Nuclear power plants are very complex. There are many different buildings at the site and many different systems. Some of the systems work directly to make electricity. Some of the systems work to keep the plant working correctly and safely. All nuclear power plants have a "containment structure" that holds the reactor. And all plants have deep pools where the nuclear fuel when it is no longer being used can be cooled and stored.
All nuclear power plants make electricity from the steam created by the heat of splitting atoms. But there are two different ways that steam is used.
Pressurized Water Reactors are known as "PWRs." They keep water under pressure so that it heats but does not boil. Water from the reactor and the water that is turned into steam are in separate pipes and never mix.

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View an Animated Image of a Pressurized Reactor
Boiling Water Reactors are known as "BWRs." In BWRs, the water heated by fission actually boils and turns into steam to turn the generator. In both types of plants, the steam is turned back into water and can be used again in the process.
Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) 
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View an Animated Image of a Boiling Water Reactor
In all nuclear power plants, the process of making electricity causes radioactivity. The radioactivity comes from the splitting of the atoms. It must be carefully managed because it can be dangerous if not handled properly. It can damage human cells or cause cancer over time. So all nuclear power plants have many safety systems that protect workers, the public and the environment.
For example, systems allow the fission process to be stopped and the reactor to be shut down quickly. Other systems cool the reactor and carry heat away from it. Barriers keep the radioactivity from escaping into the environment.
In reactors, radioactive material is contained inside small ceramic pellets about the size of the tip of an adult's finger. They are placed in long metal rods inside a reactor vessel, which is enclosed in a concrete and steel containment building. These buildings have walls three to five feet thick!