The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is in the process of rescinding or revising guidance and policies posted on this webpage in accordance with Executive Order 14151 Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing, and Executive Order 14168 Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government. In the interim, any previously issued diversity, equity, inclusion, or gender-related guidance on this webpage should be considered rescinded that is inconsistent with these Executive Orders.

Recent FOIA Requests - March 2024

This page presents a chronological listing of the subject and reference number of each Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act (FOIA/PA) Request submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) during March 2024. For additional detail, see the Index of Closed FOIA/PA Requests by Subject.

Tracking Number Requester's Name Requester's Organization Request Description Received Date
FOIA-2024-000110 Aamot, Colin Personal Capacity as a Journalist Requester is seeking the following documents sufficient to account for all finalized strategic plans for implementing Executive Order 14019 (EO 14019), or related plan documents that were submitted to Susan Rice or the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) relating to implementation of EO 14019. Documents sufficient to account for the basis, criteria, and approval authority by which third party organizations will be approved to conduct voter registration activities on federal agency premises under EO 14019. Documents or lists sufficient to account for all third-party organizations currently approved to conduct voter registration activities on the agency's premises. 03/01/2024
APP-2024-000001 Traphan, Nicole   Appeal to FOIA-2024-000069. 03/01/2024
FOIA-2024-000111 Lokvancic, Mak - Boiling Water Reactor Type 6 (BWR/6) Reactor Operator (RO) and Senior Reactor Operator (SRO) training documents. Additionally, the Clinton Nuclear Station Control Board Arrangement documents. 03/04/2024
FOIA-2024-000112 Nelson, Scott Oak Ridge National Laboratory Requester seeking Access to Reg Guide 5.81. 03/06/2024
FOIA-2024-000113 Triplett jr, Dwayne   Send grants, scholarships, sponsorships, all Treasury resources, UFO programs, bigfoot sightings, lochness monster sightings, January 6 birthday resources. Adoption resources. All previous holiday celebration vendors. Starlink and all available satellite maps. All supplier resources, all mailing address resources. All polygraph programs, all military program names. All international programs. All united kingdom charities. All usa charities. All cash in mind foundations. All prize foundations. Unofficial Royal resources. All agencies transcripts worldwide. All mayor contacts and resources, all sensate resources, senate placement resources, all tornado radar resources, all press resources, all faa incident resources, all black box resources, all classified transcripts, all agency maps. All nuclear programs, all crop circle resources, all ancient tablets, mummies, inventions, inventor resources, all directories money, contacts, email lists, resources. All churches resources, pantry resources, community action resources, plasma donation center resources, college directories, college prizes, stock market resources, mining resources, all IP wipo offices resources, all us embassies visas resources. All FDA drugs lists, all senate bills directories, all navy, marines, us army resources, all marijuana programs, all govdelivery resources, all comic con resources, music festival resources, Disney resources, Hollywood studios resources, amusement parks resources, state fair resources, real haunted houses, demonic resources, witch cults, all new films lists, film festivals, motion pictures resources, Christmas programs, toy drives all resources, all thanksgiving holiday resources blood drives etc, all new years decorations events, all railroad maps, all oilfield maps, diamond mining companies, affiliate marketing programs, all pipeline companies and resources, all protest movement resources, a Whitehouse books, libraries and resources, all USPTO prizes directories, all us medal directories, all scavenger hunt directories, all treasure hunt directories, all gig economy directories etc. A usa stock bond directories, old Treasury programs, books partners and directories resources requests and vendors. All usa sports resources, all Bermuda triangle disappearances, lost flight recorder stories. All land grants foundations etc. Pbs and all local media cartoon programs new and old, time machines all secret cool program directories, abandoned gold, cash, oilfields, diamonds, toys, electronics, waste management companies, CompTIA resources, certifications resources. Film screener resources. All major media resources. All nasa programs. 03/06/2024
FOIA-2024-000114 Knaby, Chris - Health Impact Analysis for Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant Employees . 03/07/2024
