Date |
Notice |
12/20/2018 |
REMINDER TO SHARE INFORMATION ON ADDITIONAL PROTOCOL FORMS WITH LICENSEES TO ASSIST IN MEETING INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY TREATY OBLIGATIONS (STC-18-075)STC-18-075 notifies states to remind their licensees of the Additional Protocol (AP) forms which provide the Federal Government with information for its International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) treaty obligations. AP Forms are due on 1/31/2019, and related reports are due on 1/15/2019 and later dates. |
12/19/2018 |
NOTICE OF ANNUAL ORGANIZATION OF AGREEMENT STATES AND CONFERENCE OF RADIATION CONTROL PROGRAM DIRECTORS COMMISSION BRIEFING (STC-18-074)STC-18-074 provides notice of the Annual Organization of Agreement States (OAS) and Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD) Commission briefing to be held at NRC Headquarters, Commissioners' Conference Room, in the One White Flint North Building, Rockville, Maryland, on March 21, 2019, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. EST. |
12/13/2018 |
NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING: PROPOSED RULEMAKING ON REACTOR LICENSING PROCESSES (STC-18-073)STC-18-073 provides notice of an upcoming public meeting on 01/15/2019 (registration required by 01/07/2019) to discuss the scope of proposed rulemaking that will align the licensing processes in Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 50 and 52 and address lessons learned from recent new reactor licensing reviews. |
11/30/2018 |
PUBLICATION OF THE DRAFT REVISION OF "INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING NRC'S UNIFORM LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE MANIFEST" (STC-18-071)STC-18-071 informs states that NRC's NMSS published a Federal Register notice (FRN) in October 2018 for draft NUREG/BR-0204, Rev. 3, "Instructions for Completing NRC's Uniform Low-Level Radioactive Waste Manifest," providing an opportunity to comment on the draft NUREG. The comment period for this document ends on December 31, 2018. |
11/27/2018 |
ISSUANCE OF SA-1001, "TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO AGREEMENT STATES" (STC-18-070)STC-18-070 informs states that NMSS Procedure SA-1001, "Technical Assistance to Agreement States" (ADAMS Accession No. ML17152A403) has been approved and issued. |
11/21/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE CHARACTERIZATION AND PLANNING FOR DECOMMISSIONING (H-115) COURSE (STC-18-069)STC-18-069 notifies states of students selected to attend NRC's Characterization and Planning for Decommissioning (H-115) course to be held January 28-February 1, 2019, in Rockville, Maryland. |
11/13/2018 |
ANNUAL COUNT OF ACTIVE RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL LICENSES IN THE NATIONAL MATERIALS PROGRAM (STC-18-067)STC-18-067 requests that all Agreement States update their counts of radioactive material specific licenses, general licenses/registrations, and generally-licensed devices currently active in the National Materials Program by 12/13/2018. |
11/01/2018 |
ISSUANCE OF FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR THE RENEWAL AND EXPANDED SCOPE OF LICENSED ACTIVITIES FOR WATER REMEDIATION TECHNOLOGY, LLC (STC-18-066)STC-18-066 informs states that the NRC staff has issued its final Environmental Assessment (EA) for Water Remediation Technology, LLC's (WRT's) request to renew its NRC license and to authorize an expanded scope of licensed activities. |
11/01/2018 |
U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION FEDERAL REGISTER NOTICE AND PUBLIC MEETINGS REGARDING TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS FOR DIFFERENT CATEGORIES OF RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS (STC-18-065)STC-18-056 informs states that NRC's NMSS (1) published a notice in the Federal Register on 10/29/2018, requesting comments on training and experience (T&E) requirements for different categories of radiopharmaceuticals; and (2) plans to hold four public meetings on this topic during the comment period which ends 01/29/2019. |
10/18/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2019 INTEGRATED MATERIALS PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PROGRAM TEAM MEMBER TRAINING (STC-18-064)STC-18-064 informs states of upcoming Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) team member training and solicits interested participants, to be submitted on 11/18/2018. |
09/27/2018 |
