Stakeholder Meetings
The NRC holds periodic stakeholder meetings to discuss non-LWR topics of interest. Select from the following meeting dates to view information on meetings conducted to date in connection with this initiative.
If you wish to search the meeting titles and topics, you may also download the previous list of meetings.
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides
- Advanced Reactor Integrated Schedule Demonstration
- Upcoming NRC Workshop on Human Factors Considerations for Remote Operation of Nuclear Facilities
- Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear (GAIN)
- Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program (ARDP) Advanced Reactor Safeguards and Security Program
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- ADVANCE Act Section 207 - Combined License Review Procedures
- CNSC-NRC Memorandum of Cooperation: Joint Report on Classification of Structures, Systems, and Components
- NEI White Paper Discussion on Selection of a Seismic Scenario for an EPZ Boundary Determination
- ADVANCE Act Section 203 - Nonelectric Uses of Nuclear Technology
- Risk-Informed, Performance- Based Regulatory Approaches
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides
- Update on SCALE/MELCOR Advanced Reactor Source Term Demonstration Project
- Advanced Reactor Construction Oversight Program (ARCOP)
- Advance Contracting Requirement Under Section 302(b) of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act
- Micro-Reactor Deployment Policy Topics
- Transportation and Storage for Advanced Reactor Fuel and Transportable Micro-Reactors
- Guidance for Reviewing a Non-Power Liquid Fueled Molten Salt Reactor License Application
- Pre-Application Engagement on Materials Qualification Issues for Advanced Reactor Licensing
- Advanced Reactor Materials Interim Staff Guidance
- Status of Two Draft Regulatory Guides on RIPB Seismic Design and Seismic Isolation for Commercial Nuclear Powerplants
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides
- NRC/Idaho National Laboratory (INL) Consensus Codes and Standard Collaboration Coordination Plan
- Department of Energy’s Advanced Reactor Regulatory Development Program
- Federal Consultations During the Environmental Review Process: Lessons Learned and Best Practices
- United States and Canada Cooperation on SMR Design Reviews – Successes in Collaboration
- Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Input on Regulatory Priorities for New and Advanced Reactors
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- Safety Evaluation Template Development Initiative for the LMP-Based Applications
- Alternative Risk-Informed, Technology-Inclusive Approaches to Advanced Reactor Regulation SECY Paper
- Announce newly issued proposed rule for power reactor security
- Present NEI 24-05: Risk-informed Performance-based Emergency Planning
- ADVANCE Act Report to Congress involving Nuclear Reactor Application Environmental Reviews
- ADVANCE Act Advanced Reactor Topics
- NEI draft technical report on Fire Brigade Staffing
- Update on NEI 22-04/ISO-9001 and AR Codes and Standards
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- Insights from Nuclear Innovation Alliance (NIA) Workshop on Improving Advanced Reactor Licensing Efficiency
- Advanced Reactor Licensing Review Enhancements
- Alternative Approaches to Address Population-Related Siting Considerations – White Paper
- NRC Engagement with Tribal Nations
- Guidance for Reviewing Facility Training Programs
- Joint NRC/Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) Report on TRI-structural ISOtropic (TRISO) Fuel Qualification
- CNSC-NRC Memorandum of Cooperation Topic of Safety Classification of Structures Systems and Components: Interim Report
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides
- Insights from Public Workshop on Risk Metrics to Support Risk-Informed Programs for Advanced Reactors
- Guidelines for the Seismic Isolation of Advanced Reactors: Topical Report
- Observations on the Southern Company Draft Base Isolation Guidelines Report
- Performance-based Regulation: Where We Are and Where We Need to Be
- Proposed Revision 3 to RG 1.59, Appendix K
- Licensing and Deployment Considerations for Nth-of-a-Kind Micro-Reactors
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides
- Integrated Schedule Update
- New Application Guidance Site
- Plans for RG 1.247 Post-Trial-Use
- Public Workshop on Technology Inclusive Risk Metrics for Advanced Reactors
- Micro-Reactor Licensing and Deployment Considerations
