2017 Aircraft Impact Assessment (AIA) Inspection Reports

The purpose of inspection reports is to document the inspection scope, observation, and findings of inspections conducted by the NRC. The NRC performs inspections to oversee the commercial nuclear industry to determine whether its requirements are being met by applicants, licensees and their contractors. The NRC performs inspections to verify the quality and suitability of the aircraft impact assessment and review any issues identified during the analysis and the corrective actions associated with the issue.

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Date Description

Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power (KHNP) Co., Ltd., Advanced Reactors Development Laboratory, San Diego, CA, inspection of their Advanced Power Reactor 1400 design Aircraft Impact Assessment (AIA).


GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy, Wilmington, NC, limited scope inspection perform an inspection of the GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Advanced Boiling Water Reactor Aircraft Impact Assessment (AIA). Specifically, to inspect corrective actions taken to address the notice of violation (NOV) identified in inspection report (IR) 05200045/2016-201.