Recent FOIA Requests - July 2024

This page presents a chronological listing of the subject and reference number of each Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act (FOIA/PA) Request submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) during July 2024. For additional detail, see the Index of Closed FOIA/PA Requests by Subject.

Request ID Requester Name Organization Request Description Original Received Date
FOIA-2024-000194 Hernandez, Pete - I am writing to make a formal request under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. § 552, to obtain copies of records regarding the incident that happened at SpectraTek Unit of ProTechnics, Division of Core Lab, LP on October 22, 2019. The incident occurred in the Agreement State of New Mexico. The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) contacted the NRC to assist with the incident. Records would include, but are not limited to, dose calculations, dose reconstruction, interview records, correspondence with NMED, contractors, intra-agency communications, survey results, bioassay results, etc. I’m requesting the documents be sent via email, if possible. Please inform me if the cost will exceed $500 before the searching or copying commences. 07/01/2024
FOIA-2024-000195 Reichert, Kathy Aerotest Operations, Inc I am looking for internal Meeting Notes, Letters, Emails, Analysis, Workpapers, etc. for Chairman Christopher T Hanson meeting on May 23, 2024 and April 16, 2024 with Senator Cynthia Lumis and April 16, 2024 meeting with Senator Alex Padilla. Thank you, 07/03/2024
FOIA-2024-000196 Tarver, Julian - Requester is seeking all 29 pages, copy of request letter and complaint letter to FOIA officer from Department of State Jeanne Miller. (Date Range for Record Search: From 4/7/2022 To 4/7/2022) 07/09/2024
FOIA-2024-000197 Tarver, Julian - Requester is seeking copies of any and all NRC reports for threat assessments for FY2022 that cover gang and/or domestic extremist activity in NRC or NRC facilities. (Date Range for Record Search: From 10/1/2022 To 9/30/2023) 07/09/2024
FOIA-2024-000198 Tarver, Julian - Requester is seeking all letters, memos, emails to requester in the following FOIA files: 2020-000292, 2020-000298, 2020-000299, 2020-000300, and 2020-000323. Requester is seeking copies of the following requests, response letters, and released records: 2021-000099; 2021-000101, 2021-000184. Requester is seeking all response letters to FOIA requester Mike Howell of the Heritage Foundation. FOIA request dated June 10, 2022, It's regarding the office of Public Affairs; 2022-000184. (Date Range for Record Search: From 6/10/2022 To 6/10/2022) 07/09/2024
FOIA-2024-000199 Tarver, Julian - Requester is seeking all response letters to FOIA requester Mike Howell of the Heritage Foundation. FOIA request dated June 10, 2022, It's regarding the office of Public Affairs; 2022-000184. (Date Range for Record Search: From 6/10/2022 To 6/10/2022) 07/09/2024
FOIA-2024-000200 Tarver, Julian - Requester is seeking copies of the following requests, response letters, and released records: 2021-000099; 2021-000101, 2021-000184. 07/09/2024
FOIA-2024-000201 Owens, Megan August Mack Requester is seeking post-soil removal surveys and confirmatory radiological soil sampling completed at the Cook Medical facility following soil sampling and excavation activities in 2001, as well as any available closure document or confirmation of no further action needed. Additionally, requester is seeking any additional sampling records or record of investigation activities completed at the Cook Medical facility related to the Shallow Land Disposal Area/Babcock & Wilcox Parks/BWX Technologies property 07/09/2024
FOIA-2024-000202 Marini, Connie LightBox Requester is seeking to obtain the most recent listing of companies that have been issued an NRC license and are included in the MLTS Database (active and retired licenses) , for the entire United States, in Excel or other spreadsheet format; Docket number; License Number; Institution Code; Date org license; License Issue Date; License Expiration Date; Licensee Name; Licensee line 2; Licensee Contact Street1; Licensee Contact Street2; Licensee Contact Street3; Licensee Contact City; License Contact State; License Contact Zip; Abbreviation; Licensee Contact full name; Licensee Contact Suffix; Licensee Contact Phone; Auth States; Approved For Storage Flag; Approved For Redistrib Flag; Approved For Incineration; Approved For Burial Flag; Date Of Last Inspection; Rso First Name; RSO Last Name; Date of Next Inspection; Status Agency Code. Please include a record layout. 07/11/2024
FOIA-2024-000203 Marini, Connie LightBox Requester is seeking the following, for the entire United States, in Excel or other spreadsheet format: A list of decommissioning nuclear facilities, which means safely removing a facility or site from service and reducing residual radioactivity to a level that permits either of the following actions. Information being requested: Timeline: Docket Number Plant Name, PM, Shutdown, Certification of Perm. S/D, Certification of Perm. Defueling, PSDAR or DP, LTP, Terminated or ISFSI only, Plants in each phase as of Jan 01,2020, Plants that have completed. Plant Info: Docket Number Plant Name, Utility, Location, Region. Overall Status: Docket Number, Plant Name, Operating, Decom Process, Decon, SAFSTOR, Hybrid, Terminated, ISFSI only, Requester will guarantee payment of cost up to $250.00. 07/11/2024
