest in the proper regulation of nuclear activities and provide opportunities for citizens to be heard. Additional information about previous public meetings, presentations, and speeches related to CFSI is listed below:

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Commissioners' Speeches

The following is a listing of presentations given by NRC Commissioners over the years on the topic of CFSI.

Date Document
11/19/13 S-13-012 "Ensuring Safety in Dynamic Times: A Regulatory Perspective" Prepared Remarks of NRC Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane, Institute for Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) CEO Conference, November 19, 2013, Atlanta, Georgia
11/11/13 S-13-011 Prepared Remarks of NRC Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane, American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting, November 11, 2013 - Washington, DC
11/05/13 S-13-010 Prepared Remarks of NRC Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane, State Liaison Officers Conference, Nov. 5, 2013, Rockville, Md
05/14/13 S-13-008 Life after Fukushima: "The New Normal," Prepared Remarks of NRC Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane at the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Nuclear Energy Assembly, May 14, 2013 - Washington, D.C.
06/28/12   Commissioner William C. Ostendorf, USNRC at the 3rd NRC Workshop on Vendor Oversight of New Reactor Construction
04/07/09 S-09-007 "A Regulatory Perspective of the Digital Evolution," Remarks by The Honorable Peter B. Lyons, Commissioner, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NPIC-HMIT Banquet, April 7, 2009
03/02/09 S-09-002 "The Role of a Strong Regulator in Safe & Secure Nuclear Energy" NRC Commissioner Peter B. Lyons, Warren K. Sinclair Keynote Address 2009 NCRP Annual Meeting
11/17/08 S-08-044 "Enhancing Nuclear Safety Databases" Prepared Remarks of NRC Chairman Dale E. Klein, IAEA Conference, Mumbai, India November 17, 2008
10/03/08 S-08-039 IAEA General Conference Senior Regulators Meeting, NRC Chairman Dale E. Klein, October 3, 2008
06/09/08 S-08-027 "The NRC on Main Street" Remarks Prepared for NRC Commissioner Peter B. Lyons, 2008 American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting, June 9, 2008
05/01/08 S-08-018 Remarks at the North American Energy Summit, NRC Chairman Dale E. Klein, University of Texas, San Antonio, May 1, 2008
04/23/08 S-08-016 Remarks Prepared for NRC Chairman Dale E. Klein, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, April 23, 2008
02/15/08 S-08-007 The Value of Regulation in the Quest for Safe and Secure Nuclear Energy, NRC Commissioner Peter B. Lyons, CERAWEEK 2008 Executive Conference, February 15, 2008
01/31/08 S-08-002 Remarks Prepared for NRC Chairman Dale E. Klein, North Carolina State University Seminar, January 31, 2008
01/18/08 S-08-001 Nuclear Energy Arena Conference Conference, Strataejik Teknik Ekonomik Arastirmalar Merkez (STEAM), Remarks by NRC Commissioner Peter B. Lyons January 18, 2008
11/29/07 S-07-052 Remarks Prepared for NRC Chairman Dale E. Klein, Citizens for Nuclear Technology Awareness "Teller Lecture" November 29, 2007 Augusta, GA
11/28/07 S-07-051 "The Right Way: Steering a Course for the Future of Safe Nuclear Power" Remarks Prepared for NRC Chairman Dale E. Klein
09/19/07 S-07-042 IAEA General Conference, Vienna, Austria, Remarks Prepared for NRC Chairman Dale E. Klein
08/06/07 S-07-038 Remarks as Prepared for Delivery at the ANS Utility Working Conference, NRC Chairman, Dale E. Klein
07/16/07 S-07-037 "The NRC and the 'Safety Business' NRC Chairman Dale E. Klein
06/19/07 S-07-028 "Keeping the 'Safe' in New Digital Safety System Designs" by Peter B. Lyons, Commissioner, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
06/12/07 S-07-022 "Expanding International Efforts to Improve Nuclear Safety" by Chairman Dale E. Klein, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
06/06/07 S-07-021 Remarks Prepared for NRC Chairman Dale E. Klein, GE Nuclear Innovations Conference, Orlando, FL, June 6, 2007
04/10/07 S-07-012 JAIF Annual Conference, Aomori, Japan, by Dale E. Klein, Chairman
03/13/07 S-07-007 Statement of Dr. Dale E. Klein, Chairman, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Keynote Address - 19th Annual Regulatory Information Conference, Rockville, Maryland, March 13, 2007
02/08/07 S-07-003 "Opportunities for Growth and Investment in North America", by Dale E. Klein, Chairman
05/29/06 S-06-013 Improvements to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Operating Experience Program, Peter B. Lyons, Commissioner

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Public Meetings

The following is a listing of presentations given during various public meetings with industry and the general public to raise awareness of CFSI.

Date Description

2018 Regulatory Information Conference (RIC)

  • Presentations from the 2018 RIC Session on CFSI

NRC Vendor Workshop - St. Louis, Missouri


Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation, United Arab Emirates' presentation at the NRC's 2015 Regulatory Information Conference


Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission - Guest Speaker Series


NRC Vendor Workshop - Portland, Oregon


NRC Public Meeting with Industry, Rockville, MD


NRC Public Meeting with Industry, Rockville, MD


NRC Public Meeting with Industry, Rockville, MD


NRC Public Meeting with Industry, Rockville, MD


NRC Public Meeting with Industry, Rockville, MD


NRC Public Meeting with Industry, Baltimore, MD


NRC Public Meeting with Industry, Rockville, MD


Regulatory Information Conference, Rockville, MD


NRC Public Meeting with Industry, Rockville, MD


NRC Public Meeting with Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO), Rockville, MD


NRC Public Meeting with Institute of Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), Rockville, MD

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NRC Presentations at Industry Conferences

The following is a listing of presentations given by NRC staff at various industry trade conferences as part of our CFSI outreach efforts.

Date Description

Andy Shuttleworth, Director of Investigations, Presentation at 2019 American Nuclear Society's (ANS) Utility Worker’s Conference (UWC) – Amelia Island Fla. August 2019.


OI Presentation at 2019 NUPIC Vendor Conference


Andy Shuttleworth, Director of Investigations, Presentation at the 28th RAPIDS Conference


Andy Shuttleworth, Director, Office of Investigations, Presentation to the Electric Power Research Institute's (EPRI) Joint Utility Test Group (JUTG)


International Conference on Quality, Leadership and Management in the Nuclear Industry - Ottawa, Canada


NASA Quality Leadership Forum - Cape Canaveral, Florida


NRC Vendor Workshop - Portland, Oregon


NUPIC Vendor Information Conference (VIC), in Omaha, Nebraska


National IPR Center Open House


NRC Public Meeting with Industry, Baltimore, MD


Regulatory Information Conference, Rockville, MD


NUPIC 20th Annual Vendor Meeting, Oak Brook, IL


NRC Vendor Workshop - New Orleans, LA


NUPIC Vendor Information Conference (VIC), St. Louis, MO

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, December 26, 2024