Date |
Notice |
12/20/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION COVID-19 SAFETY GUIDANCE FOR TRAINING AT NRC FACILITIES (STC-21-086) STC-21-086 provides Agreement States with NRC's updated COVID-19 safety guidance for in-person training at NRC facilities that is effective 11/07/2021. |
12/13/2021 |
REMINDER TO SHARE INFORMATION ON ADDITIONAL PROTOCOL FORMS WITH LICENSEES TO ASSIST IN MEETING INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY TREATY OBLIGATIONS (STC-21-084) STC-21-084 notifies Agreement States to remind their licensees of the Additional Protocol (AP) forms which provide the Federal Government with information needed to meet its International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) treaty obligations; reports are due starting 1/15/2022 and 1/31/2022. |
12/13/2021 |
MANUFACTURER TRAINING PATHWAY FOR YTTRIUM-90 MICROSPHERES (STC-21-083) STC-21-083 informs Agreement States of NRC's actions regarding Boston Scientific request for a 1-year extension to the implementation date of the training and experience (T&E) criteria change found in the Yttrium-90 Microsphere Brachytherapy Sources and Devices TheraSphere(R) and SIR-Spheres(R) licensing guidance. |
11/30/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC NUCLEAR MEDICINE (H-304) COURSE (STC-21-081) STC-21-081 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Diagnostic and Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine (H-304) Course to be held 01/31-02/04/2022, in Houston, Texas. |
11/30/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE BRACHYTHERAPY, GAMMA KNIFE AND OTHER USES (H-313) COURSE (STC-21-080) STC-21-080 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Brachytherapy, Gamma Knife and Other Uses (H-313) Course to be held 01/24-28/2022, in Houston, Texas. |
11/30/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE FUNDAMENTAL HEALTH PHYSICS LABS (H-122L) COURSE (STC-21-079) STC-21-079 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Fundamental Health Physics Labs (H-122L) course to be held 01/24-28/2022, in Chattanooga, TN. |
11/23/2021 |
NOTICE OF ANNUAL ORGANIZATION OF AGREEMENT STATES AND CONFERENCE OF RADIATION CONTROL PROGRAM DIRECTORS COMMISSION BRIEFING (STC-21-078) STC-21-078 provides notice of the rescheduled Annual Organization of Agreement States(OAS) and Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD) Commission briefing to be held at NRC Headquarters, Commissioners' Conference Room, located in the One White Flint North Building, Rockville, Maryland, on 02/08/2022, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. EST. |
11/01/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE SAFETY ASPECTS OF INDUSTRIAL RADIOGRAPHY (H-305) COURSE (STC-21-076) STC-21-076 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of the Safety Aspects of Industrial Radiography (H-305) Course to be held 12/6-10/2021. |
10/28/2021 |
VOLUNTARY REQUEST TO COMPLETE SURVEY ON U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION TRANSFORMATION EFFORTS (STC-21-077) STC-21-077 provides information on and requests voluntary participation on NRC's external stakeholder survey concerning recent interactions with the agency. |
10/25/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE FUNDAMENTAL HEALTH PHYSICS LABS (H-122) COURSE (STC-21-075) STC-21-075 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Fundamental Health Physics Labs (H-122L) course to be held 12/13-17/2021, in Chattanooga, TN. |
10/12/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE ROOT CAUSE WORKSHOP (G-205) COURSE (STC-21-074) STC-21-074 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of the Root Cause Workshop (G-205) course to be held 11/15-19/2021. |
10/04/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING & AIR SAMPLING FOR RADIOACTIVITY LAB (H-130L) COURSE (STC-21-072) STC-21-072 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Environmental Monitoring & Air Sampling for Radioactivity Lab (H-130L) course to be held 11/2-5/2021, in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. |
09/29/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE FUNDAMENTAL HEALTH PHYSICS LABS (H-122) COURSE (STC-21-073) STC-21-073 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Fundamental Health Physics Labs (H-122L) course to be held 11/15-19/2021, in Chattanooga, TN. |