- Update on the National Reactor Innovation Center
- ARCAP ISG Documents and TICAP Guidance Final Documents
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- Advanced Reactor Digital Instrumentation and Control Workshop Anouncement
- Final Rule on Emergency Preparedness for Small Modular Reactors (EPSMR) and Other New Technologies
- Overview and Recent Experience with the NRC’s Application Acceptance Review Processes
- Micro-Reactor Next Steps
- Selection of a Seismic Scenario for an EPZ Boundary Determination
- Options for Optimizing Hearing Opportunities Associated with two Part Applications
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- Guidance for Reviewing Facility Training Programs
- Regulatory Treatment of Potential High Temperature Fluid Releases in Advanced Reactor Designs
- Regulatory Treatment of Non-Core Sources of Radioactivity Associated with Advanced Reactor Designs
- Electronic Submittal of Advanced Reactor Applications
- Overview of the Advanced Reactor Construction Oversight Program (ARCOP) Recently Issued SECY Paper
- Advanced Reactor Content of Application Project (ARCAP)/Technology Inclusive Content of Application Project (TICAP) Guidance Documents
- Initial Observations on Draft NRC Reg Guide DG-1404
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- Environmental Center of Expertise Licensing Review Overview and Enhancements
- Introduction to the New Fuels Atlas
- Update on SCALE/MELCOR Non-LWR Source Term and Fuel Cycle Demonstration Project
- Nuclear Supplier QA Program Qualification: ISO 9001 Supplemental Requirements
- Insights on Role of Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) During Initial Licensing Reviews
- Advanced Reactor Population-Related Siting Considerations
- MACCS Consequence Analysis Demonstration Calculations
- Factory-Fabricated Transportable Micro-Reactor Licensing and Deployment Considerations
- Risk-Informed Approach to Package Approval for Transportable Microreactors
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- Status of Draft Seismic Regulatory Guides DG-1410 and DG-1307
- Standard Design Approvals for Construction Permit and Operating License Applications
- Fuel Cycle Activities Supporting Advanced Reactor Deployment
- Metallic Fuel Qualification
- International Regulatory Efficiency
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- Status overview of Advanced Reactor Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS) and Rulemaking Activities (NRC)
- Implementing Near-field Models in MACCS v4.1 for Better Near-field Dose Calculations (NRC and Sandia National Laboratory)
- Light Water Reactor Construction Permit Interim Staff Guidance (NRC)
- Nuclear Data Assessment for Advanced Reactors (NRC supported by Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- SCALE/MELCOR Development and Applications for non-LWRs (NRC supported by Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratory)
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (NRC)
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- Regulatory Analysis of Applicable Regulations for Non-LWRs
- Advanced Reactor Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS)
- Advanced Reactor Fuel Qualification White Paper
- MACCS Code Applicability for Nearfield Consequence Analysis
- ORNL Report on Preparing and Reviewing a Molten Salt Non-Power Reactor Application
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- Graphite Component Modeling
- MACCS Reports
- Operator Cold License Training for Advanced Reactors
- Using Lessons Learned to Optimize Advanced Reactor Licensing Activities
- Workshops on Licensing Review Framework for Advanced Reactors Instrumentation and Controls
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides
- 10 CFR Part 53: Risk-informed, Technology Inclusive Regulatory Framework for Advanced Reactors Rulemaking
- Export-Controlled Information Technology
- Volcanic Hazards Regulatory Guide and Upcoming Public Meeting
- Environmental Topics
- Draft Documents and Electronic Reading Rooms
- Manufacturing Licenses
- Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act (NEIMA) – Research and Test Reactor Licensing
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides
- Population-Related Siting Considerations for Advanced Reactors (next steps, including NRC path forward, role(s) for stakeholders)(Steve Lynch)
- Part 53 Update: Status and Path Forward
- Part 53 -Stakeholder Perspectives
- IAEA Safeguards, the Additional Protocol, and its reporting requirements