OPPORTUNITY TO REVIEW AND COMMENT ON INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY (IAEA) DRAFT SAFETY GUIDE DS469, "PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE FOR AN EMERGENCY DURING THE TRANSPORT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL" (STC-18-068)STC-18-068 provides states with the opportunity to review and comment on the Draft Safety Guide DS469, "Preparedness and Response for an Emergency During the Transport of Radioactive Material" by October 31, 2018. |
09/14/2018 |
NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY OF SECY-18-0084, "STAFF EVALUATION OF TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMINISTERING DIFFERENT CATEGORIES OF RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS IN RESPONSE TO SRM-M170817" (STC-18-062)STC-18-062 informs states that NRC staff has provided the Commission with initial results, status, and next steps related to the staff’s evaluation of training and experience (T&E) requirements for administering different categories of radiopharmaceuticals for which a written directive is required in accordance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Part 35, "Medical Use of Byproduct Material," Subpart E, "Unsealed Byproduct Materialâ€"Written Directive Required." |
09/13/2018 |
OPPORTUNITY TO COMMENT ON DRAFT NUREG-1556, VOLUME 20, REVISION 1, "CONSOLIDATED GUIDANCE ABOUT MATERIALS LICENSES: GUIDANCE ABOUT ADMINISTRATIVE LICENSING PROCEDURES"(STC-18-061)NRC is revising the licensing guidance in the NUREG-1556 series. STC-18-061 provides Agreement States, and States with pending Agreement State applications, with the opportunity to comment on the NMSS's draft NUREG-1556, Volume 20, Revision 1, "Consolidated Guidance About Materials Licenses: Guidance About Administrative Licensing Procedures." |
09/06/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE VISUAL SAMPLING PLAN (H-500) COURSE (STC-18-060)STC-18-060 notifies states of students selected to attend NRC's Visual Sampling Plan (H-500) course to be held November 13-16, 2018, in Columbus, OH. |
09/06/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE LICENSING PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES (G-109) COURSE (STC-18-059)STC-18-059 notifies states of students selected to attend NRC's Licensing Practices and Procedures (G-109) course to be held November 13-16, 2018, in Chattanooga, TN. |
08/29/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING FOR RADIOACTIVITY (H-111) COURSE (STC-18-058)STC-18-058 notifies states of students selected to attend NRC's Environmental Monitoring for Radioactivity (H-111) course to be held October 29 â€" November 2, 2018, in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. |
08/20/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE ADVANCED HEALTH PHYSICS (H-201) COURSE (STC-18-057)STC-18-057 notifies states of students selected to attend NRC's Advanced Health Physics (H-201) course to be held October 22-26, 2018, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. |
08/20/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE INSPECTION PROCEDURES (G-108) COURSE (STC-18-056)STC-18-056 notifies states of students selected to attend the NRC's Inspection Procedures (G-108) course to be held October 15-19, 2018, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. |
07/31/2018 |
REVISION OF THE CHRONOLOGY OF THE U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION (NRC) AMENDMENTS INCLUDING SUMMARY OF CHANGE DOCUMENT FOR REVISIONS TO THE MEDICAL USE OF BYPRODUCT MATERIAL â€" MEDICAL EVENT DEFINITIONS, TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE, AND CLARIFYING AMENDMENTS [RATS ID 2018-1] (STC-18-055)STC-18-055 provide States with the chronology of the NRC Amendments including RATS ID 2018-1, Revisions to Medical Use of Byproduct Material â€" Medical Event Definitions, Training and Experience, and Clarifying Amendments. |
07/23/2018 |
PUBLICATION OF NUREG-1556, VOLUME 17, REVISION 1, "CONSOLIDATED GUIDANCE ABOUT MATERIALS LICENSES: PROGRAM-SPECIFIC GUIDANCE ABOUT SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL OF LESS THAN CRITICAL MASS LICENSES" (STC-18-054)STC-18-054 informs states that NMSS published NUREG-1556, Volume 17, Revision 1, "Consolidated Guidance About Materials Licenses: Program-Specific Guidance About Special Nuclear Material of Less Than Critical Mass Licenses â€" Final Report," in July 2018. |
07/20/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE TRANSPORTATION OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS (H-308) COURSE (STC-18-053)STC-18-053 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Transportation of Radioactive Materials (H-308) course to be held September 24-28, 2018, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. |