09/23/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE IRRADIATOR TECHNOLOGY (H-315) COURSE (STC-21-071) STC-21-071 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Irradiator Technology (H-315) course to be held 11/2-4/2021, in Arlington, Texas. |
09/23/2021 |
RULEMAKING TO EXTEND THE DURATION OF THE AP1000 DESIGN CERTIFICATION (STC-21-069) STC-21-069 provides details concerning NRC's publication of the direct final rule to extend the duration of the AP1000 standard design by 5 years. |
09/22/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE ADVANCED HEALTH PHYSICS (H-201) COURSE (STC-21-070) STC-21-070 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Advanced Health Physics (H-201) Course to be held 11/1-5/2021, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. |
09/13/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING & AIR SAMPLING FOR RADIOACTIVITY LAB (H-130L) COURSE (STC-21-068) STC-21-068 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Environmental Monitoring & Air Sampling for Radioactivity Lab (H-130L) course to be held 10/26-29/2021, in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. |
09/13/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE SAFETY ASPECTS OF WELL LOGGING (H-314) COURSE (STC-21-067) STC-21-067 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Safety Aspects of Well Logging (H-314) course to be held 10/25-28/2021, in Houston, Texas. |
09/10/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE MATERIALS CONTROL, SECURITY SYSTEMS & PRINCIPLES (S-201) COURSE (STC-21-066) STC-21-066 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Materials Control, Security Systems & Principles (S-201) course to be held 10/18-22/2021, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. |
09/10/2021 |
INFORMATION SESSIONS TO DISCUSS PROPOSED CHANGES TO MATERIALS INSPECTION PROCEDURES (STC-21-065) STC-21-065 informs Agreement States that NRC will hold information sessions on 09/14/2021 and 09/27/2021 to discuss proposed changes to materials inspection procedures. |
09/08/2021 |
EXTENSION OF COMMENT PERIOD FOR INTERIM PROCEDURE SA-700, PROCESSING AN AGREEMENT (STC-21-018A) STC-21-018A informs the National Materials Program (NMP) community and Federally Recognized Tribes that the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) has extended the comment period for State Agreements (SA) procedure SA-700, Processing an Agreement, to 1/31/2022. |
09/07/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE ROOT CAUSE WORKSHOP (G-205) COURSE (STC-21-064) STC-21-064 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of the Root Cause Workshop (G-205) course to be held 9/27/2021-10/01/2021. |
09/07/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE LICENSING PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES (G-109) COURSE (STC-21-063) STC-21-063 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of the Licensing Practices and Procedures (G-109) Course to be held 9/27/2021-10/01/2021. |
08/30/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE INSPECTION PROCEDURES (G-108) COURSE (STC-21-062) STC-21-062 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of the Inspection Procedures (G-108) Course to be held on 9/20-24/2021. |
08/26/2021 |
INVITATION TO CONSULT AND PARTICIPATE IN THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION'S SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF THE AGENCY'S ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE POLICY, PROGRAMS, AND ACTIVITIES (STC-21-060) STC-21-060 informs Indian Tribes that Tribal leadership may consult on an NRC paper assessing the agency's environmental justice activities for the NRC's Commissioners. Comments are due on 10/29/2021. |
08/25/2021 |
REVISION OF THE CHRONOLOGY OF THE U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION (NRC) AMENDMENTS INCLUDING SUMMARY OF CHANGE DOCUMENT FOR MISCELLANEOUS CORRECTIONS [RATS ID 2021-1] (STC-21-061) STC-21-061 provides States with the Chronology of the NRC Amendments including RATS ID 2021-1. The amendments provide corrections of data, remove outdated reporting requirements, and insert missing language. They become effective 09/08/2021. STC-21-061 includes a Summary of Change Document. |
08/10/2021 |
