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Recent FOIA Requests - April 2024

This page presents a chronological listing of the subject and reference number of each Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act (FOIA/PA) Request submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) during April 2024. For additional detail, see the Index of Closed FOIA/PA Requests by Subject.

Request ID Requester Name Organization Request Description Received Date
FOIA-2024-000136 Volz-Bongar, Tina - Indian Point Decommissioning Trust Fund. I am requesting all financial and accounting records indicated in the review by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) of Holtec Decommissioning International Indian Point 1,2,3 Trust Funds, NRC INSPECTION REPORT NOS. 05000003/2023004 05000247/2023004, 05000286/2023004, 07200051/2023004, and NOTICE OF VIOLATION. In addition, I am requesting all records such as emails from the NRC staff to the New York State Department of Public Service regarding their records of the Indian Point Decommissioning Trust Fund. 04/02/2024
FOIA-2024-000137 Sanders, Robert Honeywell Honeywell is requesting a copy of the subject meeting minutes. The meeting took place between the NRC and Honeywell MTW personnel on May 1, 2002. The meeting was to discuss the issuance of the Honeywell NRC Security Order EA 02-025 for Compensatory
Measures Safeguards.
FOIA-2024-000138 Mead, Tonya - Please provide the following data in xls or cvs format from years 2019 to December 2023, the following information by agency and sub- agency and/or division categorized by SES and GS levels when possible: o the total number of employees employed full time and part time o the number of employees eligible to participate in telework (5 U.S.C.6502(a)(1)(B)) o the number of employees who are participating in telework (5 U.S.C.6502(a)(1)(B)) o the number of employees who list their primary residence as their alternate worksite and report to the agency worksite on a regular and recurring basis o the number of employees who are participating in a flexible work arrangement where their alternate worksite may be within or outside the local commuting area and they are not required to report to the agency worksite on a regular and recurring basis o the number of eligible employees authorized to telework who have entered into a written telework agreement with their supervisor as a pre-condition to participation (5 U.S.C. 6502(b)(2)) o the number of eligible employee authorized to telework who have not entered into a written telework agreement with their supervisor as a pre- condition to participation (5 U.S.C. 6502(b)(2)) but are still allowed to telework of the number of eligible employee authorized to telework who have maintained their acceptable levels of employee performance or agency operations, in accordance with OPM performance management guidelines (5 U.S.C. 6502(b)(1)) o the number of eligible employee authorized to telework who have not maintained their acceptable levels of employee performance or agency operation o to list the appropriate steps management has taken if it has had to deny or revoke telework for employees who have been disciplined for specified misconduct (5 U.S.C. 6502(a)(2)) (5 U.S.C. 6502(b)(1),6503(a)(4)) o the number of eligible employee authorized to telework who have been denied or revoked telework agreements when these employees have been disciplined for specified misconduct (5 U.S.C. 6502(a)(2)) o the number of employees who have been denied telework agreements because their jobs require the handling of secure materials inappropriate for telework or whose work requires on-site activity (except in an emergency as determined by the head of the agency) (5 U.S.C. 6502(b)(4)) o the number of newly staffed employees hired to manage teleworkers to maintain compliance with their telework agreements, as required by 5 U.S.C. 6502(b)(3) o the number of re-assigned employees required to manage teleworkers to maintain compliance with their telework agreements, as required by 5 U.S.C. 6502(b)(3) o the number of employees assigned new duties required to manage teleworkers to maintain compliance with their telework agreements, as required by 5 U.S.C. 6502(b)(3) o the number of (a) employees and number of (b) incidents per employee where appropriate steps to terminate the arrangement if non-compliance is not promptly corrected. 04/04/2024
FOIA-2024-000140 Criscione, Lawrence - I request all agreements between the NRC and either NTEU Chapter 208 or the National Treasury Employees Union that: 1. Mention [a named individual] 2. Were signed after July 1, 2022 and refer to [a specified position title in NTEU Chapter 208] 04/04/2024
FOIA-2024-000141 Duke, Edward - Specifically, I am requesting a copy of OI Report 4-2014-009, NRC Security Inspection Report 05000397/2015407. I am willing to pay the applicable fees, if any, associated with processing the FOIA request. 04/05/2024
FOIA-2024-000142 Weir, Vivienne Partners Environmental Consulting Partners Environmental Consulting is looking into the property located at 6801 Cochran Road in Solon, Ohio 44139. This facility is listed in several databases including MLTS (license # 34-06558-05) and NY MANIFEST (EPA ID: OHD070762596) but no additional information is currently reported. Do you have any records of these incidents or anything else of environmental impact? 04/09/2024
FOIA-2024-000144 Rodgers, Jimmy Summers, Rufolo &
Rodgers, P.C.
NRC Form 4-Cumulative Occupational Dose History for named individual 04/11/2024