FOIA-2024-000115 Kuperman, Alan - XSNM-2216 XSNM-2285 Both licenses are for end-user THTR-3OO in West Germany. (Date Range for Record Search: From 01/01/1978 To 01/01/1990) 03/11/2024
FOIA-2024-000116 Anic, Monika FD Stonewater The most recent NRC "Capital Plan" or "Capital Programming Guide" as required by OMB Memorandum M-22-14. 03/13/2024
FOIA-2024-000117 Cecotti, Marc The Drive (Media) I hereby request a spreadsheet (or any other similar document) listing all occurences of unidentified UAV, UAS, drones or UAP that were reported to the NRC from January 2021 to the present day (March 13, 2024). 03/13/2024
FOPA-2024-000007 Named Individual - All records associated with the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) investigation number C23-005 from July 31, 2022 through March 13, 2024. 03/14/2024
FOIA-2024-000118 Shelton, Dana Stone Pigman Walther WIttmann LLC All records and documents associated with the NRC's Investigation OI 4-2022-013, an investigation involving a former Quality Assurance Assessor at Entergy's Grand Gulf Nuclear Station ("GGNS"), in Port Gibson, Mississippi. 03/15/2024
FOIA-2024-000119 Steinborn, Michael LA Public Press I am seeking a "letter" reportedly sent to Christopher T. Hanson, Chair of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission by the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP) regarding research on Qatar and Texas A&M University. Please send all written and electronic correspondence between ISGAP and the Office of Mr. Hanson. If responsive records include attachments, please include those attached files as well. (Date Range for Record Search: From 10/01/2023 To 03/14/2024) 03/15/2024
FOIA-2024-000120 Leopardo, Benjamin Last Energy I'm requesting on behalf of Last Energy, Inc. a document that is titled "Belgian Thermal Reactor Plant (BTR)." It's accession number is 8707140258; its physical file location is PDR:FOIA-THOMAS87-40-870527; PDR:FOIA/THOMAS87-40 870527, and its microform address is 41813:209-41813:217. 03/18/2024
FOIA-2024-000121 Porder, Deborah - Any final discharge permits relating to the Indian Point nuclear reactors in New York State that were issued by the NRC to Holtec Decommissioning International, LLC, Holtec Indian Point 1, LLC, Holtec Indian Point 2, LLC, and/or Holtec Indian Point 3, LLC (collectively, Holtec). I am also requesting copies of any draft discharge permits relating to Indian Point nuclear reactors in New York State that were submitted by Holtec to the NRC. 03/18/2024
FOIA-2024-000122 Aamot, Colin   Documents sufficient for all communications (including emails or meeting invites) between the agency and the email domains,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, mentioning 'election', 'election integrity', 'executive order', '14019', 'VRA', or 'voter registration'. Search Instructions: Please limit all searches in response to this Request from January 1, 2021, to the present. 03/19/2024
FOIA-2024-000123 Lagura, Jordan Envirosite Corporation I am seeking the updated electronic list and details for sites in possession/use of radioactive materials regulated by NRC. I am seeking all statuses. Previously I received these fields: License Number, Date OrgLic, License Date, Expiration Date, Licensee, Licensee Line 2, License Contact Street 1, License Contact Street 2, License Contact Street 3, License Contact, City, State, License Contact Zip, Contact Full Name, Contact Phone, Status, and Agency Code. 03/19/2024
FOIA-2024-000124 Lowy, Rebecca Environmental Law & Policy Center Documents related to NRC's evaluation of the decommissioning funding assurance, and NRC minimum formula amount for Vistra Operations Company LLC and Energy Harbor Nuclear Corp's Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1 and Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1, as described below: (1) All NRC documents and correspondence that relate to or support the evaluation of the decommissioning funding assurance and NRC minimum formula amount for the Davis-Besse plant; (2) All submittals by Vistra and Energy Harbor, and any subsidiaries or parent companies thereof, to the NRC that relate to or support the evaluation of the decommissioning funding assurance and NRC minimum formula amount for the Davis-Besse plant; (3) All NRC documents and correspondence that relate to or support the evaluation of the decommissioning funding assurance and NRC minimum formula amount for the Perry plant; and (4) All submittals by Vistra and Energy Harbor, and any subsidiaries or parent companies thereof, to the NRC that relate to or support the evaluation of the decommissioning funding assurance and NRC minimum formula amount for the Perry plant. 03/19/2024
CON-2024-000003 DeGarmo, Denise Southern Illinois University Edwardsville History of Personnel External Dosimetry Program at the Dayton Project and Mound Laboratory (a record responsive to the request directed to the Department of Energy relating to Pinellas Plant) 03/22/2024
FOIA-2024-000125 Aamot, Colin   Copies of all mandatory training materials provided to agency employees, contractors, or appointees mentioning 'SOGIE'. Please limit the timeframe of the search from January 1, 2022 to present. 03/25/2024