07/19/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE ROOT CAUSE WORKSHOP (G-205) COURSE (STC-18-052)STC-18-052 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Root Cause Workshop (G-205) course to be held September 18-21, 2018, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. |
07/11/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION SPONSORED TRAINING COURSE SCHEDULE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019 (STC-18-051)STC-18-051 provides NRC’s sponsored training course schedule available to Agreement States' staff for fiscal year 2019 and initiates the application process. |
07/10/2018 |
PUBLICATION OF NUREG-1556, VOLUME 16, REVISION 1, "CONSOLIDATED GUIDANCE ABOUT MATERIALS LICENSES: PROGRAM-SPECIFIC GUIDANCE ABOUT LICENSES AUTHORIZING DISTRIBUTION TO GENERAL LICENSEES" (STC-18-050)STC-18-050 informs states that NMSS published NUREG-1556, Volume 16, Revision 1, "Consolidated Guidance About Materials Licenses: Program-Specific Guidance Licenses Authorizing Distribution to General Licensees - Final Report" in July 2018. |
07/09/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE MATERIALS CONTROL, SECURITY SYSTEMS & PRINCIPLES (S-201) COURSE (STC-18-049)STC-18-049 notifies states of students selected to attend NRC's Materials Control, Security Systems & Principles (S-201) course to be held September 10-14, 2018, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. |
07/09/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE IRRADIATOR TECHNOLOGY (H-315) COURSE (STC-18-048)STC-18-048 notifies states of students selected to attend NRC's Irradiator Technology (H-315) course to be held September 11-14, 2018, in Arlington, Texas. |
07/06/2018 |
FINAL RULE - FEE RECOVERY FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018 (STC-18-047)STC-18-047 informs states that NRC has published a final rule to modify Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Parts 170 and 171 regarding the licensing, inspection and annual fees to recover approximately 90 percent of its Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 budget authority. |
06/28/2018 |
PUBLICATION OF NUREG-1556, VOLUME 5, REVISION 1, "CONSOLIDATED GUIDANCE ABOUT MATERIALS LICENSES: PROGRAM-SPECIFIC GUIDANCE ABOUT SELF-SHIELDED IRRADIATOR LICENSES" (STC-18-046)STC-18-046 informs states that NMSS published NUREG-1556, Volume 5, Revision 1, "Consolidated Guidance About Materials Licenses: Program-Specific Guidance About Self-Shielded Irradiator Licenses â€" Final Report" in June 2018. |
06/26/2018 |
PROPOSED AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE OF WYOMING AND THE U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION (STC-18-045)STC-18-045 informs all that NRC has published a Federal Register Notice (FRN) requesting comments on the proposed Agreement between the State of Wyoming and the NRC, with comments due on 07/26/2018. |
06/26/2018 |
PROJECTED INTEGRATED MATERIALS PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PROGRAM SCHEDULES FOR FISCAL YEARS 2019â€"2021 (STC-18-043)STC-18-043 informs Agreement State program staff of upcoming Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) reviews, and requests comments regarding the timing of an IMPEP review listed in the document and projected for fiscal year (FY) 2019. |
06/25/2018 |
OPPORTUNITY TO COMMENT ON THE PROPOSED REVISIONS TO INSPECTION PROCEDURE 87123: "WELL LOGGING PROGRAMS" AND INSPECTION PROCEDURE 87137: "10 CFR PART 37 MATERIALS SECURITY PROGRAMS" (STC-18-044)STC-18-044 provides Agreement States an opportunity to comment on proposed revisions to the Inspection Procedure (IP) 87123: "Well Logging Programs" and IP 87137:"10 CFR Part 37 Materials Security Programs." |
06/21/2018 |
LICENSING OF LUTETIUM-177 (STC-18-042)STC-18-042 informs states of NRC's Lutetium-177 (Lu-177) licensing decision, delimiting the classes of physicians who are authorized for the medical use of Lu-177. |
06/19/2018 |
ISSUANCE OF 2017 FOCUSED SELF-ASSESSMENT OF INTEGRATED MATERIALS PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PROGRAM REPORT (STC-18-041)STC-18-041 presents to users the 2017 focused self-assessment of the Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) report (ML17187A100). |
06/19/2018 |
PUBLICATION OF NUREG-1556, VOLUME 8, REVISION 1, "CONSOLIDATED GUIDANCE ABOUT MATERIALS LICENSES: PROGRAM-SPECIFIC GUIDANCE ABOUT EXEMPT DISTRIBUTION LICENSES" (STC-18-040)STC-18-040 informs states that NMSS published NUREG-1556, Volume 8, Revision 1, "Consolidated Guidance About Materials Licenses: Program-Specific Guidance About Exempt Distribution Licenses â€" Final Report" in June 2018. |
