The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is in the process of rescinding or revising guidance and policies posted on this webpage in accordance with Executive Order 14151 Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing, and Executive Order 14168 Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government. In the interim, any previously issued diversity, equity, inclusion, or gender-related guidance on this webpage should be considered rescinded that is inconsistent with these Executive Orders.

Recent FOIA Requests - June 2024

This page presents a chronological listing of the subject and reference number of each Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act (FOIA/PA) Request submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) during June 2024. For additional detail, see the Index of Closed FOIA/PA Requests by Subject.

Request ID Requester Name Organization Request Description Original Received Date
FOIA-2024-000176 Blanch, Paul - This was intended to be a FOIA request based on the enclosed letter. The letter attachment states, "The systems at SONGS are analyzed for complete submergence to a depth of 125 feet. . .” I request a copy of theanalysis's results and assumptions, including the temperature and cask and flood water salinity. I also requestthe assumed temperature of the spent fuel cask. I would also appreciate an indication of how much time thespent fuel casks were submerged in this high-salinity water. After the test or analysis, I also request anevaluation of the cask's integrity subsequent to the analysis. 06/03/2024
FOIA-2024-000177 Hartke, Ron Liona Enterprises This is a FOIA request, where I am requesting clearly releasable info only: 1. The first page (i.e., Face Page) of the current contract award, and first 15 pages of the Performance Work Statement or Statement of Work for the existing contract # 31310020C0015
&sortBy=SIGNED_DATE&desc=Y 2. for the existing contract, who is currently assigned as: PM/TM/POC (govt program manager, technical manager or govt owner of the requirement), COR (Contracting Organization Representative), CO/KO (contract officer), and CS (contract specialist, if applicable)
FOIA-2024-000178 Blanch, Paul - The enclosure to the attached letter from NRC Region IV States "The systems at SONGS are analyzed for complete submergence to a depth of 125 feet...." Please consider this a formal FOIA request for a copy of this analysis, the initial conditions, and the results demonstrating cask integrity. 06/03/2024
FOIA-2024-000179 Kondylakis,Joseph-Christos - Please fast provide me the following information, for my scientific research on the Prevention of Extreme SevereNuclear Accidents & Catastrophes : 1. National Regulatory Commission(NRC)' ALL TOP Management and vise-Management : a. Curriculum Vitae , and specific details on their education on Nuclear Physics/NuclearEngineering and more details on their educational and professional qualifications on NUCLEARFISSION(THEORETICALLY & APPLIED) which is the essence of Nuclear fuel cycle and particularly to NuclearFISSION reactor(s) power plant and to Nuclear weapons, etc., to be able to PERCEIVE!!! and Understand theESSENCE AND MOST CRITICAL ACTIVITIES OF NRC, etc. b. Their RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTY OBLICATIONSAND RELEVANT ISSUES c. Their salary and associated benefits d. Their names are not necessary, but their worktitle is mandatory 2. Typical organization chart of U.S.A.' NUCLEAR PLANTS... 3. National RegulatoryCommission(NRC)' ALL NUCLEAR FISSION REACTORS CONTROL ROOM' SHIFT SUPERVISORS and VISE-SHIFTSUPERVISORS and NUCLEAR REACTOR CONTROL ROOM SCIENTIFIC ADVISORS: a. Curriculum Vitae , andspecific details on their education on Nuclear Physics/Nuclear Engineering and more details on their educationaland professional qualifications on NUCLEAR FISSION(THEORETICALLY & APPLIED) which is the essence ofNuclear fuel cycle and particularly to Nuclear FISSION reactor(s) power plant and to Nuclear weapons, etc,, tobe able to PERCEIVE and understand the ESSENCE AND MOST CRITICAL ACTIVITIES OF NRC, etc. b. TheirRESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTY OBLICATIONS AND RELEVANT ISSUES c. Their salary and associated benefits d.Their names are not necessary but their work title is mandatory 4. The number and the percentage of workersin U.S.A. AND WORLD NUCLEAR Installations who have education university degree on Nuclear FISSION andfurther specifying in three categories: (i) THEORETICAL NUCLEAR FISSION , (ii) APPLIED NUCLEAR FISSION,and (iii) THEORETICAL & APPLIED. 06/03/2024
