Reactor License Renewal Inspections
The NRC inspectors verify the information in the renewal application and the applicant's implementation of license renewal activities.
On this page:
Regional Inspections
- Support a finding regarding reasonable assurance of the acceptability of an applicant's license renewal program and activities to manage the effects of aging consistent with the current licensing basis (CLB) during the period of extended operation.

Scoping/Screening Inspections
- Verify that the applicant for license renewal has —
- properly included the systems, structures, and components (SSCs) within the scope of license renewal
- properly designated those portions of the structures and components in scope that are subject to aging management review
- identified all passive and long-lived SSCs that require aging management review
- Verify scoping of non-safety-related structures and components whose failure could affect safety-related structures and components from performing their intended functions.

Aging Management Program (AMP) Inspections
- Determine which AMPs are credited to prevent applicable aging effects.
- Verify that AMPs will reasonably manage aging effects:
- existing program
- modified existing program
- new program
- Review supporting documentation for validity.
- Verify that the applicant implemented its methodology for AMPs.
- Verify that the applicant evaluated site-specific and industry information for applicability in determining aging effects:
- surveillance tests
- maintenance records
- history files
- inservice test and inspection results
- work orders and corrective actions
- Perform walkdowns of selected in-scope SSCs.

Site Inspections

Inspection Guidance Documents

Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 2516
IMC 2516 , "Policy and Guidance for the License Renewal Inspection Programs," documents the NRC's policy and guidance for review and inspection activities associated with the License Renewal Inspection Program (LRIP). The LRIP is the process used by the NRC's headquarters and regional staff, as well as consultant personnel to verify the programs and activities associated with an applicant's request to renew its license for a commercial nuclear power plant beyond the initial licensing period under 10 CFR Part 54.
Table of Contents

Inspection Procedure 71002
IP-71002 , "License Renewal Inspections," provides the procedures for inspecting and verifying the documentation, implementation, and effectiveness of the programs and activities associated with an applicant's license renewal program.
- IP-71002 has the following objectives:
- Verify the applicant's license renewal program, including supporting activities, is implemented consistent with the requirements of 10 CFR Part 54.
- Verify the material condition of the structures, systems, and components (SSCs) that require an aging management review.
- Verify that the information and documentation required by, or necessary to document compliance with, the provisions of the rule are retrievable, auditable, and consistent with the rule and site-approved programs and procedures.
- Verify that the implementation of license renewal plant assessment and aging management programs is consistent with NRC guidance for license renewal.
Table of Contents
Frequently Asked Questions on License Renewal of Nuclear Power Reactors (NUREG-1850)

Inspection Procedure 71003
IP-71003, "Post-Approval Site Inspection for License Renewal," provides the procedures for inspecting and verifying the completion of license renewal commitments and license conditions that have been added as part of the renewed license, and ensuring that selected aging management programs (AMPs) are implemented in accordance with the license renewal regulations.
- IP-71003 has the following objectives:
- Verify that license conditions added as part of the renewed license, license renewal commitments, selected AMPs, and license renewal commitments revised after the renewed license was granted, are implemented in accordance with 10 CFR Part 54.
- Verify that “newly identified” structures, systems, and components (SSCs), pursuant to 10 CFR 54.37(b), and Regulatory Issue Summary RIS-2007-16, are implemented in accordance with 10 CFR Part 54.
- Verify, on a sample basis, that the description of the AMPs and related activities are, or will be, contained in the updated final safety analysis report (UFSAR), and that the description of the programs is consistent with those implemented by the licensee.
- Table of Contents
- Frequently Asked Questions About License Renewal Inspection Procedure (IP) 71003

General Inspection Requirements
License renewal inspections verify fulfillment of the following general inspection requirements:
- The applicant implements the scoping and screening methodology in conformance with descriptions contained in the license renewal application and staff's safety evaluation report (SER).
- The applicant correctly and completely identifies the systems, structures, and components (SSCs) satisfying the conditions of 10 CFR 54.4(a).
- The passive, long-lived structures and components (SCs) are subject to an aging management review (AMR) and have aging management programs (AMPs) that are in conformance with descriptions contained in the license renewal application and SER.
- The engineering analysis documentation used to support the application exists, and is credible and auditable.
- Inspections are performed before the approval of a renewed license.
- Inspections should be performed by the NRC's regional offices (including visits to the applicant's site).
- Inspections coverthe following aspects:
- scoping and screening
- aging management
- annual LRA update process
- any open items resulting from inspections or staff review of the LRA

Annual Update/Open Item
- Verify that plant modifications and CLB changes were included in the annual application update.
- Verify that newly installed plant equipment, in the scope of the rule, is included in appropriate aging management programs.
- Examine resolution of issues identified in earlier inspections.

Inspections Review
Take the Review.