05/31/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE MATERIALS CONTROL, SECURITY SYSTEMS & PRINCIPLES (S-201) COURSE (STC-18-039)STC-18-039 notifies states of students selected to attend NRC's Materials Control, Security Systems & Principles (S-201) course to be held August 13-17, 2018, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. |
05/31/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE BRACHYTHERAPY, GAMMA KNIFE, AND OTHER MEDICAL USES (H-313) COURSE (STC-18-038)STC-18-038 notifies states of students selected to attend NRC's Brachytherapy, Gamma Knife, and Other Medical Uses (H-313) course to be held August 13-17, 2018, in Houston, Texas. |
06/01/2018 |
APPLICABILITY OF U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (DOT) REQUIREMENTS IN TITLE 49 OF THE CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS TO CLASS 7 (RADIOACTIVE) MATERIAL TRANSPORT, AND WHEN TO REQUEST AN EXEMPTION FROM 10 CFR 71.5(b) (STC-18-037)STC-18-037 (a) explains how DOT regulations in Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) are incorporated into NRC's transportation regulations in 10 CFR Part 71, and how they apply to Agreement States, (b) informs Agreement States that NRC and Agreement State licensees are required to follow the the DOT regulations in 49 CFR applicable to Class 7 (radioactive) material transport, even for shipments not covered by DOT regulations, unless the licensee requests an exemption from 10 CFR 71.5(b) or the Agreement State's equivalent regulation. |
05/29/2018 |
PUBLICATION OF NUREG-1556, VOLUME 21, REVISION 1, "CONSOLIDATED GUIDANCE ABOUT MATERIALS LICENSES: PROGRAM-SPECIFIC GUIDANCE ABOUT POSSESSION LICENSES FOR PRODUCTION OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL USING AN ACCELERATOR" (STC-18-036)STC-18-036 informs states that NMSS published NUREG-1556, Volume 21, Revision 1, "Consolidated Guidance About Materials Licenses: Program-Specific Guidance About Possession Licenses for Production of Radioactive Material Using an Accelerator - Final Report" in May 2018. |
05/25/2018 |
ISSUANCE OF REVISION TO MANAGEMENT DIRECTIVE 5.9 "ADEQUACY AND COMPATIBILITY OF PROGRAM ELEMENTS FOR AGREEMENT STATE PROGRAMS" (STC-18-035)STC-18-035 informs states that NMSS has revised and issued Management Directive (MD) 5.9, "Adequacy and Compatibility of Program Elements for Agreement State Programs." |
05/25/2018 |
PUBLICATION OF NUREG-1556, VOLUME 12, REVISION 1, "CONSOLIDATED GUIDANCE ABOUT MATERIALS LICENSES: PROGRAM-SPECIFIC GUIDANCE ABOUT POSSESSION LICENSES FOR MANUFACTURING AND DISTRIBUTION" (STC-18-034)STC-18-034 informs states that NMSS published NUREG-1556, Volume 12, Revision 1, "Consolidated Guidance About Materials Licenses: Program-Specific Guidance About Possession Licenses for Manufacturing and Distribution â€" Final Report," in May 2018. |
05/23/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE ADVANCED HEALTH PHYSICS (H-201) COURSE (STC-18-033)STC-18-033 notifies states of students selected to attend NRC's Advanced Health Physics (H-201) course to be held August 6-10, 2018, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. |
05/23/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC NUCLEAR MEDICINE (H-304) COURSE (STC-18-032)STC-18-032 informs states of students selected to attend NRC's Diagnostic and Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine (H-304) course to be held August 6-10, 2018, in Houston, Texas. |
05/09/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF UPCOMING NUCLEAR MATERIAL EVENTS DATABASE TRAINING (STC-18-031)STC-18-031 announces that NMED training sessions on the use of the NMED Web site and the NMED local software have been scheduled for 6/19/2018 and 09/05/2018. Training will also include reporting nuclear material events as described in NRC's procedure SA-300, "Reporting Material Events." |
05/09/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE FUNDAMENTAL HEALTH PHYSICS LAB ACTIVITIES (H-122) (STC-18-030)STC-18-030 notifies States of students selected to attend the NRC’s Fundamental Health Physics Lab Activities (H-122) to be held July 23-27, 2018, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. |
05/08/2018 |
PUBLICATION OF NUREG-1556, VOLUME 14, REVISION 1, "CONSOLIDATED GUIDANCE ABOUT MATERIALS LICENSES: PROGRAM-SPECIFIC GUIDANCE ABOUT WELL LOGGING, TRACER, AND FIELD FLOOD STUDY LICENSES" (STC-18-029)STC-18-029 informs states that NMSS’s NUREG-1556, Volume 14, Revision 1, "Consolidated Guidance About Materials Licenses: Program-Specific Guidance About Well Logging, Tracer, and Field Flood Study Licenses â€" Final Report" was published in April 2018. |