- Technology Inclusive Risk Informed Change Evaluation (TIRICE) Guidance
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- CNCS/NRC Third Interim Report
- Discussion of Draft Outline for Natrium Construction Permit Application
- Part 53 Update: Status and Overview of Revisions; Fire Protection Requirements in Framework B
- Overview of the Part 53 Subpart F Interim Staff Guidance
- Technology-Inclusive, Risk-Informed, and Performance-Based Methodology for Seismic Design of Commercial Nuclear Plants
- Seismically Isolated Nuclear Plants Guidance
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- Expanding and Internationalizing the EPRI Advanced Reactor Owner-Operator Requirements Guide (ORG)
- Part 53 -Stakeholder Perspectives on Framework B, Framework A, and NRC Stakeholder Engagement Process
- Regulatory Priorities for New and Advanced Reactors
- Part 53 Subpart F Staffing Requirements
- U.S.-NRC-CNSC Memorandum of Cooperation: Joint Report, TRISO Fuel Qualification Assessment
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- The Technology-Inclusive, Risk-Informed Maximum Accident (TI-RI-MA) Approach – An Alternative to Probabilistic Risk Assessment (NRC)
- An Overview of NRC’s Regulatory Requirements and Guidance on Counterfeit, Fraudulent, and Suspect Items (NRC)
- Advanced Reactor Content of Application Revised Chapter 11, "Organization and Human-System Considerations," and Chapter 12, “Post-Construction Inspection, Testing and Analysis Program” (NRC)
- Accelerated Fuel Qualification (AFQ) White Paper (General Atomics)
- Update on the Development of a Flexible Operator and Staffing Licensing Framework for Advanced Reactors (NRC)
- FAQ for Physical Security Cat. II Fuel Cycle Facilities (NRC)
- Fuel Qualification for Molten Salt Reactors (NRC)
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides
- Part 53 Rulemaking Process
- Part 53 Framework B Development and Integration Update
- Development of ISG for Assessment of Non-LWR PRA Standard (Trial RG 1.247)
- Overview of Guidance Supporting Part 53 –Discuss Timing of Guidance Release
- Results of Nuclear Energy Institute and U.S. Nuclear Industry Council 2022 Part 53 Industry Survey
- NuScale Lessons Learned
- Development of 50.59 guidance
- Update on Pre-Application Engagement on Advanced Reactor Licensing
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- Regulatory Roadmap
- Higher Assay LEU
- Regulatory Engagement Plans
- Financial Protection (Insurance)
- Advanced Reactor Design Criteria
- Licensing Modernization Project
- Functional Containment
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- Draft White Paper on Licensing Strategies for Micro-Reactors (NRC)
- Regulatory Research Plan for Micro-Reactor Development (Idaho National Lab)
- Summary of Technical Reports on Transportation and Storage of Advanced Reactor Fuel (NRC)
- Draft White Paper, Advanced Reactor Content of Applications Guidance for Fire Protection (Operations) (NRC)
- NRC and Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) Joint Report: Technology Inclusive and Risk-Informed Reviews for Advanced Reactors (NRC and CNSC)
- Update on Draft NUREG-2246, "Fuel Qualification for Advanced Reactors (NRC)"
- Update on White Paper for Scalable Human Factors Engineering and Flexible Staffing for Advanced Reactors (NRC)
- Draft Regulatory Guide to Endorse ASME Section XI, Division 2, Reliability and Integrity Management (RIM) Programs for Non-Light Water Reactors (NRC)
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- Update on NRC TRISO Project Involving a CNSC-NRC Joint Interim Report
- Trial Use Reg Guide (TRG) 1.247, "Acceptability of PRA results for non-LWR Risk Informed Activities"
- Advanced Reactor Content of Application Project (ARCAP) and Technology Inclusive Content of Application Project (TICAP) Guidance Development Status
- Part 53: Traditional, Risk-Informed Option
- Part 53: Perspective on PRA, Process, Concerns, and Going Forward
- Development of Guidance for Evaluating Changes to Facilities Utilizing NEI 18-04
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- Part 71 – Transportation Requirements for Micro-Reactors (NRC)
- Material Control and Accounting of Special Nuclear Material of Moderate Strategic Significance (Category II Material): Upcoming Guidance, NUREG-2159, Draft for Public Comment (NRC)
- Results of U.S. Nuclear Industry Council’s 2021 Advanced Nuclear Survey (USNIC)
- Role and Use of Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) in Support of Advanced Reactor Licensing (NRC and NEI)
