T3 Setting a Course for the Future of Emergency Preparedness
The future of emergency preparedness (EP) is here. As the NRC is preparing a final rule on EP for small modular reactors and other new technologies, the agency is holding discussions with applicants that intend to be among the first to use the new risk-informed, performance-based EP framework when it is published. This session will feature a panel of subject matter experts from the NRC, FEMA and the DOE to discuss navigating the future of EP. Topics for discussion will include application of the established planning basis for EP to future technologies, how the NRC uses our state-of-the-art consequence analysis tools to risk-inform our EP regulations and guidance, and how modern probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) can provide insights on the spectrum of accidents used to inform EP and appropriately size emergency planning zones.
- Todd Smith, Senior Level Advisor for Emergency Preparedness, Division of Preparedness and Response, NSIR/NRC
Todd Smith, Senior Level Advisor for Emergency Preparedness, Division of Preparedness and Response, NSIR/NRC
- James Anderson, Emergency Preparedness Specialist, Policy & Oversight Branch, Division of Preparedness & Response, NSIR/NRC
- Keith Compton, Senior Reactor Scientist, Accident Analysis Branch, Division of Systems Analysis, RES/NRC
- Marie Pohida, Senior Reliability and Risk Analyst, PRA Licensing Branch C, Division of Risk Assessment, NRR/NRC
Janis McCarroll, Senior Public Health Advisor for Technological Hazards, U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency
Colin Okada, Senior Principal Scientist, U.S. Department of Energy
- Kenneth Mott, Emergency Preparedness Specialist, Reactor Licensing Branch, Division of Preparedness and Response, NSIR/NRC e-mail: Kenneth.Mott@nrc.gov
- Todd Smith, Senior Level Advisor for Emergency Preparedness, Division of Preparedness and Response, NSIR/NRC e-mail: Todd.Smith@nrc.gov
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, August 23, 2024