04/18/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE MILDOS-AREA TRAINING WORKSHOP (H-413) COURSE (STC-18-028)STC-18-028 notifies states of students selected to attend NRC's MILDOS-Area Training Workshop (H-413) course to be held June 25-27, 2018, in N. Bethesda, Maryland. |
04/13/2018 |
NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY OF SECY-18-0037, "REVIEW OF THE EMERGING MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES PROGRAM" (STC-18-027)STC-18-027 informs states that NRC staff has provided the Commission with its review of the emerging medical technologies program in SECY-18-0037, "Review of the Emerging Medical Technologies Program", and provides a link to the document. |
04/10/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE TRANSPORTATION OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS (H-308) COURSE (STC-18-026)Notifies states of students selected to attend NRC's Transportation of Radioactive Materials (H-308) course to be held June 18-22, 2018, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. |
04/05/2018 |
IMPEP IMPLEMENTATION OF REVISED INSPECTION MANUAL CHAPTER 2800 (STC-18-025)Informs states of the decision on how the revised Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 2800, "Materials Inspection Program," issued and effective on September 12, 2017, will be applied through the Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP). |
04/05/2018 |
OPPORTUNITY TO COMMENT ON A PROPOSAL TO LIMIT THE NUMBER OF SPECIAL MANAGEMENT REVIEW BOARD MEETINGS (STC-18-024)Provides Agreement States an opportunity to comment by 5/5/2018 on the proposal to limit the number of special management review board meetings (MRB) to Programs [NRC or Agreement State] with performance issues or when requested. |
04/05/2018 |
TRAVEL FUNDING FOR THE 2018 ORGANIZATION OF AGREEMENT STATES ANNUAL MEETING (STC-18-023)Announces that NRC will provide travel funding for one representative from each Agreement State, Vermont, and Wyoming to attend the 2018 Organization of Agreement States (OAS) Annual Meeting to be held August 13-16, 2018, in Montgomery, Alabama. |
03/28/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF ADDRESS CHANGE REGARDING SUBMITTAL OF FINGERPRINT CARDS (STC-18-022)STC-18-022 informs States that the address for fingerprint card submittals to the Criminal History Program of the Division of Facilities and Security of the NRC has changed. |
03/13/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE MATERIALS CONTROL, SECURITY SYSTEMS & PRINCIPLES (S-201) COURSE (STC-18-021)STC-18-021 informs states of students selected to attend NRC's Materials Control, Security Systems & Principles (S-201) course to be held May 21-25, 2018, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. |
03/09/2018 |
PUBLICATION OF NUREG-1556, VOLUME 7, REVISION 1, "CONSOLIDATED GUIDANCE ABOUT MATERIALS LICENSES: PROGRAM-SPECIFIC GUIDANCE ABOUT ACADEMIC, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, AND OTHER LICENSES OF LIMITED SCOPE INCLUDING ELECTRON CAPTURE DEVICES AND X-RAY FLUORESCENCE ANALYZERS" (STC-18-020)STC-18-020 informs Agreement States that the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards NUREG-1556, Volume 7, Revision 1, "Consolidated Guidance About Materials Licenses: Program-Specific Guidance About Academic, Research and Development, and Other Licenses of Limited Scope Including Electron Capture Devices and X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzers â€" Final Report" was published in February 2018. |
03/09/2018 |
NOTICE OF ANNUAL ORGANIZATION OF AGREEMENT STATES AND CONFERENCE OF RADIATION CONTROL PROGRAM DIRECTORS COMMISSION BRIEFING (STC-18-019)STC-18-019 provides notice of the Annual Organization of Agreement States (OAS) and Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD) Commission briefing to be held at NRC Headquarters, Commissioners' Conference Room, located in the One White Flint North Building, Rockville, Maryland, on June 21, 2018, from 10:00 am â€" 12:00 pm EST. |
03/09/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF AN UPCOMING WEBINAR ON COUNTERFEIT, FRAUDULENT, AND SUSPECT ITEMS (STC-18-018)STC-18-018 notifies states, state liaison officers, and tribal liaisons that NRC staff will conduct a webinar on NRC's agency-wide approach to address counterfeit, fraudulent, and suspect items (CFSI) on May 10, 2018. |
03/05/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC NUCLEAR MEDICINE (H-304) COURSE (STC-18-017)STC-18-017 notifies states of students selected to attend NRC's Diagnostic and Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine (H-304) course scheduled to be held May 15-18, 2018, in Houston, Texas. |
02/23/2018 |