- Status of Non-Light Water Reactor (LWR) PRA Acceptability Regulatory Guide (NRC)
- Update on Advanced Reactor Exports Working Group Report (NRC)
- Draft White Paper on Inservice Inspection/Inservice Testing Guidance (NRC and Idaho National Lab)
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- Pre-application Engagement
- ACRS Lessons-Learned on New Plant Reviews
- SECY-20-0093, “Policy and Licensing Considerations Related to Micro-Reactors”
- NEIMA Section 103(e) Report to Congress on Part 53
- ASME Section III, Division 5, High Temperature Reactors
- Price-Anderson Act Considerations for Non-LWRs
Meeting Notice | Meetings Slides
- Draft Outline for Licensing Modernization Project
- Advanced Reactors Materials Workshop
- Overview of NEI Micro-Reactor Paper
- Non-LWR Review Strategy
- Advanced Reactor Preparations for Environmental Reviews
- Physical Security Proposed Rule for Advanced Reactors
- Technology Inclusive Content of Applications Project (TICAP)
- Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) Licensing Approach
- Advanced Reactor Export Working Group
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- NRC’s Advanced Reactor Public Website (NRC)
- The Advanced Reactor Generic Environmental Impact Statement and Rulemaking (NRC)
- Annual Fees for Non-LWRs (NRC And USNIC)
- Technology Inclusive Content of Application Project, and Advanced Reactor Content of Application Project (NRC)
- Applicability of Regulations to Non-LWRs (NRC)
- Argonne National Laboratory Report for Non-LWR Vessel Cooling Systems (ANL)
- Insights on Adapting Licensing Frameworks to New Non-Power Technologies (NRC)
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- Streamlining Environmental Reviews (NRC, NEI)
- Civil / Structural Issues
- Modeling & Simulation (NRC)
- Interface Requirements for Staged Licensing (NIA)
- Developer Priorities & HALEU (NIC)
- Policy Issues, Industry Needs Assessment
- TRISO topical report
- Future Meetings
- Regulatory Basis Development for Possible Changes to Physical Security Requirements
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- ASME Section III, Division 5 Design Tool Software (NRC)
- Revision to NRC Pre-Application Engagement White Paper (NRC)
- Inspection and Oversight Framework for Advanced Reactors (NRC)
- Export Controls Report on How Advanced Reactors Fit within Part 110 (NRC)
- Graded Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) Approach for Advanced Reactors (NRC)
- White Paper on Draft Licensing Modernization Project (NRC)
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- NRC Discussions of:
- Vision & Strategies
- Implementation Action Plans
- Policy Issues
- NRC Staff – Non-LWR Vision and Strategies
- Implementation Action Plans, Volume 2
- Draft Regulatory Review Roadmap
- DOE Update
- Table of Small Modular Reactor and Advanced Reactor Technical and Policy Issues
- Nuclear Innovation Alliance Presentation on “Major Portions” of a Standard Design Approval
- Nuclear Infrastructure Council Presentation
- Nuclear Energy Institute/Southern Company Services Presentation – Licensing Technical Requirements Modernization Project
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- Advanced Reactor Program Status (SECY Paper)
- Environmental Reviews
- Defense in Depth
- NRC Staff Comments
- Licensing Modernization Project
- Streamlined/Predictable Licensing Pathway
- Functional Containment Performance Criteria
- Path Forward on Licensing Guidance
- non-LWR Policy Table
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- ANL Report, “The Assessment of Tritium Detection and Control in Molten Salt Reactors”
- INL Report, “Technology-Inclusive Determination of Mechanistic Source Terms for Offsite Dose-Related Assessments for Advanced Nuclear Reactor Facilities”
- Advanced-Reactor Source Term – Pilot Studies
- Annual Fee Regulations for Microreactors
- Part 53 Rulemaking Plan and White Paper
- Industry Perspectives on Part 53
- Spent Fuel Reprocessing Rulemaking
- ORNL Report on Preparing and Reviewing a Molten Salt Non-Power Reactor Application
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- NRC Advanced Reactor Public Website & Integrated Schedule Walkthrough (NRC)
- Annual Fees for Advanced Reactors (NRC)
- Status of Environmental Topics (SECY-21-0001, ANR GEIS, Categorical Exclusions) (NRC)
- Site Reuse Deployment Guidance for Advanced Reactors FOA (SODI, Orano, Southern Co., EPRI)
- Risk-Informed Seismic Design and Seismic Isolation (NRC, Southern Co.)
