Regulations and Guidance for Power Uprates
LIC-112, Revision 2, "Power Uprate Process" provides generic guidance for power uprate reviews, referencing the following for specific review type:
Measurement Uncertainty Recapture Uprates

Stretch Uprates
Since many of the available stretch power uprates have already been approved by the NRC, and since only a limited number of stretch power uprate applications are expected in the future, there is no specific guidance for stretch power uprates. The NRC, therefore, uses previously approved stretch power uprates, along with RS-001, for guidance.

Extended Uprates

Review Standard for Extended Power Uprates
The staff issued Review Standard (RS)-001, Revision 0, "Review Standard for Extended Power Uprates," in December 2003. The following related links are provided:
Regulations. The process for requesting and approving a change to a plant's power level is governed by 10 CFR 50.90, 50.91, and 50.92. See also Operating Reactors Regulations, Guidance, and Communications.