FOIA-2024-000126 Aamot, Colin   Copies of all documents produced in response to Congressional inquiries, Congressional subpoenas, or in response to Congressional communications with the agency, from October 1, 2023 to present. Copies of all documents produced from the agency to any Congressional Committee or personal office from October 1, 2023 to present. 03/25/2024
FOIA-2024-000127 Aamot, Colin   Any filed complaints, disciplinary actions, human resources disputes, litigation notices, or settlements (or settlement negogiations) for or against any SES employees, GS-15 employees, or any appointees (including Schedule C or detailed Appointees) from January 1, 2022 to present. 03/24/2024
FOIA-2024-000128 Dovenitz, Jan - I would like to receive information relating to the levels of radioactive fallout in Las Vegas, Nevada during the period 1954-1959. 03/26/2024
FOIA-2024-000129 Horan, Jennifer ERIS Environmental Risk Information Services An excel spreadsheet containing the most current and comprehensive list of all Material Licensing Tracking System (MLTS) sites (all status), with as much detail as possible per MLTS site such as the following but not limited to: Docket, License Number, Institution Code, Date OrgLic, License Date, Expiration Date, Licensee, Licensee Line 2, License Contact Street 1, License Contact Street 2, License Contact Street 3, License Contact City, State, Licensee Contact Zip, Abbreviation, Contact Full Name, Contact Suffix, Contact Phone, Auth States, Approved for Storage Flag, Approved for Redistrib Flag, Approved for Incineration, Authorized for Burial, Date of Last Inspection, RSO, Date of Next Inspection, Status, Agency Code; Physical Street Address of MLTS Site, Physical City of MLTS Site, Physical State of MLTS Site, Physical Zip Code of MLTS Site, Latitude of MLTS Site, Longitude of MLTS Site, etc. 03/26/2024
FOIA-2024-000130 Steinborn, Michael LA Public Press I am writing to file a public records request regarding a "letter" reportedly sent to Christopher T. Hanson, Chair of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) by the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP) regarding research on Qatar and Texas A&M University. Please send all written and electronic correspondence between ISGAP and the office of the NRC Chair—Mr. Hanson and any staff—from October 1, 2023 through March 25, 2024. (Date Range for Record Search: From 10/01/2023 To 03/25/2024) 03/27/2024
FOIA-2024-000131 Campos, Kristen BBG Real Estate Services I am requesting records for the former Texas Instruments facility located at 34 Forest Street in Attleboro, Massachusetts. The license number was SNM-23. 03/27/2024
FOIA-2024-000132 He, Jiapeng The University of Texas at Dallas I am seeking a list of audits on Nuclear Regulatory Commission's contracts from fiscal year 2013 to fiscal year 2018. Specifically, I am interested in the number of audits performed on Nuclear Regulatory Commission's government contracts during this period. Ideally, the list should include the following information: (1) Contract ID, (2) Contractor Name, (3) type of audit, (4) Start Date of Audit, (5) Finish Date of Audit, and (6) Offices or firms that conduct the audit on behalf of Nuclear Regulatory Commission (e.g., DCAA, OIG, or a CPA firm). 03/27/2024
FOIA-2024-000133 Cecotti, Marc The Drive (Media) I hereby request a copy of the following SID reports, including but not limited to all attachments, pictures, videos : SID-03189 SID-03186 SID-03179 SID-03178 SID-03176 SID-03175 SID-03169 SID-03166 SID-03154 SID-03153 SID-03152 Those reports pertain to drone activity in the vicinity of Columbia Generating Station, WA, in 2022 and 2023. 03/28/2024
FOIA-2024-000134 Leopardo, Benjamin Last Energy Notation vote approving draft SECY-88-257 re proposed policy statement on exemptions from regulatory control for practices whose public health & safety impacts are below regulatory concern 03/28/2024
FOIA-2024-000135 Rooks, Joseph - Any and all emails mentioning, sent to, from, or cc'd with Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation representatives Francesco Venneri, Lorenzo Venneri, Christopher Carson, Kelsey Souza, Daniel Stout, Kurt Terrani, Vladimir Novak, Mark Mitchell, Alexander Superfin, Steven Cuevas, Roland Backhaus, Wendy Simon-Pearson, Paolo Venneri, or Michael Eades between January 1, 2019, and the date this request is ultimately fulfilled. These emails should contain any of the following non-case-sensitive keywords in the body or subject line of the emails or within an attachment of the emails: • Ultra Safe Nuclear • USNC • USNC-Tech • Global First Power • Chalk River • Canada • Alaska • Alabama • Micro Modular Reactor • MMR • Fully Ceramic Micro-Encapsulated Fuel • FCM Fuel • NTP • Nuclear Thermal Propulsion I am making this request in the interest of public transparency and accountability regarding Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation's activities and communications. 03/28/2024

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, August 1, 2024