OIA-2024-000180 James, Lois - Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, and the implementing FOIA regulations of theagency, I respectfully request the following: NRC’s response to Investigative findings titled “NRC ManagementDeparture from Established Regulatory Processes When Revising the Safety Evaluation Report for the NorthAnna Power Station’s Subsequent License Renewal Application”, dated 11/7/23. The requested information is inthe public interest because trust in government is at historic laws, and the American people deservetransparency. I request that you waive all applicable fees associated with this request. If you have anyquestions, or feel you need clarification of this request please contact me. 06/06/2024
FOIA-2024-000181 Spadavecchia, John - Requesting any US NRC records, including but not limited to memorandums and regulatory records, whichcontain information on the following firms and corporate entities: -Stavatti, Stavatti Corporation, StavattiAerospace (Date Range for Record Search: From 01/01/2010 To 06/11/2024) 06/11/2024
FOIA-2024-000182 Lagura, Jordan Envirosite Corporation I am seeking the updated electronic list and details for sites in possession/use of radioactive materials regulatedby NRC. I am seeking all statuses. Previously I received these fields: License Number, Date OrgLic, LicenseDate, Expiration Date, Licensee, Licensee Line 2, License Contact Street 1, License Contact Street 2, LicenseContact Street 3, License Contact, City, State, License Contact Zip, Contact Full Name, Contact Phone, Status,Agency Code. If possible, can I please receive this in electronic format? 06/26/2024
FOIA-2024-000183 Aamot, Colin Personal Capacity as a Journalist Dear FOIA Officer, Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, and the implementing FOIA regulations of the agency, I respectfully request the following: Records sufficient to identify all employees who entered into a position at the agency as a Political Appointee since January 1, 2024, to the date this records request is processed and the title or position of each employee (to the extent that individuals have held multiple positions during this time period, identify each title or position and the time period it was held). Records sufficient to identify all career employees who, between January 1, 2024, and the date this records request is processed, have been detailed to 1) A position to be filled by a Political Appointee, or 2) A new position through coordination or consultation with either the White House Liaison or Presidential Personnel Office; the title or position of each employee while on detail; and each employee's originating agency or component, and prior title. For each individual identified in response to Requests 1 and 2 provide: 1. The resume provided by the individual to the agency in connection with determining the appropriate salary for the individual, or if that is not available, a recent resume contained within the agency's records. I no objection to the redaction of employee's contact information, such as email, address, phone numbers etc.; however, prior employment, education, and descriptions of such experiences are not exempt and should be produced. 2. Any waivers issued to the individual pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 208(b). 3. Any authorizations for the individual issued pursuant to 5 C.F.R. 2635.502. 4. Any Ethics Pledge waivers, issued pursuant to Section 3 of Executive Order 13989 and Office Government Ethics Legal Advisory 21-04, received by the individual. 5. Any ethics agreement executed by the individual; any Certification of Ethics Agreement Compliance; and any records relating to any violation by an individual of his or her ethics agreement. 6. Records reflecting any recusal determination made or issued for the individual. 7. Copies of any SF-50 forms for the individual reflecting any change in position, title, or salary, including when the employee starts or leaves a position 8. Completed Ethics Pledge for each individual. 06/17/2024
FOIA-2024-000184 Aamot, Colin Personal Capacity as a Journalist Dear FOIA Officer, Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, and the implementing  FOIA regulations of the agency, I respectfully request the following: Documents sufficient to to  account for all GLOMAR FOIA responses issued by the agency from 1 January, 2024 to present, along  with a copy of the original FOIA request the GLOMAR was issued in response to. Search Instructions: Please limit all searches in response to this Request from January 1, 2024, to the present. 06/17/2024