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- NRC Discussions of:
- Vision & Strategies
- Implementation Action Plans
- Policy Issues
- DOE Update - Regulatory Process Improvements for Advanced Reactor Designs
- Nuclear Infrastructure Council – Regulatory Improvements in Advanced Reactor Designs
- Nuclear Innovation Alliance – Update on “Major Portions” of a Standard Design Approval
- Nuclear Energy Institute – Licensing Technical Requirements Modernization Project (Licensing Basis Event Selection)
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- Construction Permit Guidance
- Discussion of NRC Draft Staff White Paper “Safety Review of Power Reactor Construction Permit Applications”
- Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Construction Permit (CP) topics
- U.S. Nuclear Industry Council (USNIC) CP topics
- Applicability of Regulations
- Technology Inclusive Content of Application Project (TICAP) and Advanced Reactor Content of Application Project (ARCAP).
- TICAP / ARCAP Integration
- SAR Level of Detail
- Tabletop Exercises – Update and Status
- Status of TICAP guidance documents
- ARCAP roadmap draft guidance document considerations
- Discussion of Draft ARCAP Chapter 11, “Organization,” and Chapter 12, “Initial Startup Program.”
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- Streamlining Environmental Reviews (NRC, NEI)
- Civil / Structural Issues
- Regulatory Interfaces (Southern Co.)
- NRC Research Updates (NRC)
- Civil/Structural Materials (NEI)
- Seismic Isolation (INL)
- Generic Seismic Hazard Curves (NRC)
- NRC Lessons Learned, Open Discussion
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- Advanced Non-LWR PRA standard
- NEI 20-09, “Performance of PRA Peer Reviews Using the ASME/ANS Advanced Non-LWR Standard”
- Promoting Preapplication Participation
- Annual Fee Regulations for Non-LWRs
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- Joint Discussions
- Mid- and Long-Term Implementation Action Plans
- Security Design Considerations
- Licensing Project Plans
- Policy Issues Discussion (NIC)
- Major Portions Discussion (NIA)
- Licensing Technical Requirements Modernization Project (NEI/Southern)
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- Promoting Preapplication Participation
- Annual Fee Regulations for Non-LWRs
- Interim Staff Guidance (ISG) for Micro Reactors and Advanced Nuclear Reactor Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS)
- NEI Feedback on PNNL Reports on Approach to Determine the Environmental Data for Non-LWRs
- Advanced Reactor Fuel Qualification Guidance
- Spent Fuel Reprocessing Rulemaking
- Category II Fuel Cycle Facility Security
- ASME Section XI Division 2 (Reliability Integrity Management or RIM)
- Advanced Reactor Inspection and Oversight Contract
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act
- DOE/Office of Nuclear Energy Update
- Siting Criteria Related to Population Density (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, NRC, Nuclear Energy Institute, General Discussion)
- Mechanistic Source Term (Sandia National Laboratory, NRC, Technology Working Groups, General Discussion)
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- Technology Inclusive Content Applications Project (TICAP)
- Action Plan for Reviewing and Endorsing the non-LWR Probabilistic Risk Assessment Standard
- Micro-Reactors Regulatory Topics
- Concrete and Elevated Temperature
- Environmental Interim Staff Guidance and Generic EIS Developments
- 10 CFR Part 53: Risk-informed, Technology Inclusive Regulatory Framework for Advanced Reactors Rulemaking
- Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act (NEIMA)
- Non-LWR Vision and Strategy Computer Code Reports: Modeling and Simulation of non-LWRs
