NRC Hybrid Workshop on Structural Materials: What Research for Beyond 80 Years?
On this page:
Location / Date: NRC HQ, TWFN Auditorium, Rockville, MD, October 1-4, 2024 (Tuesday-Friday)
Format: Format: This was an in-person event with a virtual option.
ADAMS ML#s for Workshop Presentations: Included in the agenda below.
Explore or assess the state of knowledge (including operating experience, research activities, and associated engineering analyses) related to the performance of passive SSCs during LTO (i.e., > 80 years) and identify any research needs to provide assurance of the adequacy of existing AMPs or identify any needed modifications or additions.

Motivation & Background:
In 2021, NRC completed an activity in ADAMS to assess the feasibility of extending the time period for license renewal of nuclear power plants from the current 20 year maximum to a maximum period of 40 years, and to identify options to implement this change. One of the three main recommendations of this activity was to consider an evaluation to identify on-going research activities (related to concrete, cables, reactor vessel internals and reactor pressure vessels) that could be extended to greater exposure levels (e.g., higher fluence levels) to address the potential for reactor operations up to 100 years.
Earlier, in 2019, (RIL-2020-12) NRC held an international workshop on age-related degradation of reactor vessels and internals. While the workshop presenters varied greatly among government, academic, and industry organizations, their experiences with materials aging management were remarkably similar.

Workshop Sessions
NRC Workshop on Structural Materials: What Research for 80 Years and Beyond
October 1 – 3, 2024
NRC Headquarters, TWFN Auditorium, Rockville, MD
Days 1- 2
Workshop Sessions Metallic Materials:
Tuesday, October 1 |
Introductory Session |
Time |
Topic |
Speaker |
NRC LTO Workshop Detailed Agenda Days 1-3 |
8:00 |
Welcome and Introduction |
Rob Tregoning, NRC |
8:05 |
Opening Remarks |
John Tappert, NRC
Susan Lesica, DOE
Jim Cirilli, EPRI |
8:20 |
Research for Long Term Operation |
Jim Cirilli, EPRI |
8:35 |
Overview of LWRS Materials Research Supporting LTO |
Frank Chen, ORNL |
8:50 |
S0P3-NRC Research: Readiness for Long Term Operation |
Rob Tregoning, NRC
John Wise, NRC |
Session 1: Reactor Pressure Vessel (Coordinator: Jeff Poehler)
9:00 |
S1P1-Irradiation Damage Behavior in RPV/Low Alloy Steels: Considerations for 80 years and beyond |
Grace Burke, INL |
9:20 |
S1P2- Thermal Annealing: Fresh Look at Old Issue |
Mikhail Sokolov, ORNL |
9:40 |
S1P3-EPRI MRP RPV Integrity LTO Research |
Elliot Long, EPRI |
10:00 – 10:30 |
Break |
10:30 |
S1P4-Session 1 Panel Discussion |
Tim Griesbach, SIA
Susan Ortner, NNL
Brian Hall, Westinghouse
Akiyoshi Nomoto, CRIEPI |
Session 2: Reactor Pressure Vessel Internals (Coordinator: Austin Young)
11:15 |
S2P1-Connecting the dots to support Long Term Operation – What out there and what is needed? |
Pal Efsing, Vattenfall |
11:35 |
S2P2-Emerging material degradation issues in nuclear materials under extended in-service irradiation beyond 80 years |
Maxim Gussev, ORNL |
11:55 |
S2P3-Irradiation Assisted Stress Corrosion Cracking: From Mechanisms to Mitigation |
Steven Raiman, University of Michigan |
12:15 – 13:45
Lunch Break
13:45 |
S2P4- Session 2 Panel Discussion |
Yiren Chen, ANL
Kyle Amberge, EPRI |
14:30 – 14:50 |
Break |
Session 3: Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Components (Coordinator: Eric Focht) |
14:50 |
S3P1- Environmental Cracking During Extended LWR Operation |
Peter Andresen, Andresen Consulting |
15:10 |
S3P2-Addressing Gaps for Life Beyond 80: Experience based on SCC Initiation Research on RCPB Structural Materials |
Ziqing Zhai, PNNL |
15:30 |
S3P3-Long-Term Approach to Manage Stress Corrosion Cracking |
Thierry Couvant, EDF |
15:50 |
S3P4-Session 3 Panel Discussion |
Bogdan Alexandreanu, ANL Mychailo Toloczko, PNNL
Takumi Terachi, INSS |
Concluding Remarks |
16:35 |
Day One Wrap-Up Discussion |
Rob Tregoning, NRC |
17:00 |
Adjourn Day 1 |
Wednesday, October 2 |
Introductory Session |
Time |
Topic |
Speaker |
8:00 |
Welcome and Introduction |
Jeff Poehler, NRC |
8:05 |
Opening Remarks |
Christian Araguas, NRC |
Session 4: Secondary Side Components (Coordinator: Mekonen Bayssie)
8:10 |
S4P1-Evaluation of Hydrazine Alternatives as Oxygen Scavenger in PWR Secondary Systems |
Yudai Yamamoto, CRIEPI |
8:30 |
S4P2-EPRI Research on Flow-Accelerated Corrosion and Erosion in Nuclear Power Plants |
Ryan Wolfe, EPRI |
8:50 |
Session 4 Panel Discussion |
Jared Smith, EPRI
Frank Gift, EPRI |
9:35 – 10:00
Session 5: Service Water, Buried Tanks and Piping (Coordinator: Amy Hull)
10:00 |
S5P1-Service Water Systems at Nuclear Plants |
George Licina, SIA |
10:20 |
S5P2-Technical advances in Cured-in-Place-Pipe (CIPP) linings |
John Cavallo |
10:40 |
Session 5 Panel Discussion |
Dylan Cimock, EPRI
Chris Burton, Structural Technol.
John Wise, NRC |
11:25 – 13:00
Lunch Break
Session 6: Fatigue (Coordinator: Rob Tregoning)
13:00 |
S6P1-EPRI MRP Perspectives on Fatigue-Related Issues for 80 Years and Beyond |
Tom Damiani, EPRI |
13:20 |
S6P2-Fatigue Evaluation for Additive Manufacturing Materials |
Seiji Asada, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries |
13:40 |
S6P3-Uncomfortable with Uncertainty? |
Andrew Morley, Rolls-Royce |
14:00 |
Session 6 Panel Discussion |
Mark Gray, Westinghouse
Tim Gillman, SIA
Jonathan Mann, Amentum |
14:45 – 15:10
Session 7: Mitigation (Coordinator: Dale Delisle)
15:10 |
S7P1-Mitigation of Material Degradation Associated with Long Term Operation |
Darren Barborak, EPRI |
15:30 |
S7P2-Advanced Laser Welding Techniques for Repair of Irradiated Light Water Reactor Components |
Jian Chen, ORNL |
15:50 |
Session 7 Panel Discussion |
Taku Arai, CRIEPI
Carol Moyer, NRC
Darren Barborak, EPRI |
Concluding Remarks
16:35 |
Day Two Wrap-Up Discussion |
Robert Tregoning, NRC |
17:00 |
Closing Remarks |
Steve Ruffin, NRC |
17:05 |
Adjourn Day 2 |