FOIA-2024-000185 Wilson, Ed - I am making this request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). I would prefer to receive responses via email (as opposed to hard copy). I am willing to pay any fees that may apply. My name is Ed Wilson and I'm working on a research project with a journalist who is a contributor to the New York Times. I am requesting a copy of an unclassified lithograph of a photo from the Gemini XI Mission of a "strange object." Please search for the image itself, labelled "Strange object as seen during the Gemini XI flight." This image is formatted in the style of the Gemini XI Gemini Program Mission Report of Oct. 1966 which was marked as MSC-G-R-66-8 and declassified in April, 1975. In fact, the image's format, layout, and type font are the same as the ones for the published images in this official Gemini XI mission report. This image may not have a NASA photo reference number or Caisson number, like the other images do. This could be because it was restricted. The lithograph was likely filed as 'Sensitive But Unclassified" and may have been available only to specific authorized individuals, and therefore was not part of the declassified Mission Report. Please conduct a wide search to include such possibilities. 06/17/2024
FOIA-2024-000186 Keys, Clay - I request a printed paper copy of the published FOIA and agency response for [NRC]-2022-000195 and all 2018 NRC newsletters of "The Researcher" 06/18/2024
FOIA-2024-000187 Rhodes, Courtnee DISA Global Solutions, Inc. I’m trying to verify an Senior Reactor Operator license for [a named individual], whose license number is [redacted], including the date of issue and expiration date, if applicable.: 06/21/2024
FOIA-2024-000188 Traphan, Nicole - I would like to submit a public information request for the inspection report for the inspection conducted by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission at the University of Missouri Research Reactor/MURR in Columbia Missouri between April 22-25 2024. 06/24/2024
FOIA-2024-000189 Dargie, Daniel Nawah Energy Company Please provide .pdf copies of the above-noted subject line and below listed documents referenced in ADAMS Legacy Library: "Power Reactor Events, Jan-Feb 1981", Vol 3, Number 2; "Power Reactor Events, Mar-Apr 1981", Vol 3, Number 3; "Power Reactor Events, May-June 1982", Vol 3, Number 4; and "Power Reactor Events, Jul-Aug 1981", Vol 3, Number 5. Note that these documents were previously released under FOIA-82-261 as Package Number 8210010008A. Despite this, these documents have not been uploaded into ADAMS (WBA Library). As a result of the foregoing, I request that fees be waived. I further recommend that the documents be made publicly available as originally/previously determined. If my request for fee waiver is not granted, I will pay any fees associated with the provision of these documents after the reason(s) for request denial are given and an estimate of the fee has been provided 06/24/2024
FOIA-2024-000190 Tarver, Julian - Per the FOIA, please send [1] copies of the initial FOIA request and all response letters/emails for [NRC] 2021-000085, 2021-000081, 2021-000090, 2021-000091, 2021-000112, 2021-000113, 2021-00137, and 2021-000141; and [2] a listing of all of [the requester's] FOIA cases and the status of them. 06/25/2024
FOIA-2024-000191 Leopardo,Benjamin Last Energy The first document I am seeking is titled: "PRELIMINARY SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT AMENDMENT 8." Its accession number is: 3000001359. Its microform address is: 50183-11. The second document I am seeking is titled: "TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS. PRELIMINARY SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT AMENDMENT 11." Its accession number is: 3000001362. Its microform address is: 50183-14. The third document I am seeking is titled: "PRELIMINARY SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT AMENDMENT 7." Its accession number is: 3000001358. Its microform address is: 50183-10. The fourth document I am seeking is titled: "PRELIMINARY HAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT." Its accession number is: 3000001236. Its microform address is: 50183-6. The fifth document I am seeking is titled: "SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ON RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INSTRUMENTATION AND SAMPLING EQUIPMENT. PRELIMINARY SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT AMENDMENT 10." Its accession number is: 3000001361. Its microform address is: 50183-13. The sixth document I am seeking is titled: "FINAL HAZARDS SUMMARY REPORT AMENDMENT 6." Its accession number is: 3000001351. Its microform address is: 50183-9. The seventh document I am seeking is titled: "PRELIMINARY SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT AMENDMENT 12." Its accession number is: 3000001363. Its microform address is: 50183-15. The eighth document I am seeking is titled: "PRELIMINARY SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT AMENDMENT 4." Its accession number is: 3000001350. Its microform address is: 50183-8. The ninth document I am seeking is titled: "PRELIMINARY SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT AMENDMENT 2." Its accession number is: 3000001352. Its microform address is: 50183-5. The tenth document I am seeking is titled: "PROPOSED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS. PRELIMINARY SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT AMENDMENT 9." Its accession number is: 3000001360. Its microform address is: 50183-12. The eleventh document I am seeking is titled: "PRELIMINARY SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT AMENDMENT 3." Its accession number is: 3000001370. Its microform address is: 50183-7. The twelfth document I am seeking is titled: "PRELIMINARY SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT MODIFICATION NO. 1 TO AMENDMENT 16." Its accession number is: 3000001665. Its microform address is: 50183-22. The thirteenth and final document I am seeking is 06/27/2024 7/11/24, 10:40 AM Reports - FOIAXpress 2/3 titled: "PRELIMINARY SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT AMENDMENT 5 (INCLUDES FINAL HAZARDS SUMMARYREPORT)." Its accession number is: 3000001369. Its microform address is: 50183-1. 06/27/2024
FOIA-2024-000192 Mills, Timothy Mills Law Group LLP The requester is asking that NRC produce an electronic copy of the documents identified in Section IV of itsletter: past performance rating form for the GSA Polaris GWAC completed by the NRC COR in Sept 2022; theNRC COR's two CPARS ratings of Competitive Innovation (CI)'s performance of identified contracts; the recordof market research conducted by NRC with respect to the FSS Schedule contractors that offer the servicesrequired by the NRC DIVA BPA RFQ; NRC's evaluation and determination of which FSS Schedule contractorsoffer or do not offer the services required by the NRC DIVA BPA RFQ through such contractors' FSS ScheduleContracts; NRC determination to provide the NRC DIVA BPA RFQ to some FSS Schedule contractors but not CI;NRC's decision not to post the NRC DIVA BPA RFQ on eBuy, including any determination that NRC's not postingdoes not violate a FAR mandate; NRC's decision not to provide the NRC DIVA BPA RFQ to as many FSS Schedulecontractors as practicable, consistent with market research appropriate to the circumstances to reasonablyensure that quotes will be received from at least three contractors that can fulfill the requirements, includingany determination that this doesn't violate a FAR mandate; the NRC DIVA BPA RFQ (and all attachments); andthe list of the FSS Schedule contractors to whom NRC provided the NRC DIVA BPA RFQ and the means by whichNRC provided it to such contractors. 06/27/2024
FOIA-2024-000193 Funk, LeAnne Federal Employees Benefit Association Federal Employees Benefit Association is a Pennsylvania domiciled Non Profit Corporation, created to educatefederal employees about their government sponsored benefits and to offer programs that supplement thesegovernment programs. A copy of our certification from the state of Pennsylvania is attached. We are making aFreedom of Information Act request for a current list of all Nuclear Regulatory Commission employees, inelectronic format, sent via email address to, and include the following fields in a“Comma separated format” (CSV) or Excel format: Employee Full Name Agency Name Duty Station Full AddressDuty Station County Employee Work Email Address Job Title Salary Please give a cost estimate beforeprocessing this request. Please also let us know if there is any information requested above that will not beprovided. Thank you. 06/28/2024

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, August 16, 2024