Description |
FOIA/PA Number |
Any and all records indicating radiation/radioactivity measurements made in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, 1955-1985 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0164 |
Annual Performance Plans for years 2012-2015 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0163 |
Office of Investigation's Report for Investigation #4-2013-032, and any correspondence between the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and named individual regarding case |
FOIA/PA-2015-0162 |
All Material Transfer Reports on Form 653 filed by Multiphase Meters (MPM) of Houston Texas |
FOIA/PA-2015-0161 |
Documentation regarding mission-important databases still relying on legacy programming language and a time line for transition to systems utilizing more modern language |
FOIA/PA-2015-0160 |
Database of the Material licensing Tracking System (MLTS) (active and retired) |
FOIA/PA-2015-0159 |
Information on Harold R. Denton's visit to the nuclear power plant site, Jaragua, Cuba, October 1988 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0158 |
Office of Investigation report information for FOIA/PA-2014-0482 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0157 |
Technical Assistance, TIA 97-008, review and conclusion that Browns Ferry Nuclear meets General Design Criteria, GDC-17, requirements |
FOIA/PA-2015-0156 |
Contracts and agreements pertaining to the Plant Vogtle project, Units 3 and 4 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0155 |
All records pertaining to the investigation into violations of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's regulations/Federal law committed by named individuals at Energy Northwest |
FOIA/PA-2015-0154 |
Contract awarded to Concur as a result of Solicitation Number: NRC-CF0-14-0070 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0153 |
Copies of listed International Commission on Radiological Protection documents referred to in Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Federal Register Notice Volume 79, Number 143 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0152 |
All documents from 2010 to present related to the Fifty Mile Emergency Planning Zone, and the Radiological Emergency Plan for Suffolk County, New York and atmospheric/airborne environmental discharge from the Millstone Nuclear Power Plant reactor unit 2 and 3 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0151 |
All records related to the natural gas pipelines near the Turkey Point nuclear plant |
FOIA/PA-2015-0150 |
List of individuals promoted and to what grade, and list of individuals who received performance awards and the award amount, within the office of Information Service from 2012 thru 2015 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0149 |
All filing systems and locations, and all records maintained pertaining to training videos during 2014 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0148 |
Documents released in FOIA/PA 2014-0339 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0147 |
Documents released in FOIA/PA 2013-0309 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0146 |
All documents pertaining to named individual's allegations involving the Idaho National Laboratory |
FOIA/PA-2015-0145 |
Copy of records on file for SEG Engineers and Consultants, License Number 13-26178-01 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0144 |
Documents released in FOIA/PA-2015-0014 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0143 |
Documents released in FOIA/PA-2014-0482 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0142 |
All publicly available materials and press releases concerning the proposed action, subsequent regulatory action, or communications taken regarding Chicago Bridge & Iron or the Shaw Group; and materials concerning the Vogtle Units 3&4 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0141 |
Copy of purchase receipts made with debit cards, gift cards, and credit cards on December 1-5, 2014 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0140 |
Most recent mailing list, not including medical affiliations |
FOIA/PA-2015-0139 |
Copy of Congressional Budget Justification: FY15 (NUGREG-1100, Volume 3) |
FOIA/PA-2015-0138 |
Copy of all task order, and modifications, with Concur Technologies, Inc. Master Contract Number GS-33F-Y0026, August 1, 2014 to present |
FOIA/PA-2015-0137 |
All communications and documents pertaining to revisions to the Nuclear Energy Institute's "Personnel Access Requirements for Nuclear Power Plants" |
FOIA/PA-2015-0136 |
Copies of investigative files and all other materials related to the Office of Investigation number 1-2014-004 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0135 |
Any and all reports of investigations of radioactive remediation work at the Hunters Point Shipyard, January 1, 2011-December 31, 2012 |
FOIA/PA-2015-0134 |
Nuclear Regulatory Commission's disaster plan for a catacylsmic pyrotechnic explosion which could occur at Yellowstone National Park |
FOIA/PA-2015-0133 |
Copy of packages involving listed Sealed Sources and Device License Numbers |
FOIA/PA-2015-0132 |
Appeal: Denial of Information for FOIA/PA-2015-0056 - Current firearm inventory and assignment |
FOIA/PA-2015-0015A |