Public Involvement in Export-Import Licensing
Every application submitted to NRC for specific export or import license, including applications for amendment, renewal, or transfer of control, will be made available to the public via NRC's online document management system (ADAMS). Applications can be found in (
ADAMS) by using its search features. Applications for certain types of specific export or import licenses will also be noticed in the Federal Register (
10 CFR 110.70). NRC welcomes public comments on all applications for specific export or import licenses and requests that, they be submitted within 30 days from either the release of the application on the Web site or from the publication of the Federal Register notice. NRC is required to afford interested persons an opportunity to request a hearing on the "granting, suspending, revoking, or amending of any license" or "application to transfer control. NRC established procedures that allow for "public participation in nuclear export licensing proceedings when the Commission finds that such participation will be in the public interest and will assist the Commission in making the statutory determinations required by the [Atomic Energy Act]." To learn how stakeholders can participate in our licensing process, see
10 CFR 110.80,
10 CFR 110.81,
10 CFR 110.82, and
Public Involvement in Licensing.