ADVANCE NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULEMAKING ON CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND REQUEST FOR COMMENT (STC-21-059) STC-21-059 informs States and Indian Tribes that NRC has reopened the comment period on the Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) to amend the NRC regulations on categorical exclusions for licensing, regulatory, and administrative actions that do not have a significant effect on the human environment. The comment period now closes on 9/21/2021. |
08/06/2021 |
PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS NOTICE OF INTERPRETATION ON INDUSTRIAL RADIOGRAPHIC OPERATIONS AT TEMPORARY RADIOGRAPHY JOBSITES AND AN AGREEMENT STATE COMPATIBILITY CATEGORY CHANGE (STC-21-057) STC-21-057 informs States that NRC will hold a public meeting on 08/26/2021 to discuss the notice of interpretation on industrial radiographic operations at temporary radiography jobsites and an Agreement State Compatibility Category change published in the Federal Register (FR) on 06/01/2021 (86 FR 29173). |
08/05/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF THE U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION GRANT PROGRAM (STC-21-058) STC-21-058 informs States about the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) grant program. |
07/29/2021 |
NOTICE OF ANNUAL ORGANIZATION OF AGREEMENT STATES AND CONFERENCE OF RADIATION CONTROL PROGRAM DIRECTORS COMMISSION BRIEFING (STC-21-055) STC-21-055 announces the Annual Organization of Agreement States (OAS) and Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD) Commission briefing to be held at NRC Headquarters on 10/28/2021. |
07/28/2021 |
PROPOSED RULE â€" RECEIPTS BASED NRC SIZE STANDARDS (STC-21-056) STC-21-056 notifies States that NRC has published a proposed rule for public comment to amend its small business size standards, which are used to qualify an NRC licensee as a "small entity" under the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, as amended. The proposed rule will modify Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Parts 2 and 171. Comments are due 8/25/2021. |
07/26/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE IRRADIATOR TECHNOLOGY (H-315) COURSE (STC-21-053) STC-51-053 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Irradiator Technology (H-315) course scheduled to be held 09/14-16/2021, in Arlington, Texas. |
07/26/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE MATERIALS CONTROL, SECURITY SYSTEMS & PRINCIPLES (S-201) COURSE (STC-21-051) STC-21-051 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Materials Control, Security Systems & Principles (S-201) course to be held 9/20-24/2021, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. |
07/26/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE ROOT CAUSE WORKSHOP (G-205) COURSE (STC-21-050) STC-21-050 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Root Cause Workshop (G-205) course scheduled to be held 09/14-17/2021, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. |
07/22/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF UPCOMING PUBLIC MEETINGS TO OBTAIN FEEDBACK ABOUT THE NRC INSPECTIONS IN THE NMSS PROGRAM AREAS DURING THE PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY (STC-21-052) STC-21-052 provides notice that NRC's Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) will be holding two public meetings on 7/26/2021, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. ET and on 8/03/2021, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. ET, regarding the NMSS COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) Oversight Activities Assessment Phase B Working Group (the Working Group). |
07/19/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE MATERIALS CONTROL, SECURITY SYSTEMS & PRINCIPLES (S-201) COURSE (STC-21-049) ST-21-049 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Materials Control, Security Systems & Principles (S-201) course to be held 9/13-17/2021, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. |
07/19/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE BRACHYTHERAPY, GAMMA KNIFE AND OTHER USES (H-313) COURSE (STC-21-048) STC-21-048 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of Brachytherapy, Gamma Knife and Other Uses (H-313) Course to be held March 8/9-13/2021. |
07/19/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC NUCLEAR MEDICINE (H-304) COURSE (STC-21-047) STC-21-047 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine (H-304) Course to be held 8/2-6/2021. |