INFORMATION REQUEST: STATUS OF CURRENT COMPLEX DECOMMISSIONING AND URANIUM RECOVERY SITES (STC-18-012)STC-18-012 asks states to provide information in a survey enclosed with the announcement, for complex sites undergoing decommissioning, and (for states with uranium recovery authority) for facilities undergoing decommissioning/reclamation. |
02/21/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO AIR SAMPLING FOR RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS (H-119) COURSE (STC-18-011)STC-18-011 notifies states of students selected to attend the NRC's Air Sampling for Radioactive Materials (H-119) course to be held April 30 - May 4, 2018, in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. |
02/16/2018 |
RESULTS OF THE ANNUAL COUNT OF ACTIVE RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL LICENSES IN THE NATIONAL MATERIALS PROGRAM (STC-18-010)STC-18-010 informs states of the results of the information request contained in STC-17-074, "Annual Count of Active Radioactive Material Licenses in the National Materials Program." |
02/16/2018 |
U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION FEDERAL REGISTER NOTICE AND PUBLIC MEETING REGARDING THE VERY LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE SCOPING STUDY AND GREATER THAN CLASS C WASTE (STC-18-009)STC-18-009 informs states that the NRC Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) published notices in the Federal Register on February 14, 2018, providing a request for comment on its Very Low-Level Waste (VLLW) Scoping Study and Greater Than Class C (GTCC) activities and announcing the intent of the NRC to hold a public meeting. |
02/13/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE RESRAD OVERVIEW (H-408) COURSE (STC-18-008)STC-18-008 notifies states of students selected to attend the NRC's RESRAD Overview (H-408) course to be held April 23-27, 2018, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. |
02/13/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE SAFETY ASPECTS OF WELL LOGGING (H-314) COURSE (STC-18-007)STC-18-007 notifies states of students selected to attend the NRC's Safety Aspects of Well Logging (H-314) course to be held April 23-27, 2018, in Sugar Land, Texas. |
02/07/2018 |
PUBLICATION OF NUREG-1556, VOLUME 6, REVISION 1, "CONSOLIDATED GUIDANCE ABOUT MATERIALS LICENSES: PROGRAM-SPECIFIC GUIDANCE ABOUT 10 CFR PART 36 IRRADIATOR LICENSES" (STC-18-006)STC-18-006 informs states that NMSS NUREG-1556, Volume 6, Revision 1, "Consolidated Guidance About Materials Licenses: Program-Specific Guidance About 10 CFR Part 36 Irradiator Licenses â€" Final Report" has been published in January 2018. |
01/30/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE TRANSPORTATION OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS (H-308) COURSE (STC-18-005)STC-18-005 notifies states of students selected to attend the NRC's Transportation of Radioactive Materials (H-308) course scheduled to be held April 9-13, 2018, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. |
01/26/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF AN ADDITIONAL OFFERING OF THE NRC MATERIALS CONTROL, SECURITY SYSTEMS AND PRINCIPLES (S-201) COURSE AND ON-LINE GAP TRAINING TO THE AGREEMENT STATES AND MASTER MATERIAL LICENSES STAFF (STC-18-004)STC-18-004 notifies states of an additional NRC Materials Control, Security Systems and Principles (S-201) training course scheduled for September 10-14, 2018 in Chattanooga, Tennessee. In addition, gap training on the implementation of 10 CFR Part 37 is available on-line and can be found in the Materials Security Toolbox: |
01/25/2018 |
PROPOSED RULE - FEE RECOVERY FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018 (STC-18-003)STC-18-003 informs readers of NRC's proposed rule to modify Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Parts 170 and 171 regarding the licensing, inspection and annual fees to recover approximately 90 percent of NRC's Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 budget authority. |
01/02/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE LICENSING PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES (G-109) COURSE (STC-18-002)STC-18-002 notifies states of students selected to attend the NRC’s Licensing Practices and Procedures (G-109) course to be held March 12-15, 2018, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. |
01/02/2018 |
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE TO THE BRACHYTHERAPY, GAMMA KNIFE, AND OTHER MEDICAL USES (H-313) COURSE (STC-18-001)STC-18-001 notifies states of students selected to attend the NRC’s Brachytherapy, Gamma Knife, and Other Medical Uses (H-313) course to be held March 12-16, 2018, in Houston, Texas. |