Day 3
Workshop Session- Civil Structures:
Thursday, October 3, 2024 |
Introductory Session (Coordinator: Jose Pires) |
Time |
Topic |
Speaker |
9:00 |
Welcome and Introduction |
Laurel Bauer, NRC |
9:05 |
Opening Remarks |
Marissa Bailey, NRC
Sue Lesica, DOE |
9:20 |
S8P0-Overview of LWRS Materials Research |
Frank Chen, ORNL |
Session 8: Civil Structures Concrete and Components (Coordinators: Madhumita Sircar, Jose Pires) |
9:35 |
S8P1-Research for Beyond 80 Years – Civil Structures |
Mita Sircar/Jose Pires, NRC
George Wang/Ata Istar, NRC |
9:45 |
S8P2-Operation Beyond 80: Knowledge Gaps and Synergistic Degradation Modes in Concrete |
Yann Le Pape, ORNL |
10:15 – 10:30 |
Break |
10:30 |
S8P3-EPRI Research on Long Term Operations: Considerations for Life Beyond 80 |
Samuel Johnson, EPRI |
11:00 |
S8P4-AMPs and Future Research Need for LTO on Concrete Structures |
Masa Kojima, NRA-Japan,
Ippei Maruyama, Univ. of Tokyo |
11:20 |
S8P5-Research Results on Concrete Using the Decommissioning Plant of the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant |
Takashi Osaki, CEPCO |
11:40 – 13:10 |
Lunch |
13:10 |
S8P6-NRC Workshop: What Research for Beyond 80 Years for Civil Structures - IRSN contribution |
Fabienne Ribeiro, IRSN |
13:30 |
S8P7-NRC – EDF LTO – EDF Approach |
Benoit Masson, EDF (R) |
13:50 |
S8P8-CNSC Perspective on Gaps in Knowledge for Concrete Containment Structures for LTO |
Cedric Androuet, CNSC (R) |
14:10 |
S8P9-Aging Management of Nuclear Civil Structures - Potential Areas for Enhancements |
Julia Tcherner, AtkinsRealis |
14:30 – 14:45 |
Break |
14:45 |
S8P10-Crevice Corrosion Assessment of Steel Liners & Cement Interface in Nuclear Power Plants |
Dr. Valdir de Souza, SCKCEN (R) |
15:00 |
S8P11-Crevice Corrosion Modelling of Steel Liners & Cement Interface in Nuclear Power Plants |
Anssi Laukkanen, VTT (R) |
15:15 |
S8P12-Creep and Creep-cracking in PCCV |
Randy James, SSC (R) |
15:35 – 15:50 |
Break |
15:50 |
Panel Discussion |
Yann LePape, ORNL
Samuel Johnson, EPRI
Ippei Maruyama, Univ. of Tokyo
Chris Jones, Kansas State Univ.
Julia Tcherner, AtkinsRealis |
Concluding Remarks |
16:40 |
Day Three Wrap-Up: Key Takeaways |
Jose Pires/Mita Sircar, NRC |
16:55 |
Closing Remarks |
John McKirgan, NRC |
Adjourn Day 3 |

