Public Meetings for 2002

This page lists, in chronological order, the notices, slides and summaries documenting the public meetings held concerning RPV Upper Head Issues for 2002. To learn about future meetings, see our public meeting schedule page.


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Date Description

Category 2 meeting: This meeting is to discuss the NEI and PWR licensees Bulletin 2002-02, "Reactor Pressure Vessel Head and Vessel Head Penetration Nozzles Inspections Programs."


Category 2 meeting: Opportunity for industry to present to the NRC a revised generic inspection program for detection and control of leakage and corrosion in the reactor vessel head and penetration areas of pressurized water reactors.


American Nuclear Society 2002 Annual Meeting - Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Degradation


NRC RES-MRP Alloy 600 Meeting Slides


Public Meeting: NRC updated to Stakeholders on Reactor Vessel Head Degradation program.


Public Meeting: NEI/EPRI-MRP presentation to NRC staff updating Davis Besse Reactor Vessel Head Degradation condition and follow up actions

02/20/2002 - 02/21/2002

Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) and operating pressurized water reactor licensees to discuss the status of the Alloy 600 Materials Reliability Program Control Rod Drive Mechanism Vessel Head Penetration cracking issue.


Meeting with Millstone Nuclear Power Station to discuss CRDM Nozzle inspection plan for upcoming refueling outage.


Meeting with Davis Besse Nuclear Power Station to discuss CRDM Nozzle inspection plan for upcoming refueling outage.

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