07/19/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION SPONSORED TRAINING COURSE SCHEDULE (TENTATIVE) FOR FISCAL YEAR 2022 (STC-21-046) STC-21-046 provides NRC's sponsored training course schedule (tentative) available to Agreement States staff for fiscal year 2022 and describes how to initiate the application process. |
07/14/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF THE ISSUANCE OF THE SCOPING SUMMARY REPORT FOR THE REVIEW AND UPDATE OF THE GENERIC ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT FOR LICENSE RENEWAL OF NUCLEAR PLANTS (NUREG-1437) (STC-21-045) STC-21-045 informs States and Indian Tribes that NRC has issued a scoping summary report for the review and update of NUREG-1437, "Generic Environmental Impact Statement or License Renewal of Nuclear Plants - Final Report" (LR GEIS). |
07/12/2021 |
OPPORTUNITY TO OBSERVE THE U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION PERIODIC ADVANCED REACTOR STAKEHOLDER MEETING (STC-21-044) STC-21-044 announces that NRC staff is conducting a public teleconference to discuss with the nuclear industry and other stakeholders the initiatives within the industry and NRC related to the development and licensing of non-light water reactors, on 7/15/2021, from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM EST. |
07/09/2021 |
PROPOSED RULE FOR THE NUSCALE SMALL MODULAR REACTOR DESIGN CERTIFICATION RULEMAKING (STC-21-043) STC-21-043 informs recipients that NRC published a proposed rule for the certification of the NuScale standard design in the Federal Register on July 1, 2021 (86 FR 34999). Comments on the proposed rule are due by 08/30/2021. |
07/09/2021 |
U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION'S SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF HOW THE U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION'S PROGRAMS, POLICIES, AND ACTIVITIES ADDRESS ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE, AND NOTIFICATION OF RELATED MEETINGS (STC-21-042) STC-21-042 provides notice that NRC staff is conducting a systematic review of how NRC's programs, policies, and activities address environmental justice and will be holding meetings and soliciting comments to help inform its review, beginning on 07/15/2021. |
07/02/2021 |
RULEMAKING FOR THE ADVANCED BOILING WATER REACTOR DESIGN CERTIFICATION RENEWAL (STC-21-040) STC-21-040 informs states that NRC published a direct final rule and a companion proposed rule for the renewal certification of the Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (ABWR) standard design in the Federal Register on 07/01/2021 (86 FR 35023 - proposed rule). Comments on the companion proposed rule are due by 08/02/2021. |
07/02/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF THE ISSUANCE OF OFFICE OF NUCLEAR MATERIAL SAFETY AND SAFEGUARDS STATE AGREEMENTS PROCEDURE SA-1101, "U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION, ORGANIZATION OF AGREEMENT STATES, AND CONFERENCE OF RADIATION CONTROL PROGRAM DIRECTORS, INC. MONTHLY MEETING" (STC-21-039) STC-21-039 informs all States of the issuance of the NMSS State Agreements (SA) Procedure SA-1101, "U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Organization of Agreement States, and Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, Inc. Monthly Meeting", and provides its location. |
06/30/2021 |
CLOSEOUT OF PROCEDURE BACKGROUND BK-100 "PROCEDURE DESCRIPTION DOCUMENTATION"(STC-21-038) STC-21-038 informs the National Materials Program (NMP) community that Background Procedure BK-100 "Procedure Description Documentation" (ADAMS Accession No. ML16124B017) has been rescinded. |
06/29/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF AVAILABILITY OF REVISIONS TO THE U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION'S UNIFORM LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE MANIFEST FORMS (STC-21-037) STC-21-037 informs States that revisions to the NRC Form 540 (Uniform Low-Level Radioactive Waste Manifest (Shipping Paper)), NRC Form 541 (Uniform Low-Level Radioactive Waste Manifest (Container and Waste Description)), and NRC Form 542 (Uniform Low-Level Radioactive Waste Manifest (Manifest Index and Regional Compact Tabulation)) are available in the Federal Register (86 FR 33783) on 06/25/2021. NRC staff is also informing all Agreement States that originals need not be used if substitutes are equivalent to the documents, and that Licensees should check if Agreement State regulators require equivalent forms. |