Time |
Topic |
Speaker |
9:00 |
Welcome and Introduction |
NRC, Madhumita Sircar |
9:05 |
Opening remarks |
NRC, Michele Sampson |
9:10 |
Opening remarks |
NEA, John Nakoski (Remote) |
9:15 |
S9P1-Harvesting Strategy, Opportunities and International Collaboration |
9:25 |
S9P2-Overview by NRC on Concrete Harvesting and Research |
NRC, Madhumita Sircar |
9:35 |
S9P3-LWRS Perspective on Concrete Harvesting Need and Opportunities |
9:55 |
S9P4-EPRI Research on Concrete Harvesting |
10:05 |
S9P5-Nuclear Materials Harvesting and Beyond: Materials Acquisition, Sample Library, and Concrete-Related Research through NSUF |
NSUF, Rongjie SONG |
10:25 |
Break |
10:40 |
S9P6-Concrete Harvesting activities/plans and related priority research topics in Japan |
NRA, Masayoshi Kojima |
11:00 |
S9P7-Concrete Harvesting activities/plans and related priority research topics in Czechia |
11:20 |
S9P8-Concrete Harvesting activities/plans and related priority research topics in Canada |
CNL, Shahzma JAFFER |
11:40 |
S9P11-Concrete Harvesting plans for EDF in France Concrete Harvesting plans for IRSN |
EDF, Benoit MASSON(Remote )
IRSN, Christophe MARQUIE
12:00 |
Lunch Break |
13:30 – 1400 |
Short presentations
S9P11-Ringhals NPP Potential harvesting of radiated concrete
S9P12- Concrete Harvesting plans in Finland
S9P13- Concrete Harvesting plans in Spain
S9P14- Concrete Harvesting activities in the Netherlands
S9P15- Vision for Participating in Concrete Harvesting Initiative South Africa
Vattenfall Johanna SPALS (Remote)
VTT Miguel FERREIRA(Remote)
IETcc-CSIC Javier SANCHEZ(Remote)
NRG Srijan KUMAR (Remote)
Sifiso Nhleko, CNSS (Remote)
14:00 |
Technical discussion: priority research topics on harvested concrete, worldwide overview and discussion on priorities for harvesting and research
Moderator NRC Madhumita SICAR / Jose PIRES |
- IRSN Christophe MARQUIE
- U of Tokyo Ippei MARUYAMA
- AtkinsRealis Julia TCHERNER
15:00 |
Break |
15:30 |
Panel 2
Strategic discussion: potentials for future international cooperation
Moderator NEA Keiko CHITOSE |
- Chubu Takashi OSAKI
- U of Tokyo Ippei MARUYAMA
- NEA Didier JACQUEMAIN(Remote)
16:30 |
Wrap-up: Key workshop takeaways, Next steps |
NEA, Didier JACQUEMAIN (Remote),
NRC, Jose Pires |

Jeff Poehler
Amy Hull
Mekonen Bayssie
Madhumita Sircar
Rob Tregoning
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Monday, October 21, 2024