FOIA-2024-000204 Thompson, Robert - Requester is seeking copies of the two SRO licenses issued to [Listed individual] in docket 55-41478. Requester was licensed at Grand Gulf Nuclear Station in 2004, gave up the license for a year in 2006, and then re-licensed in 2008. Also requesting copies of any waivers associated with issuance of the second license SOP-44329 issued in 2008. 07/12/2024
FOIA-2024-000205 Dargie, Daniel Nawah Energy Company Requesting NUREG/BR-0051 Power Reactor Events, Vol 2, Nos 1 through 6. 07/12/2024
FOIA-2024-000206 Cronin, Shannon WeeCare, Inc (DBA Upwards) I am requesting access to records related to winning applications for childcare subsidy programs administered by your agency for the past five years. Specifically, I am seeking: 1. Copies of the full applications submitted by entities that were awarded contracts for childcare subsidy programs. 2. Evaluation criteria and scoring sheets used to assess these applications. 3. Any correspondence related to the selection and awarding of these contracts. 07/15/2024
FOIA-2024-000207 Hutchison, Joe - The requester is seeking a public record that involves copy(s) of all documentation in the case that Bass Maintenance has supplied to the NRC to support their defense that they didn’t discriminate against [listed individual]. 07/22/2024
FOIA-2024-000208 Pittman, Megan ECS Southeast, LLC Requester is seeking NRC Report #343363. The document year was dated as 1996. The incident occurred at 4270 US Highway 17N in Brunswick, Glynn County, GA. 07/22/2024
FOIA-2024-000209 Hartke, Ron Liona Enterprises This is a FOIA request, where I am requesting clearly releasable info only: 1. The first page (i.e., Face Page) of the current contract award, and first 15 pages of the Performance Work Statement or Statement of Work for the existing contract # 31310020C0040 2. for the existing contract, who is currently assigned as: PM/TM/POC (govt program manager, technical manager or govt owner of the requirement), COR (Contracting Organization Representative), CO/KO (contract officer), and CS (contract specialist, if applicable) Fee Approval: We approve fees up to $28, as we are only requesting historical PWS and contacts, so this request is likely less than 15 pages of clearly releasable info. Contact: Liona FOIA Officer Email address: 07/25/2024
FOIA-2024-000210 Ravnitzky, Michael - This is a request for records under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act. I request a copy of the following SECY Papers: SECY-81-005 SECY-81-013 SECY-81-025 SECY-81-083 SECY-81-176 SECY-81-247 SECY-81-262 SECY-81-291 SECY-81-298 SECY-81-349 SECY-81-392 SECY-81-553 SECY-81-641 SECY-81-651 SECY-81-652 SECY-81-697. 07/26/2024
FOIA-2024-000211 Ravnitzky, Michael - A copy of the NRC Project Manager's Handbook. I would like the current version. I limit this request to documents dated since 2015. If there is no NRC Project Manager's Handbook dated since 2015, then you may administratively withdraw this request. 07/30/2024
FOIA-2024-000212 Ravnitzky, Michael - A copy of the following SECY documents: SECY 79-510, 79-556, 79-657, 80-006, 80-007, 80-099, 80-119, 80-145, 80-168, 80-182, 80-182A, 80-245, 80-283, and 80-284. 07/30/2024
FOIA-2024-000215 Ravnitzky, Michael - A copy of the NRC's General Counsel Handbook, found in the Office of General Counsel at NRC. 07/30/2024
FOIA-2024-000216 Ravnitzky, Michael - A copy of the determination letter and the responsive records in NRC FOIA Case NRC-2021-000111. Apparently it was provided in a website and when I realized it was there and tried to get it, it was gone. 07/29/2024
FOIA-2024-000218 Ravnitzky, Michael - A copy of these two SECY reports and their enclosures: SECY-78-342 and SECY-78-342A 07/30/2024
FOIA-2024-000219 Ravnitzky, Michael - A copy of each NRC Inspector Newsletter (all years). Narrowed to 1996-2006. 07/30/2024
FOIA-2024-000220 Ravnitzky, Michael - A copy of each of the following SECY papers: SECY-81-044, SECY-81-047, SECY-81-078, 81-083, 81-166, 81-174, 81-195, 81-247, 81-277, 81-298, 81-392, 81-449, 81-496, 81-553, 81-641, 81-697, and 81-703. 07/30/2024
FOIA-2024-000221 Ravnitzky, Michael - A copy of each of the following SECY papers: 82-006, 82-016A, 82-082, 82-138, 82-140, 82-157, 82-157A, 82-270, 82-270A, 82-270B, 82-337 and 82-341. 07/17/2024
FOIA-2024-000222 Rhodes, Courtnee DISA Global Solutions, Inc. I am trying to verify a Nuclear Plant Reactor Operator license for [a named individual]. 07/30/2024
APP-2024-000005 Power, John Aljazeera Requester is appealing FOIA-2023-000132. 07/10/2024
CON-2024-000006 Aamot, Colin Personal Capacity as a Journalist The Department of Education’s, FOIA Service Center has located records for the above FOIA request, that contain equities for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). In accordance with Department of Justice policy guidance, we are sending these documents to you for consultation. Please find attached the initial FOIA request and consultation documents consisting of 70 pages. Please review and apply any recommended redactions, and/or state whether you object to any applied redactions. Please be sure to indicate the applicable exemption and foreseeable harm standard. Equites pgs.: 5, 6, 8, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 65 07/30/2024

APP - Appeal
CON - Consultation from another agency