06/22/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE ADVANCED HEALTH PHYSICS (H-201) COURSE (STC-21-036) STC-21-036 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of the Advanced Health Physics (H-201) Course to be held 7/19-23/2021. |
06/15/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF INTEGRATED MATERIALS PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PROGRAM (IMPEP) TEAM MEMBER ROSTER UPDATE (STC-21-034) STC-21-034 provides each Agreement State, NRC Regions I, III, and IV, and NMSS with the opportunity to select staff to participate in the Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) reviews. |
06/08/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF UPCOMING PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS THE RESULTS OF THE RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW OF ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS INITIATIVE AND PATH FORWARD (STC-21-033) STC-21-033 provides notice that NRC's Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards will be holding a public meeting on 06/30/2021 regarding NRC's Retrospective Review of Administrative Requirements (RROAR) initiative, discussing the result of the RROAR evaluation and the path forward. |
06/01/2021 |
NOTICE OF INTERPRETATION ON INDUSTRIAL RADIOGRAPHIC OPERATIONS AT TEMPORARY RADIOGRAPHY JOBSITES AND AN AGREEMENT STATE COMPATIBILITY CATEGORY CHANGE; REQUEST FOR COMMENTS (STC-21-032) STC-21-032 informs States that NRC issued notice of interpretation on industrial radiographic operations at temporary radiography jobsites and an Agreement State Compatibility Category change. The interpretation and Compatibility Category change are effective immediately with a 30-day post-promulgation comment period ending on 7/01/2021. |
05/27/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE ADVANCED RESRAD (H-412) COURSE (STC-21-030) STC-21-030 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of the Advance RESRAD (H-412) Course to be held June 22-24, 2021. |
05/26/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE FUNDAMENTAL HEALTH PHYSICS LABS (H-122) COURSE (STC-21-028) STC-21-028 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Fundamental Health Physics Labs (H-122) course to be held July 12-16, 2021, in Chattanooga, TN. |
05/24/2021 |
ADVANCE NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULEMAKING ON CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND REQUEST FOR COMMENT (STC-21-027) STC-21-027 informs States and Indian Tribes that NRC issued an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) to amend the NRC regulations on categorical exclusions for licensing, regulatory, and administrative actions which have no significant effect on the human environment. NRC is holding a Virtual public meeting on 06/16/2021 to provide information and take questions, and seeks public comments by 07/21/2021 to inform the proposed rulemaking. |
05/14/2021 |
CLOSEOUT OF STATE AGREEMENTS (SA) PROCEDURE SA-1100 "ANNUAL ORGANIZATION OF AGREEMENT STATES AND CONFERENCE OF RADIATION CONTROL PROGRAM DIRECTORS, INC. COMMISSION BRIEFING" (STC-21-026) STC-21-026 informs the National Materials Program community that State Agreements (SA) Procedure SA-1100 "Annual Organization of Agreement States and Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, Inc. Commission Briefing" has been rescinded. |
05/13/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF FUEL CYCLE AND MATERIALS DECOMMISSIONING INSPECTION PROGRAM UPDATE (STC-21-025) STC-21-025 informs the States and Indian Tribes of NRC efforts to revise the Fuel Cycle and Materials Decommissioning Inspection Program currently provided in Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 2602 and associated Inspection Procedures, with a public meeting scheduled for 06/09/2021. |
05/13/2021 |
PROPOSED INTEGRATED MATERIALS PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PROGRAM SCHEDULES FOR FISCAL YEARS 2022-2024 (STC-21-024) STC-21-024 informs States of upcoming Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) reviews and solicits comments on the proposed schedule for fiscal years (FY) 2022 through 2024, due 06/12/2021. |
