Approved Applications for Power Uprates
The following power uprates have been reviewed and accepted by the NRC. The licenses for the following plants have been amended to reflect the increase in power level shown in the table.
(TYPE -- S = Stretch; E = Extended; MU = Measurement Uncertainty Recapture)
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(1) - Turkey Point 3 and 4 extended power uprate approval on June 15, 2012, authorized a 13.0% power uprate and a 1.7% measurement uncertainty recapture. St. Lucie 1 extended power uprate approval on July 9, 2012, authorized a 10.0% power uprate and a 1.7% measurement uncertainty recapture. St. Lucie 2 extended power uprate approval on September 24, 2012, authorized a 10.0% power uprate and a 1.7% measurement uncertainty recapture.
*Documents can be requested from the Public Document Room
Capacity Recapture Power Uprates for Provisional Operating License Plants are not included in this table. These are Haddam Neck uprate of 24% in 1969, Oyster Creek uprate of 14% in 1971, Palisades uprate of 15% in 1977, Ginna uprate of 17% in 1972, Maine Yankee uprate of 10% in 1989, and Indian Point 2 Uprate of 11% in 1990.
NOTE:The NRC staff approved an MUR power uprate for Fort Calhoun on January 16, 2004, which authorized an increase in the licensed thermal power limit to 1,524 megawatts-thermal. The Omaha Public Power District was subsequently informed by Westinghouse that the potential instrument inaccuracies in the Advanced Measurement and Analysis Group (AMAG) ultrasonic flow meter would not allow implementation of the MUR power uprate at Fort Calhoun. As a result, on May 7, 2004, prior to implementation of the MUR power uprate, the Omaha Public Power District submitted an exigent license amendment request to return Fort Calhoun's licensed thermal power limit to 1,500 megawatts-thermal, the pre-MUR level. On May 14, 2004, the NRC staff approved this license amendment.