- NRC Non-LWR Computer Code Development Plans
- Protecting Sensitive Information
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act
- DOE/Office of Nuclear Energy Update
- Siting Criteria Related to Population Density (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, NRC, Nuclear Energy Institute, General Discussion)
- Mechanistic Source Term (Sandia National Laboratory, NRC, Technology Working Groups, General Discussion)
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- Report on Future of Nuclear Energy in a Carbon-Constrained World and Potential Insights to Prioritize Activities (UWisc)
- Consensus Codes and Standards
- ASME Section III, Division 5
- Fast Reactor Technology Working Group (Oklo)
- Licensing Modernization Project Guidance, Draft Regulatory Guide & Related Draft Commission Paper
Meeting Notice | NRC Meeting Slides
- Rulemaking for Alternative Physical Security Requirement for Advanced Reactors
- NRC’s preliminary proposed rule language
- NRC’s disposition of the December 12, 2019 public meeting comments
Meeting Notice | Meeting slides | Meeting Summary
- Additional Information Related to Environmental Discussion
- Interim Staff Guidance (ISG) for Environmental Reviews and Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS) Commission Paper
- PNNL Reports on Approach to Determine the Environmental Data for Non-LWRs
- Feedback on NEI White Paper, Recommendations for Streamlining NRC Environmental Reviews
- NEI's Comments on Council of Environmental Quality (CEQ) Proposed NEPA Rulemaking
- Potential Advanced Reactor Fuel Cycle Activities
- Draft Design Review Guide (DRG) for Instrumentation and Controls (I&C) Reviews for Non-LWRs
- Engagement with Advanced Reactor Vendors regarding Codes and Standards
- Financial Qualification, On-site Insurance, Price-Anderson Act Considerations for Non-LWRs
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- NRC Staff White Paper - Population-Related Siting Considerations
- Technology Inclusive Content Applications Project (TICAP)
- Siting Guidance
- Using GEIS In Support of the Construction and Operation of Advanced Nuclear Reactors
- Consensus Codes and Standards Survey
- Environmental topics
- Interim Staff Guidance for Micro-Reactors Environmental Reviews
- NEI white paper Streamlining Environmental Reviews
- Micro-Reactors
- Overview
- Task Force High Priorities
- Endorsement and Gap Analysis of ASME/ANS RA-S-1.4
- Pre-application Interactions with the NRC
- Division 5 Endorsement Kick-off
- ASME QME-1 for High Temperature Material Qualification for Functional Capability
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- NEI Physical Security White Paper
- UCS Views on the NEI Security White Paper
- LMP Licensing Basis Event White Paper
- Planned LMP PRA White Papers
- Functional Containment Performance Criteria
- NIA White Paper – SDA / Major Portions
- Policy Issues Update –non-LWRs
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- Rightsizing Environmental Reviews
- Emergency Planning Rulemaking
- Fuel Qualification –Metal Fuel & Legacy Data
- Fuel Qualification –TRISO fuel
- Fuel Qualification –Molten Salt Reactors
- Fuel Cycle & Transportation
- Licensing Modernization Project Guidance
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- Summary of NRC Standards Forum
- Licensing Modernization Project
- Follow up on PRA Approach Whitepaper
- Safety Classification White Paper
- Advanced Reactor Design Criteria
- Policy Issues
- Insurance
- Functional Containment
Meeting Notice | Meeting Slides | Meeting Summary
- NRC Background and Status
- Draft "NRC Vision and Strategy for Non-Light Water Reactor Mission Readiness"
- Flexible review options
- NEI Staged Application Survey Results – Advanced Reactor Regulatory Task Force