05/05/2021 |
TRAVEL FUNDING FOR THE 2021 ORGANIZATION OF AGREEMENT STATES ANNUAL MEETING (STC-21-023) STC-21-023 announces that NRC will provide travel funding for one representative from each Agreement State and CT to attend the 2021 OAS Annual Meeting to be held 08/16-19/2021, in Philadelphia, PA, and asks that the parties identify one individual to receive the funding for attendance and participation at the meeting to no later than Friday, 06/11/2021. |
04/23/2021 |
OPPORTUNITY TO REVIEW AND COMMENT ON INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY DRAFT SAFETY GUIDES DS499, "APPLICATION OF THE CONCEPT OF EXEMPTION" AND DS500, "APPLICATION OF THE CONCEPT OF CLEARANCE" (STC-21-022) STC-21-022 provides States with the opportunity to review and comment on the Draft Safety Guides DS499, "Application of the Concept of Exemption", and DS500, "Application of the Concept of Clearance", by June 7, 2021, to a listed contact. |
04/20/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ISSUANCE OF REVISION 10.2 OF YTTRIUM-90 MICROSPHERE BRACHYTHERAPY SOURCES AND DEVICES THERASPHERE(R) AND SIR-SPHERES(R) LICENSING GUIDANCE (STC-21-020) STC-21-020 informs States that NRC issued a revision to the Yttrium-90 Microsphere Brachytherapy Sources and Devices TheraSphere and SIR-Spheres licensing guidance. |
04/08/2021 |
NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR COMMENT: PETITION FOR RULEMAKING THAT WOULD REQUIRE ADVANCE TRIBAL NOTIFICATION OF CERTAIN RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL SHIPMENTS (STC-21-019) STC-21-019 provides advance notification of NRC's request for public comment on a petition for rulemaking (PRM) requesting that the NRC revise its regulations to ensure consistency regarding advance Tribal notification of certain radioactive material shipments with similar regulations for State notification. STC-21-019 includes the Federal Register notice (FRN) announcing docketing of the petition. |
04/06/2021 |
ISSUANCE OF THE FINAL VERSION OF STATE AGREEMENT (SA) PROCEDURE, SA-202, REVIEW OF REGULATIONS AND OTHER PROGRAM ELEMENTS BY THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON COMPATIBILITY (STC-21-017) STC-21-017 provides the National Materials Program (NMP) community with the final procedure, SA-202, "Review of Regulations and Other Program Elements by the Standing Committee on Compatibility". |
04/23/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE VISUAL SAMPLING PLAN (H-500) COURSE (STC-21-021) STC-21-021 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of the Visual Sampling Plan (H-500) course to be held May 17-21, 2021. |
04/07/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF THE ISSUANCE, AND OPPORTUNITY TO COMMENT ON THE INTERIM PROCEDURE SA-700, PROCESSING AN AGREEMENT (STC-21-018) STC-21-018 informs the National Materials Program (NMP) community and Federally Recognized Tribes that NMSS State Agreements (SA) procedure SA-700, Processing an Agreement, has been approved for use as an interim procedure (ML21082A067) and to provide an opportunity to comment on the interim procedure until 10/15/2021. |
03/29/2021 |
U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE REGARDING REMEDIATION OF UNLICENSED RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL (STC-21-016) STC-21-016 informs states about NRC's memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) regarding DoD's Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) remediation of radium and other unlicensed Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (AEA) material and to provide the annual update to the current inventory of the sites provided by the DoD. |
03/18/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE LICENSING PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES (G-109) COURSE (STC-21-015) STC-21-015 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of the Licensing Practices and Procedures (G-109) course to be held April 26-30, 2021. |
03/17/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF THE OPPORTUNITY TO COMMENT ON REVISION TO SA-400, "MANAGEMENT OF AGREEMENT STATE PROGRAM PERFORMANCE CONCERNS" (STC-21-013) STC-21-013 informs the National Materials Program (NMP) community that NMSS) State Agreements (SA) procedure SA-400, "Management of Agreement State Performance Concerns", has been revised, and solicits comments on SA-400 from the NMP community before May 17, 2021. |
