Description |
FOIA/PA Number |
A roster of persons holding either an active operator license or an active senior operating license (or both) for the Columbia Generating Station facility (Richland, WA) at any time between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2015 |
FOIA/PA-2016-0176 |
Copy of all materials that refer to closing of investigation into expenditure of NRC grant funds by Southern Polytechnic State University |
FOIA/PA-2016-0175 |
Sites in possession/use of radioactive materials regulated by NRC |
FOIA/PA-2016-0174 |
Conclusion of the Office of the Inspector General's (OIG) investigation pertaining to ongoing computer abuse during duty hours by named individual |
FOIA/PA-2016-0173 |
Cell phone number assigned to Joseph McMillan |
FOIA/PA-2016-0172 |
ML1118905720 |
FOIA/PA-2016-0171 |
Information Notice 2011-02 |
FOIA/PA-2016-0170 |
Regulatory Issue Summary, RIS 2002-15 |
FOIA/PA-2016-0169 |
Job duties/purpose of Rachel Boyer, Correspondence Analyst |
FOIA/PA-2016-0168 |
Template No. RES-006 |
FOIA/PA-2016-0167 |
All internal and external communication related to FOIA Case 2014-0048 |
FOIA/PA-2016-0166 |
Management Directive (MD) 9.7 |
FOIA/PA-2016-0165 |
First 100 pages of "Office of the General Counsel (OGC) operating manual, policy and procedures" |
FOIA/PA-2016-0164 |
Most current listing of individuals receiving advance notification of nuclear waste shipments |
FOIA/PA-2016-0163 |
All internal and external communication related to FOIA Case 2015-0251 and FOIA Appeal 2015-0065A |
FOIA/PA-2016-0162 |
All internal and external communication related to FOIA Case 2015-0352 and FOIA Appeal 2015-0052A |
FOIA/PA-2016-0161 |
Any and all interagency agreements, memorandum of understanding, or equivalent documents between NRC and National Security Agency, 2010-current date |
FOIA/PA-2016-0160 |
NEI 98-03 Revision 1, first 100 pages |
FOIA/PA-2016-0159 |
All internal communication related to FOIA Case 2012-0204 |
FOIA/PA-2016-0158 |
All letters to NRC from requester in FOIA Case 2009-0035 |
FOIA/PA-2016-0157 |
First 100 pages of NUREG-0800 |
FOIA/PA-2016-0156 |
Copy of all documents, emails and faxes sent from and to the Michigan Department of Transportation regarding the claim filed against ABE Associates, Inc. regarding the ABE Testing Engineers and Consultant Joint Venture |
FOIA/PA-2016-0155 |
Copy of the listed records from the bibliography of Mixed Oxide (MOX) records provided in response to FOIA/PA-2016-0060 |
FOIA/PA-2016-0154 |
Office of investigations Report No. 2-2014-013, concerning allegation of discrimination by Chicago Bridge & Iron against a former electrical project engineer, and all supporting documentation |
FOIA/PA-2016-0153 |
Records of when named individual had a nuclear Pacemaker from 1975 to 2002 |
FOIA/PA-2016-0152 |
A copy of documents identified to NRC3311325 Orders DR3311325T001, NRC3311325T002, NRCHQ1014T003, each task order Statement of Work and complete Request For Proposal |
FOIA/PA-2016-0151 |
Any and all records concerning the Atomic Energy Commission’s licensing of auctioned nuclear waste and residues to Contemporary Metals Corporation, Continental Mining and Milling, Commercial Discount Corporation, and Cotter Corporation from the storage site near the St. Louis airport |
FOIA/PA-2016-0150 |
Corrective Action Report (CAR-12-028) described in NRC Inspection Report 99901030/2013-201 |
FOIA/PA-2016-0149 |
List of specified records pertaining to Indian Point, and any and all International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), National Commission on Radiological Protection (NCRP) that the NRC has relied on in licensing, rulemaking or enforcement for the past 10 years |
FOIA/PA-2016-0148 |
Copy of ML113610556, ML12124A377, ML113130015 |
FOIA/PA-2016-0147 |
Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 |
FOIA/PA-2016-0146 |
Office of the Inspector General Report, OIG-03-A-13 |
FOIA/PA-2016-0145 |
All internal communication related to FOIA case # 2016-0004A & 2015-0404 |
FOIA/PA-2016-0144 |
All released records in FOIA case # 2015-0309 |
FOIA/PA-2016-0143 |
All response letters from NRC to requester to FOIA appeal # 2015-0023A |
FOIA/PA-2016-0142 |
Letter dated Feb 4, 2015 from Office of the Inspector General to Catherine Haney |
FOIA/PA-2016-0141 |
Index of all SECY papers that are non-publicly available from 2010-current |
FOIA/PA-2016-0140 |
Initial FOIA requests only for 2011-0254, 2011-0255, 2011-0225, 2011-0169, 2014-0133, 2012-0021, 2011-0305, 2012-0085, 2014-0006, 2014-0005, 2014-0258, 2014-0164, 2014-0052, 2011-0105, 2011-0015, 2009-0290, 2011-0274 |
FOIA/PA-2016-0139 |
Any direct correspondence between NRC and Jeff Atwater or his staff from November 2000 through present |
FOIA/PA-2016-0138 |
All records pertaining to named individual in the NRC's Privacy Act System of Records NRC-23, all Office of Investigation investigative records on named individual or for which individual was the source of the allegation in the investigation |
FOIA/PA-2016-0137 |
Please provide me all records in the investigation files for the following Office of the Inspector General allegations and cases: A14 07438, A14 07448, A14 07453, C14 027 |
FOIA/PA-2016-0136 |
All materials transmitted between Mr. Kenji Tateiwa and the NRC from March 1, 2011, to date |
FOIA/PA-2016-0135 |
All records in the investigation files for the listed Office of the Inspector General allegations and cases |
FOIA/PA-2016-0134 |
Most recent copy of the Materials Licensing Tracking System Database (active and retired facilities) |
FOIA/PA-2016-0133 |
All records pertaining to named individual contained in the NRC's Privacy Act System of Records NRC-18. Office of the Inspector General Investigative Records |
FOIA/PA-2016-0132 |
All records in the investigation files for the listed Office of the Inspector General allegations and cases |
FOIA/PA-2016-0131 |
NRC Region 4 current Org Chart |
FOIA/PA-2016-0130 |
All background material used in developing response letter dated November 11, 2015, to named individual |
FOIA/PA-2016-0129 |
Copy of all information for NRC Case #2-2015-039 |
FOIA/PA-2016-0128 |
A public relations illustrated portfolio about the Nuclear Ship (NS) Savannah |
FOIA/PA-2016-0127 |
Any and all records of communication between NRC and John Kasich, 1983-present, and all FOIA requests filed mentioning John Kasich |
FOIA/PA-2016-0126 |