Description |
FOIA/PA Number |
Appeal withholding of information in response to FOIA/PA 2015-0200 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0067A |
Office of Investigation (OI) Report 1-2012-008 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0484 |
Copy of a winning grant application that was received between 2013 and 2015 for the Faculty Development Grants |
FOIA/PA-2015-0483 |
Copy of named individual's personnel security file maintained by Department of Energy’s security office |
FOIA/PA-2015-0482 |
Copy of SL-1 Reactor Accident Autopsy Procedures and Results, LAMS-2550 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0481 |
Requesting documents relating to the shipment of nuclear waste from Oak Ridge, Tennessee facility to the Savannah River Site in the 1950s |
FOIA/PA-2015-0480 |
All documents regarding the March 1, 1990 letter to Umetco Minerals Corporation in Blanding, Utah, approving the amended license to construct Cell 4A at the White Mesa Mill, and regarding the March 16, 1989 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants approval letter for construction of Cell 4A at the White Mesa Mill |
FOIA/PA-2015-0479 |
Documents concerning the purchase of private land in South Carolina for the construction of the Savannah River Site, between 1947-1952 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0478 |
Copy of NID-01-11, Potential Domestic Terrorist Threat to NRC Licensees |
FOIA/PA-2015-0477 |
Copy of initial request, related records, and all internal communication related to FOIA/PA-2011-0098 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0476 |
Copy of Initial FOIA and all internal communication related to FOIA/PA-2012-0172 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0475 |
All internal communication related to FOIA/PA-2015-0251 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0474 |
Any letter approving the use of tritium to power a photovoltaic cell |
FOIA/PA-2015-0473 |
Any and all emails received by the Secretary of NRC from any elected member of Congress and chief of staff of any Congressional office, from June 1, 2015 to August 31, 2015 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0472 |
Copy of paycheck stubs for name individual for the time period September 2014 through September 2015 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0471 |
Agency records on Cyber Attacks to the U.S. Nuclear Reactor operators |
FOIA/PA-2015-0470 |
All records since 2010 to 2014 which describes the number of attempted cyber attacks to USNRC, number of cyber attacks which succeeded to breach the security, and the details of offence ways and its seriousness to the Nuclear security the Agency evaluated |
FOIA/PA-2015-0469 |
All documents pertaining to the adjudication of named individual's security clearance for an NRC position |
FOIA/PA-2015-0468 |
Any source licenses or radiation machine registration records associated with the company, Halliburton, in the state of Montana |
FOIA/PA-2015-0467 |
Most recent copy of the MLTS Database (active and retired facilities) |
FOIA/PA-2015-0466 |
All documents related to FOIA/PA-2015-0359 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0465 |
Copy of contract NRC3311325, "Information Technology Infrastructure Support Services (ITISS)," and all of the Mods under this contract |
FOIA/PA-2015-0464 |
All documents related to the Office of Investigation case, OI-4-2014-026 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0463 |
Copy of ML15236A207 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0462 |
Copy of the letter concerning the October 21, 2003 passive reactor shutdown at Callaway Plant, from David Lochbaum to Elmo Collins on July 30, 2010, and any response the NRC sent to Mr. Lochbaum |
FOIA/PA-2015-0461 |
Transcripts of all interviews conducted at Callaway Plant by agents of the NRC's Office of Investigation, between August 24, 2015 and August 28, 2015 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0460 |
Copy of contract and winning proposal identified to NRC3311325 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0459 |
Appeal the withholding of information in response to FOIA/PA 2015-0409 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0066A |
Appeal the withholding of information in response to FOIA/PA 2015-0251 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0065A |
Appeal administrative closing of FOIA/PA-2015-0351 for failure to provide clarification of request |
FOIA/PA-2015-0064A |
Appeal the withholding of records under Exemption 3 in response to FOIA/PA-2015-0392 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0063A |