03/11/2021 |
INFORMATION REQUEST: STATUS OF CURRENT COMPLEX DECOMMISSIONING AND URANIUM RECOVERY SITES (STC-21-014) STC-21-014 requests that States provide a list of sites and a point of contact for all complex sites undergoing decommissioning, and other information by April 15, 2021. |
02/25/2021 |
RESULTS OF THE ANNUAL COUNT OF ACTIVE RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL LICENSES IN THE NATIONAL MATERIALS PROGRAM (STC-21-012) STC-21-012 provides the latest count of specific radioactive material licenses in the National Materials Program, as of February 23, 2021. |
02/23/2021 |
PROPOSED RULE - FEE RECOVERY FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021 (STC-21-011) STC-21-011 notifies States that NRC has published a proposed rule for comment to modify Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Parts 170 and 171 regarding the licensing, inspection and annual fees to recover approximately 100 percent of its Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 budget authority. |
02/19/2021 |
OPPORTUNITY TO REVIEW AND COMMENT ON INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY DRAFT SAFETY GUIDE DS470, RADIATION SAFETY IN THE USE OF SOURCES IN RESEARCH AND EDUCATION (STC-21-010) STC-21-010 provideS States with the opportunity to review and comment on the Draft Safety Guide DS470, "Radiation Safety in the Use of Sources in Research and Education", by April 19, 2021. |
02/17/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE INSPECTION PROCEDURES (G-108) COURSE (STC-21-009) STC-21-009 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of the Inspection Procedures (G-108) Course to be held April 19-23, 2021. |
02/16/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE RESRAD OVERVIEW (H-408) COURSE (STC-21-008) STC-21-008 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of the RESRAD Overview (H-408) Course to be held April 12-16, 2021. |
02/16/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE BRACHYTHERAPY, GAMMA KNIFE AND OTHER USES (H-313) COURSE (STC-21-007) STC-21-007 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of Brachytherapy, Gamma Knife and Other Uses (H-313) Course scheduled to be held March 29 - April 2, 2021. |
02/10/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE SAFETY ASPECTS OF INDUSTRIAL RADIOGRAPHY (H-305) COURSE (STC-21-005) STC-21-005 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of the Safety Aspects of Industrial Radiography (H-305) course to be held March 15-19, 2021. |
02/08/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC NUCLEAR MEDICINE (H-304) COURSE (STC-21-006) STC-21-006 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine (H-304) Course to be held March 15-19, 2021. |
02/01/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ISSUANCE OF LETTER TO CHECK-CAP, LTD. REGARDING THEIR REQUEST FOR APPLICABILITY OF 10 CFR 20.2003(B) FOR DISPOSAL OF C-SCAN SYSTEM TO SANITARY SEWER (STC-21-004) STC-21-004 informs States that NRC issued a letter to Check-Cap Ltd. (Check-Cap) regarding their request for confirmation that Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) 20.2003(b) applies to the disposal of the Check-Cap C-Scan (C-Scan) system in excreta. |
02/01/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE LICENSING PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES (G-109) COURSE (STC-21-003) STC-21-003 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of the Licensing Practices and Procedures (G-109) Course to be held March 8-12, 2021. |
01/22/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF PUBLICATION OF PATIENT RELEASE VIDEO "STAYING SAFE WHILE GETTING BETTER, PROTECTING YOURSELF AND YOUR LOVED ONES WHILE TAKING RADIOACTIVE DRUGS" (STC-21-001) STC-21-001 informs States that NRC's Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) has published a patient release video, "Staying Safe While Getting Better, Protecting Yourself and Your Loved Ones While Taking Radioactive Drugs", to assist patients using radioactive drugs. |
01/04/2021 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE SAFETY ASPECTS OF INDUSTRIAL RADIOGRAPHY (H-305) COURSE (STC-20-088) STC-20-088 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of the Safety Aspects of Industrial Radiography (H-305) course to be held February 1-5, 2021. |