FOIA-2024-000145 Greenewald, John The Black Vault I respectfully request a copy of records  (which includes videos/photos), electronic or otherwise, of all records that pertain to your agency's policy and procedure on sharing information with the DoD's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO). I ask that you include all policy, procedure, memorandum of understanding, memorandum of agreement, letters, other memos, etc., that outline your agency's policy on sharing information on any classification level with the AARO effort which investigates UAP related cases, and per their own documentation, gets material from your agency, which is why I believe some sort of responsive records should exist. I ask that you included any adopted procedures that were kept from prior efforts such as the UAP Task Force, AOIMSG, etc. wherein your agency might have shared information to UAP investigative efforts. (Date Range for Record Search: From 1/1/2018 To 4/14/2024) 04/15/2024
FOIA-2024-000146 Marini, Connie LightBox I would like to obtain the most recent listing of companies that have been issued an NRC license and are included in the MLTS Database (active and retired licenses) , for the entire United States, in Excel or other spreadsheet format. Information I would like is: Docket number License Number Institution Code Date org license License Issue Date License Expiration Date Licensee Name Licensee line 2 Licensee Contact Street1 Licensee Contact Street2 Licensee Contact Street3 Licensee Contact City License Contact State License Contact Zip Abbreviation Licensee Contact full name Licensee Contact Suffix Licensee Contact Phone Auth States Approved For Storage Flag Approved For Redistrib Flag Approved For Incineration Approved For Burial Flag Date Of Last Inspection Rso First Name RSO Last Name Date of Next Inspection Status Agency Code Please include a record layout. 04/15/2024
APP-2024-000002 Criscione, Lawrence - This email is an appeal for the denial of records sought. On February 27, 2024 I requested the index of OIG cases from FY2018. 04/16/2024
APP-2024-000003 Criscione, Lawrence - This email is an appeal for the denial of records sought. On February 27, 2024 via six separate emails I requested the index of OIG allegation from FY2018 through 2023. 04/16/2024
FOIA-2024-000147 Criscione, Lawrence - I request a list of all NRC OIG Cases initiated in Fiscal Years 2019-2023. I request the Case number, the Case title, the date the case was opened, the date the case was due, the date the case was closed, the case type, the case
agent, the program office, and the Primary Classification.
APP-2024-000004 Criscione, Lawrence - Under the Freedom of Information Act and 10 CFR 9.29, I am appealing the NRC's refusal to release the records requested under FOIA 2024-0107 within the statutory 20 working
day time period.
FOIA-2024-000148 Hutchison, Joe - This request for public record includes copies of ALL licensing that Bass Maintenance has been issued to be eligible to be a contractor in a Nuclear facility. Bass Maintenance is currently a contractor at Honeywell,in
FOIA-2024-000149 Hume, Rowland - All records, reports, emails, notes, memos, letters (comms) held by NRC related/regarding the subject of UNKN UAS, UAV, AAV, UAP, UFO. this will include all external reports made to NRC of incidents (from nuclear facilities) and all internal reports/investigations carried out by NRC. full years to search 2023. please include any videos, photos, drawing obtained from reporting officers of these incidents. Thank
you (Date Range for Record Search: From 10/01/2022 To 04/22/2024)
FOIA-2024-000151 Moore, Marcus - I would like to request a copy of the security clearance paperwork that was submitted for [a named individual's] NRC "U" clearance to work at Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc. for EcoTek, LLC (a wholly owned company of NFS). Any records that reflect the work sites to be accessed at NFS including Building 234 Pu Fuel Fabrication, building 110 Ceramics and lab Building, Sludge Holding Ponds and
Solid Waste Burial Ground.
FOIA-2024-000157 Bayani, Rose International Radiation Safety Consulting, Inc a current listing of all of the non-medical radioactive materials license data under NRC jurisdiction. We request the following data fields: COMPANY NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP, RADIATION SAFETY OFFICER, PHONE, EMAIL ADDRESS, AND NRC
PROGRAM CODE. We request that this data be emailed to us in Microsoft Excel Format.
FOIA-2024-000158 Milner, Glen - I am requesting all records regarding a nuclear weapons incident in February 1950 off the coast of British Columbia. Below is a description of the incident, as described in a DOD record titled, Narrative Summaries of Accidents Involving U.S. Nuclear Weapons, 1950-1980: Februarv 13, 1950 / B-36 / Pacific Ocean, off Coast of British Columbia The B-36 was en route from Eielson AFB to Carswell AFB on a simulated combat profile mission. The weapon aboard the aircraft had a dummy capsule installed. After six hours of flight, the aircraft developed serious mechanical difficulties, making it necessary to shut down three engines. The aircraft was at 12,000 feet altitude. Icing conditions complicated the emergency and level flight could not be maintained. The aircraft headed out over the Pacific Ocean and dropped the weapon from 8,000 feet. A bright flash occurred on impact, followed by a sound and shock wave. Only the weapon's high explosive material detonated. The aircraft was then flown over Princess Royal Island where the crew bailed out. The aircraft wreckage was later found on Vancouver Island. 04/30/2024

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, August 1, 2024