Date |
Number |
Description |
11/19/13 |
S-13-012 |
"Ensuring Safety in Dynamic Times: A Regulatory Perspective" Prepared Remarks of NRC Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane, Institute for Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) CEO Conference, November 19, 2013, Atlanta, Georgia |
11/11/13 |
S-13-011 |
Prepared Remarks of NRC Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane, American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting, November 11, 2013 - Washington, DC |
11/05/13 |
S-13-010 |
Prepared Remarks of NRC Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane, State Liaison Officers Conference, Nov. 5, 2013, Rockville, Md |
05/14/13 |
S-13-008 |
Life after Fukushima: "The New Normal," Prepared Remarks of NRC Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane at the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Nuclear Energy Assembly, May 14, 2013 - Washington, D.C. |
06/28/12 |
Commissioner William C. Ostendorf, USNRC at the 3rd NRC Workshop on Vendor Oversight of New Reactor Construction |
04/07/09 |
S-09-007 |
"A Regulatory Perspective of the Digital Evolution," Remarks by The Honorable Peter B. Lyons, Commissioner, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NPIC-HMIT Banquet, April 7, 2009 |
03/02/09 |
S-09-002 |
"The Role of a Strong Regulator in Safe & Secure Nuclear Energy" NRC Commissioner Peter B. Lyons, Warren K. Sinclair Keynote Address 2009 NCRP Annual Meeting |
11/17/08 |
S-08-044 |
"Enhancing Nuclear Safety Databases" Prepared Remarks of NRC Chairman Dale E. Klein, IAEA Conference, Mumbai, India November 17, 2008 |
10/03/08 |
S-08-039 |
IAEA General Conference Senior Regulators Meeting, NRC Chairman Dale E. Klein, October 3, 2008 |
06/09/08 |
S-08-027 |
"The NRC on Main Street" Remarks Prepared for NRC Commissioner Peter B. Lyons, 2008 American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting, June 9, 2008 |
05/01/08 |
S-08-018 |
Remarks at the North American Energy Summit, NRC Chairman Dale E. Klein, University of Texas, San Antonio, May 1, 2008 |
04/23/08 |
S-08-016 |
Remarks Prepared for NRC Chairman Dale E. Klein, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, April 23, 2008 |
02/15/08 |
S-08-007 |
The Value of Regulation in the Quest for Safe and Secure Nuclear Energy, NRC Commissioner Peter B. Lyons, CERAWEEK 2008 Executive Conference, February 15, 2008 |
01/31/08 |
S-08-002 |
Remarks Prepared for NRC Chairman Dale E. Klein, North Carolina State University Seminar, January 31, 2008 |
01/18/08 |
S-08-001 |
Nuclear Energy Arena Conference Conference, Strataejik Teknik Ekonomik Arastirmalar Merkez (STEAM), Remarks by NRC Commissioner Peter B. Lyons January 18, 2008 |
11/29/07 |
S-07-052 |
Remarks Prepared for NRC Chairman Dale E. Klein, Citizens for Nuclear Technology Awareness "Teller Lecture" November 29, 2007 Augusta, GA |
11/28/07 |
S-07-051 |
"The Right Way: Steering a Course for the Future of Safe Nuclear Power" Remarks Prepared for NRC Chairman Dale E. Klein |
09/19/07 |
S-07-042 |
IAEA General Conference, Vienna, Austria, Remarks Prepared for NRC Chairman Dale E. Klein |
08/06/07 |
S-07-038 |
Remarks as Prepared for Delivery at the ANS Utility Working Conference, NRC Chairman, Dale E. Klein |
07/16/07 |
S-07-037 |
"The NRC and the 'Safety Business' NRC Chairman Dale E. Klein |
06/19/07 |
S-07-028 |
"Keeping the 'Safe' in New Digital Safety System Designs" by Peter B. Lyons, Commissioner, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission |
06/12/07 |
S-07-022 |
"Expanding International Efforts to Improve Nuclear Safety" by Chairman Dale E. Klein, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission |
06/06/07 |
S-07-021 |
Remarks Prepared for NRC Chairman Dale E. Klein, GE Nuclear Innovations Conference, Orlando, FL, June 6, 2007 |
04/10/07 |
S-07-012 |
JAIF Annual Conference, Aomori, Japan, by Dale E. Klein, Chairman |
03/13/07 |
S-07-007 |
Statement of Dr. Dale E. Klein, Chairman, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Keynote Address - 19th Annual Regulatory Information Conference, Rockville, Maryland, March 13, 2007 |
02/08/07 |
S-07-003 |
"Opportunities for Growth and Investment in North America", by Dale E. Klein, Chairman |
05/29/06 |
S-06-013 |
Improvements to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Operating Experience Program, Peter B. Lyons, Commissioner |