Early Site Permit Applications for New Reactors
By issuing an early site permit (ESP), the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) approves one or more sites for a nuclear power facility, independent of an application for a construction permit or combined license. An ESP is valid for 10 to 20 years from the date of issuance, and can be renewed for an additional 10 to 20 years.
In reviewing an ESP application, the NRC staff will address site safety issues, environmental protection issues, and plans for coping with emergencies, independent of the review of a specific nuclear plant design. During this process, the NRC notifies all stakeholders (including the public) as to how and when they may participate in the regulatory process, which may include participating in public meetings and opportunities to request a hearing on the issuance of an ESP.
The links below provide information on the ESPs that the NRC has issued to date, as well as the ESP applications that are currently under review.
Issued Early Site Permits
The NRC staff has issued the following ESPs:
Early Site Permit Applications Currently Under Review
The staff is currently reviewing the following ESP applications:
* Application withdrawn on October 3, 2012