Approved Power Uprate Application Information For South Texas 1 & 2

The following table refers to NRC-approved power uprate applications. The table shows the ADAMS accession number for (1) each plant's power uprate application, (2) any supplement to the application, and (3) the license amendment approving the application and allowing the licensee to increase power. These documents illustrate the information that the NRC staff requires in order to complete a power uprate review.

NRC encourages licensees to review the documents listed in the table before preparing a power uprate application. Addressing the information contained in these documents below may improve the quality of the application, thereby reducing the number of RAIs, and expedite the staff's review.

On this page:

South Texas Project Units 1 & 2
Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-76 and NPF-80 (Docket Nos. STN 50-498, STN 50-499)

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Application Information

Date Description Adams
Accession No.
08/22/2001 Proposed Amendment to Facility Operating Licenses and Technical Specifications Associated with a 1.4% Core Power Uprate ML012390147

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Supplement Information

Date Description Adams
Accession No.
01/21/2002 Additional Information to Support the Request for Approval of Power Uprate and a Revision to the Technical Specifications ML020460032
02/05/2002 Additional Information to Support the Request for Approval of Power Uprate and a Revision to the Technical Specifications ML020390199
02/14/2002 Additional Information to Support the Request for Approval of Power Uprate and a Revision to the Technical Specifications ML020520549
02/27/2002 Additional Information to Support the Request for Approval of Power Uprate and a Revision to the Technical Specifications ML020600154
03/04/2002 Additional Information to Support the Request for Approval of Power Uprate and a Revision to the Technical Specifications ML020650010

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Amendment Information

Date Description Adams
Accession No.
04/12/2002 Issuance of Amendments Approving Uprated Core Thermal Power and Revising the Associated Technical Specifications (TAC Nos. MB2899 and MB2903) ML021130083

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