Vendor Quality Assurance (QA) Inspections

In a Federal Register notice (50 FR 47716) issued on November 20, 1985, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) announced a minor revision to its Enforcement Policy to describe how the policy applies to vendors that supply products or services to the nuclear industry for ultimate use in NRC-licensed facilities or activities. That revision reflected a Commission decision to support increased focus on NRC inspection and oversight of industry vendor activities. In addition, the NRC expanded various sections of the enforcement policy, including the purpose section and supplements, to encompass vendor activities and add references to the Notice of Nonconformance to vendors.

The NRC Enforcement Policy is applicable to non-licensees, including contractors and subcontractors, applicants or holders of NRC approvals (e.g., certificates of compliance, early site permits, standard design certificates, quality assurance program approvals, and employees of any of the foregoing, who knowingly provide components, equipment, or other goods or services that relate to a licensee's activities subject to NRC regulation.

Vendor inspections are conducted at vendor shops principally to examine whether the vendor has been complying with Appendix B to Title 10, Part 50, of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR Part 50), as required by procurement contracts with licensees. Notices of Nonconformances or Notices of Violations are issued to vendors for failures to meet quality commitments or the requirements of 10 CFR Part 21, "Reporting of Defects and Noncompliance," respectively. 10 CFR Part 21 was last updated on July 6, 2012.

For additional information, see the following related pages:

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Saturday, September 17, 2022