TH17 Beyond Guns, Gates, and Guards: Innovative Approaches to Securing Advanced Reactors
As security requirements and operating reactor security programs have changed to keep pace with an evolving threat environment, so too has our understanding of how the security framework can continue to adapt to new advanced reactor technologies to ensure adequate protection of public health and safety. To date, the NRC has made significant efforts to become a more innovative and risk-informed regulator with regard to physical security. Stakeholders are also making a collective effort to consider innovative approaches and advanced technologies to meet the physical security requirements. During this session, a diverse panel of experts will discuss recent security initiatives such as the development of alternative security measures and a security bounding time concept, and how these approaches will continue to shape the future of nuclear security.
- Gregory Bowman, Director, Division of Physical and Cyber Security Policy, NSIR/NRC
- Brad Baxter, Security Specialist, Reactor Security Branch, Division of Physical and Cyber Security Policy, NSIR/NRC e-mail:
- Stacy Prasad, Senior Security Risk Analyst, Reactor Security Branch, Division of Physical and Cyber Security Policy, NSIR/NRC e-mail:
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, June 20, 2024